20090430 arb telcon minutes
Architecture Board
April 30, 2009
Name | Present | With | Affiliation | E-mail address |
Curry, Jane | No | ArB | Health Information Strategies | janecurry@healthinfostrategies.com |
Grieve, Grahame | No | ArB | Kestral Computing | grahame@kestral.com.au |
Julian, Tony | Yes | ArB | Mayo Clinic | ajulian@mayo.edu |
Koisch, John | Yes | ArB | NCI | koisch_john@bah.com |
Loyd, Patrick | No | ARB | Gordon point Informatics LTD. | patrick.loyd@gpinformatics.com |
Lynch, Cecil | No | ArB | ontoreason LLC | clynch@ontoreason.com |
Mead, Charlie | No | ArB | Booz Allen Hamilton | charlie.mead@booz.com |
Nelson, Dale | Yes | Arb | II4SM | dale@zed-logic.com |
Ocasio, Wendell | No | ArB | Agilex Technologies | wendell.ocasio@agilex.com |
Parker, Ron | No | ArB | CA Infoway | rparker@eastlink.ca |
Quinn, John | No | ArB | Health Level Seven, Inc. | jquinn@HL7.org |
Shakir, Abdul-Malik | No | ArB | Shakir Consulting | ShakirConsulting@cs.com |
Call to order
The meeting was called to order at 3:00pm U.S. Eastern by chair John Koisch with Tony Julian as scribe.
Quroum was NOT achieved.
Agenda approval
- Call to order
- Approval of agenda
- Approval of minutes
- Approval of minutes of the OOC..
- 1) The draft agenda for Kyoto is available here: http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=20090510_arb_Kyoto_agenda. Please mail Tony, Charlie, or myself with potential agenda items
- 4) I published the skeleton RASCI chart here: http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=ArB_RASCI_Chart
- Agenda Item 3
- Other business, and planning for next meeting
- Adjournment
Approval of minutes
MMS to approve the minutes of the <meeting> as posted to <posting site> by <name/name> Vote:(0-0-0)
Agenda Item 1
- The draft agenda for Kyoto is available here: http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=20090510_arb_Kyoto_agenda. Please mail Tony, Charlie, or myself with potential agenda items
- was updated on the Wiki.
- is big meeting q3 or q4.
- Meetings with rooms for ARB are:
- Sunday Q1, q2
- Tuesday Q4
- Thursday Q3, Q4
- I published the skeleton RASCI chart here: http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=ArB_RASCI_Chart
Tony sent E-mail to ARB list as a reminder.
Tony 19:48, 30 April 2009 (UTC)