2011-04-05 Rx Conf Call
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Rob Hallowell (chair), Hugh Glover (notes), John Hatem, Melva Peters, Julie James, Hans Buitendijk, Vassil Peytchev, Scott Robertson, Ana Estelrich, Jean-Henri Duteau
Action Items
All outstanding items were completed
V2 Cumulative Dosage
Following discussion, some amendments were made to the proposal and a revision was sent out 2 weeks ago. There was no objection to the changes proposed. Motion:Pharmacy support the suggested changes sent to the pharmacy list 2011-03-22) for inclusion in v2.8 Proposed Hans, Seconded Scott. Passed (7,0,0)
Confirmation Ballots
Do not have to complete until April 12th
RMIM changes have been done
PubDB still to be done Jean-Henri will do them
Jean-Henri will look through action items and do further updates
Merging Common Dispense and Common Order
Jean-Henri will have a look at issues involved and if possible do the merge before April 12th.
Med Stmt
John has done pass through and there are wording issues, and some missing graphics. There may also be some confusion in the interactions.
Hugh and jean-Henri have had different understanding on the RMIMs required.
Jean-Henri will fix issues and pass back to Don
Med KB Qry
Hugh explained that the move from POME to PORX had caused collisions in artefact numbering which had now been resolved. This topic is not now going to be released until Friday.
Hugh and Julie are progressing towards a release this Friday.
Action Item List
John is still working on it
Agenda for 12th April
- Report on action items
- Ballot preparation review
- Confirmation Ballots
- Med Stmt
- Med KB Qry
- IDMP Messaging
- IDMP/ISO Ballot Reconciliation
- Ongoing List Server Discussions
- Action Items List
- WGM Agenda
- AoB
Agenda for next week Expected attendance
Expected Attendance
Rob Hallowell (chair), Hugh Glover (notes), John Hatem, Melva Peters, Julie James, Scott Robertson, Ana Estelrich, Jean-Henri Duteau