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2011-04-19 Rx Conf Call

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[ Conference call minutes ] [ Pharmacy Home Page ]


Rob Hallowell (chair), Scott Robertson (notes), Vassil Peytchev , Ana Estelrich, Melva Peters, Tom de Jong,


John Hatem, Hugh Glover, Julie James, Tim Buxton

Report on Action Items

John Hatem not on call. No updates from those on call.

BALLOT Preparation Review

Confirmation Ballots

Rob received info back from Don Lloyd. Misunderstanding about confirmation ballot and getting published in Normative Edition. NE2011 material was due (complete) Q4 2011 (smr - didn't note specific deadline). We can get into NE2012. The good news is: we have more time.

Publishing Call

Rob wasn't able to make the Pub Call, Hugh may have but can't be on this call. We do know that they want a joint meeting. Rob will coordinate.

IDMP/ISO Ballot Reconciliation

No report available

Ongoing List Server Discussions

  • Tom - regrets on not being more involved. NICTZ has been very busy, leaving little time for HL7 activities
  • CCD/StrucDoc - a lot of discussion regarding medication entries with little/no input from Pharm WG. Tom will ask StrucDoc co-chairs to copy the pharmacy list in these discussions.
  • CDA Consolidation - very active, unclear if anything specific to pharmacy.

Action Item List

Deferred to next week

WGM Agenda

Tom will send draft this week

Clinical Statement Gap

Deferred to next week

Agenda for 26th April

  • Report on action items
  • Ballot preparation review
    • Publishing discussion
  • IDMP/ISO Ballot Reconciliation
  • Ongoing List Server Discussions
  • Action Items List
  • WGM Agenda
  • Clinical Statement Gap Analysis
  • AoB
  • Agenda for next week
  • Expected attendance and apologies

Expected Attendance

Rob Hallowell (chair), Ana Estelrich, Tom de Jong(?), Hugh, Julie,


Scott Robertson