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2011-04-28 PIC Call Agenda

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HL7 Process Improvement Committee Meeting

Meeting Logistics

Date/Time: Thusday April 18th, 2010 / 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM EST
Location: Phone: 1- 770-657-9270; Passcode: 379807


  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Agenda review and approval
  3. Approval of minutes from previous calls: PIC Mintues 2011-04-14Reconciliation med.gif
  4. Review Actions from previous meeting(s)
    1. Margie to contact Lynn to arrange for agenda time at co-chairs' dinner in Orlando and put together a short presentation of the ideas above for review on April 28th call.
    2. Ken was asked to check back with O/O and ask them to consider adding a clause to their DMP allowing any member in the meeting the option to request a co-chair change if they feel that the co-chair is exerting influence on a discussion based on their interest
    3. Ken to write role descriptions to support putting list of mentors on website.
  5. Project Update - Member Forum Support and Outreach(All)
    • Review co-chair dinner presetnat6ion distributed by Margie.
  6. Project Update - Co-Chair's Handbook (Karen)
  7. Project Update - Decision Making Practices (Lynn)
  8. Project Update - First Time Attendee Support (Ken)
  9. Project Update - Work Group Meeting Support(Helen)
  10. Project Update - Communications (Margie)
  11. Other business
    • Attendees and Agenda for WGM - Tuesday Q2 (Margie)
    • Next meeting - will we meet on May 12th? Ongoing do we need bi-weekly meetings or is Monthly better?
  • The following icons are used in this agenda:
    • Reconciliation med.gif Voting Decision Point
    • Business med.gif Pre-Reading for Discussion during meeting
    • Technical med.gif Technical discussion