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2010-03-25 Call Minutes

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HL7 Ambulatory Oncology Functional Profile Meeting

Meeting Logistics

Date/Time: Thursday, March 25, 2010 / 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM EST
Location: Phone: 1- 770-657-9270; Passcode: 510269
URL: EventID: HL7
  • Helen Stevens (co-chair & Scribe)
  • John Ritter (HL7 EHR WG co-chair)
  • Cliff Thompson
  • Peter Harrison
  • Mollie Ullman-Cullere
  • Christine Bester


  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Agenda review and approval
  3. Minutes approved from previous calls: March 18th. Mollie abstained.
  4. Review Actions from previous meeting(s)
    February 11th Call
    1. ACTION: Christine will add “Nurse Navigator” to the glossary as it compares to “Care Coordinator”.
      • Open – Christine is awaiting a response from the nursing association for the formal definition.
    March 4th Call
    1. ACTION: Peter to submit guiding principle statement that can be included in the Overview and used to guide the editing.
      • Completed - Peter has not had chance to do this but will send a bullet list to Helen and she will write them and include in Overview document.
    March 18th Call
    1. ACTION: Dr. Kevin to review Overview section 1.4 and 1.5 and update to reflect the expectation of support for the Oncology requirements either through a single EHR system, or through interoperability with a specialized modules.
      • Open - No input recieved yet.
    2. ACTION: John Ritter to provide language to include in the Overview document that speaks to the different uses of the Functional Profile.
      • Completed - see below
    3. ACTION: Kevin to put together an initial list of standards that should be included in the overview document including: Standard Name, Reference (e.g. id number, URL), description of where/how it should be used.
      • Completed - Recieved from Mollie and incorporated into Overview document.
    4. ACTION: Helen to work with EHR WG and HL7 HQ to adjust the ballot strategy as discussed.
      • Completed - confirmed that we do not have to resubmit ballot request.
    5. ACTION: Helen to setup conference call schedule and highlight on the wiki the topic of discussions. March 25, April 1 and April 8 focus on preparing the Overview for ballot. April 15 Detail Requirements review (DC1); April 22 Regular team call etc...
      • Completed.
  5. Special Discussion Topics
    • This section has been added, as requested, to the start of the agenda to allow for time boxed discussions on specific topics to support the development of principles that guide the detailed analysis.
    1. No topics submitted for this call
  6. Document Review Session (1:15 – 2:30)
    • Note that this session may be extended if participants wish to continue working.
    1. Glossary
      • There have been no additions to the glossary over the past week.
      • Mollie would like to add some placeholder terms for genetics and will send them in.
      • Helen will add an introductory block explaining that the Glossary is a 'living document' and we anticipate adding to it as we progress in building the profile.
    2. Functional Profile Overview
      • Overview - Helen Stevens Updates
      • Overview - John Ritter Updates
      • Overview - Mollie Ullman-Cullere Updates
      • All content recieved from John and Mollie were amalgamated into the "Helen Stevens Updates" file - and this file was reviewed during the call.
      • A detailed review and discussion was conducted for sections 1 through 6 inclusive. The following action items were identified:
        • ACTION: Section 1.2: Helen to reword based on the comments and discussions during the call.
        • ACTION: Section 1.5: Helen to add guiding principles based on bullet points provided by Peter.
        • ACTION: Section 2.3: Helen to create more oncology specific example such as medication dosage calculation.
        • ACTION: Section 2.7.1 Helen to check Mollie's email and correct organizational references.
        • ACTION: Section 2.8 Mollie to add language to strengthen the section and to speak directly about C80.
        • ACTION: Section 3: Helen to add introductory language indicating that glossary is under development and expected to be added to – encourage voters to comment.
        • ACTION: Section 3: Mollie to create place holders for some genealogy terms.
        • ACTION: Section 5: Helen to check approval organization for HITSP standards and include in example.
        • ACTION: Section 5.1: Helen to add introductory language indicating that List of Standards is under development and expected to be added to – encourage voters to comment.
        • ACTION: Section 5.1: Christine to check with caEHR team if there are some standards to add.
        • ACTION: Section 6.1: Christine to add paragraph related to Outcomes requirements.
        • ACTION: Section 6.1: Helen to incorporate feedback in email from Mollie.
      • The following is the updated document - with all revision markers to-date accepted - from after the call:Functional Profile Overview Document - current
  7. Other business
    • None raised
  8. Agenda items for next meeting (April 1st):
    1. Continued review and discussion of FP Overview document starting in Section 7.
  9. Meeting adjurned 2:30pm EST.