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2011-03-03 PIC Call Agenda

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HL7 Process Improvement Committee Meeting

Meeting Logistics

Date/Time: Thusday March 3rd, 2010 / 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM EST
Location: Phone: 1- 770-657-9270; Passcode: 379807


  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Agenda review and approval
  3. Approval of minutes from previous calls: PIC Mintues 2011-02-17
  4. Review Actions from previous meeting(s)
    1. Helen to ask Mary Anne to follow-up with some of the survey respondents and determine if there is an error and also to reverse the order of the ratings on the survey for next WGM.
    2. Karen to pull together relevant information from the registration system and circulate for discussion on next PIC call.
    3. Karen to circulate Co-chair survey results prior to next PIC call.
  5. Project Update - Member Forum Support and Outreach(All)
  6. Project Update - Co-Chair's Handbook (Karen)
  7. Project Update - Decision Making Practices (Lynn)
  8. Project Update - First Time Attendee Support (Ken)
  9. Reconciliation med.gif Business med.gif Project Update - Work Group Meeting Support(Helen)
  10. Project Update - Communications (Margie)
    • Comments on article regarding Sydney surveys.
  11. Other business
  12. Agenda items for next meeting (March 17th)