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20080616 Arb JumpStartMinutes

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Architecture Board

Minutes of the 20080616 June out-of-cycle Day 1


Charlie, Mead ArB Booz Allen
Curry, Jane ArB Health Information
Julian, Tony ArB Mayo
Koisch, John ArB
Larsen, Ed guest
Mulrooney, Galen guest
Orvis, Nancy
Quinn, John ArBHealth Level Seven,
Rogers, Rich guest
Robertson, Scottguest</td<Kaiser
Shakir, Abdul-Malik ArB Shakir


  • 8-9 - organization, procedures, etc.
  • 9-11 – Top Down Framework - Trading Partner Agreements, review and development of ‘bull’s eye’ view of services in an HL7 context, including consequences on the outer rings of the Bulls Eye (tbBAM, especially)
  • 11-12 – open discussion with Observers
  • 12-1 – lunch
  • 1-2 – Discussion of Conformance and Compliance
  • 2-4 -- review of SOA TC Dynamic Model proposal and current DM work
  • 4-5 – open discussion with Observers


  • AMS went over the DMP. Motion to adopt the DMP (modifying the verbage "by-laws" to "GOM") (TJ), Seconded (JC). Unanimous approval
  • Reviewed agenda
  • Reviewed Scope and Vision
  • Reviewed Top Down Framework. AMS was concerned about the notion of TPA's - there is more value from HL7 than simply in interoperability. JC - but it is HL7's primary mission to cover interoperability. JC suggested TPA be replaced with "Information Sharing Contract". JK suggested "Interoperability Contract Specification". The "top-down framework" needs a better done slide deck.
  • <Break>
  • Discussion with Observers. Explanation between services and RM-ODP. Discussion of tbBAM. Discussion of Scope and Vision. JQ discussed the messaging of SOA out to the greater healthcare community. US Realm - payer industry (customers of X12) has made a move to clinical information. Care Management, expectation that HHS will issue final rules on attachments are motivating this. This will be a paradigm shift for Payer / NCPDP. Ed Larsen - HITSP has a portfolio of use cases. The HL7 EA can provide the organizing principle. AMS - would multiple SDOs use the same reference models?
  • Homework: AMS - conceptual model of our conformance concepts
  • Homework: JC - insuring that the models support verifiability; needs to be in business model; we need to be able to harmonize this with the MIF's expression of dynamic models
  • Straw Poll for renaming "Trading Partner Agreement" - "Working Interoperability," "Information Sharing Agreement," "***Interoperability Service Contract Specification***" Tony Julian