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V3 Publishing ConCall Minutes 20081001

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Minutes of Recent Publishing Conference Calls

Wednesday, October 1, 2008 -- 4:00 PM Eastern


Beeler, Seppala, Becky Angeles (RCRIM), Rob Savage (PHER), Stechishin (I&M), Duteau, Logan, Madra


Review Minute of Previous Meeting

Stechishin moved, Duteau 2nd, unanimous

Proposed Subversion Directory Structures

Long discussion on these that at least addressed a few questions:

  • We should use TAGs to differentiate between Normative Editions, ballots, etc., rather than branches. branches could be brought in to solve a particular problem, but tagging is preferred
    • CONCERN: Can we write up a simple procedure by which a committee tags a collection of its content AND preserves those tags as the content is revised?
  • We should establish a single set of directory names for all groups to use, because this is the

Beeler to update the proposal on Wiki for e-mail discussion and/or Wiki revision

Submitted CBC

Nothing unusual. At least 2 CMET ballots.

Issues with L/H Navigation Tree in Ballot

This is Javascript picked up from the web. Need to investigate alternate options, plus time and resources to modify the build process to work with a new product. Start by tryiujng to analyze where failure occurs -- happens when open

Adjourned at 4:15

Future Business

  1. List here