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2010-06-15 Online Presence Call Minutes

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ES OP Agenda/ Minutes

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Meeting Information

HL7 ES Online Presence Project Meeting Minutes

Location: dial 770-657-9270 and enter pass code 988978#, GoToMeeting ID: 733-885-482

Time: 3 pm Eastern
Facilitator Lynn Laakso Note taker(s) Lynn Laakso
Attendee Name Affiliation
x Bill Braithwaite Anakam, ES
Josh Carmody HL7 Staff
regrets Freida Hall VA, ES
x Dave Hamill HL7 HQ, ES
Mike Kingery HL7 HQ, ES
x Lynn Laakso HL7 HQ
Patrick Loyd GPInformatics, ES
x Ken McCaslin HL7 TSS SD
Andy Stechishin Tooling co-chair
Quorum Requirements Met: yes


Agenda Topics

  1. Agenda review and approval
  2. Approve previous meeting minutes from 2010-04-27 Online Presence Call Minutes
  3. Agenda items from last meeting
    • create wiki page/ update HL7 Wiki Help page for instructions;
    • revisit objective on archiving wiki pages to create instructions for that as well.
  4. Review feedback from WGM
  5. Response to TSC
  6. Online collaboration software.

Supporting Documents


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

  1. Agenda review and approval
    • Dave asked if we have an action item from Monday night at May WGM... Ken thinks we need to respond to let them know where we now stand. Add to end of agenda.
    • Bill asks if the online collaboration software is part of ES/Online Presence or Innovations effort. Add to end of agenda.
    • agenda accepted.
  2. Approve previous meeting minutes from 2010-04-27 Online Presence Call Minutes unanimously approved
  3. Agenda items from last meeting
    • create wiki page/ update HL7 Wiki Help page for instructions;
      • Create a separate page with text from the instructions on the RTF file.
    • revisit objective on archiving wiki pages to create instructions for that as well.
      • if archiving is only to move meeting minutes out of regular 'space', the page protection should suffice. If someone wishes to shut down a wiki we can archive it. If it's IP from developing a standard it shouldn't be out there in the first place.
  4. Review feedback from WGM
    • Minutes on Wiki can now be 'protected'
      • Lynn is able to edit but doesn't know if she is a sysop. Ken is a sysop.
      • Lynn can create a non-sysop user and work with Mike on behavior. ACTION ITEM: Lynn will report back.
      • Ken suggests limiting sysops to cochairs and staff only
      • Reviewed user pages with content vs. empty. Can we find out the sysops who don't have user information on their user page, so we can track what they're doing?
      • If only sysops can modify a protected page and we can make that work properly it will serve our purposes.
    • Wiki template use instructions from Woody
      • Agreed that it would be a good idea, allow people to use categories if people want to use them but they don't need to.
      • can describe it as 'if your wg uses categories to organize minutes' or description of the use of include of other wiki pages for logistics reference.
      • look at updates Lynn makes on the next call.
    • Best Practices, Style guides and templates
      • Best Practices
        notation of how to use wiki for minutes or rtf for minutes could go on these pages.
        work with PIC on best practices reference; their next call is the 24th. ACTION ITEM.
      • Style Guides & Templates
  5. Response to TSC
    • Need to let them know we 'heard' them. Work in progress to freeze (protect) the page - need to know that before we send them something. We modified the principles slightly to allow wiki for minutes, to meet the intent of the principles.
    • How to distribute? e-News, or have TSC discuss and send out with Update from the TSC. Bring to TSC. ACTION ITEM: Ken will draft the response to the TSC.
  6. Wiki user pages have duplicate names on them, Ken and Bill have 2, Kevin Coonan has three entries. Red or Blue in user list does not depend on whose email is validated but whether you've created a user page.
    • Is there a way to put a watch on the users to figure out which one people are using and delete the other?
    • How big is the problem? How many duplicates are there? Look in the database to see if user emails are duplicated. ACTION ITEM: Lynn will ask Mike if there's an easy way to do that. Then we can send an email to the folks to alert them they have multiple ids and which do they want to get rid of. People may not have realized they already had a user id and signed up for another.
  7. Online collaboration software.
    • Innovations group - wanted a Pligg demo. Bill brought to ES, Mike investigated and talked to VA folks about making this work. VA once used it and then abandoned it. Might work for brainstorming but not going forward from the idea generation stage. Mike's evaluation is that ES and especially he cannot take it forward with the other development milestones on the ES timeline. May be that Ken Lunn will have to host it.
      • Pligg effort not part of Online Presence.
    • VenueGen suggested by Ed should also be considered. We don't know who is working on this, to get it set up for the Board meeting. Maybe it's a Board project? That does not come to the TSC. If it is having ES cosponsor it as a project but it has not been brought to ES. ACTION ITEM:Dave to ask Karen where this is at and what the Board is expecting of us.
    • Dave notes that Patrick asked during the ES meeting in Rio what the requirements or reasons for doing this, what problems are they trying to solve. Anticipated Charlie was going to push back on Ed regarding going forward on this but Charlie did not push back and Ed continued forward. Ed did not make a motion; he asked that unless he heard otherwise he would send around the details of setting up each members' avatar. Ed noted their requirement was to set up three pictures of themselves. Bill notes that the minutes report the monthly cost but no motion made to proceed. Dave will also ask Karen if this is a project, and what involvement (if any) from ES is expected?
    • Discussion of what the requirements should be, Ioana had added that HL7 needs to provide conference call services, but Lynn noted if revisiting what conference calling service we use may not be appropriate at this time. Dave will ask Karen if it's an ES issue and report back to ES listserv, and during next week's ES call.
  8. Adjourned 4:12PM EDT

Meeting Outcomes

  • Lynn can create a non-sysop user and work with Mike on behavior to report back next meeting.
  • Lynn will update wiki template with instructions similar to the MnM example and notify group to discuss at next meeting.
  • Lynn will attend the next PIC call on June 24th to bring to their attention the best practices reference on both web page and wiki.
  • Ken will draft the response to the TSC.
  • Lynn will ask Mike if there's an easy way to look in the database to see if user emails are duplicated or some other method to determine duplicates.
  • Dave to ask Karen where VenueGen demo for July Board Meeting is at, and what the Board is expecting of ES, and report back to ES listserv, and during next week's ES call.
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • Page protection behavior
  • Wiki help page and instructions review