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Requirement for Attribute-level Descriptions in V3 Models

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This page was created to expose, persist and emphasize a policy adopted by the V3 Publishing Committee in March 2008. This was promulgated widely during 2008, but has been "difficult" to find on the Wiki.

Following are the minutes of the relevant conference call:

Return to Publishing Committee

Minutes of Recent Publishing Conference Calls

Wednesday, March 5, 2008 -- 4:00 PM Eastern


Beeler, Harding, Lloyd, Loyd, Seppala


Approve minutes from 2/13/2008 and 2/20/2008

Done unanimously

Attribute Descriptions vs Walk-throughs

Received a motion that the following be adopted as the Publishing Committee "policy" on the documentation of static model designs in ballots:

Committees should use the message model walkthroughs (DMIMs and RMIMs) to document high-level model concepts. This can include classes (usually groups of clone classes), associations, business concepts, usage requirements, and business processes to which this message is relevant. The walkthrough is expected to be a few paragraphs at most.

Message model class and attribute-level documentation shall be provided for each clone class and for all attributes (except for structural attributes which have fixed values in the model being documented). This shall include a description of each class and attribute (with the exception above). Best practice will be to include the rationale for the inclusion of this class/attribute in the model.

Loyd Moved/Harding seconded -- unanimous. As further action will copy this position to V Lorenzi; intend to perpetuate this position in the Facilitator's guide - Loyd will help follow up.

Adjourned at 4:40 Eastern

Future Business

  1. Impact of GOM on Publishing
  2. Deadlines and due dates
  3. Alter ballot cycle schedule for future