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May 16, 2017 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information

Dial-in Number:  (515) 604-9861;  Access Code: 429554
* Online Meeting Link:  
* Click on Join an Online Meeting
* at Join Meeting Enter Online Meeting ID:  cbhs 
* Enter Name, e-mail if prompted
* Run the FCC_Installer if prompted

Please be aware that teleconference meetings are recorded to assist with creating meeting minutes


Member Name x Member Name x Member Name x Member Name
x Johnathan Coleman CBCC Co-Chair x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-Chair . Jim Kretz CBCC Co-Chair x David Pyke CBCC Co-Chair
x Kathleen Connor Security Co-Chair . Mike Davis . John Moehrke Security Co-Chair x Diana Proud-Madruga SOA Co-Chair
. Mohammed Jafari . Glen Marshall . Ken Salyards . Ken Sinn
x David Staggs x Steve Eichner . Ioana Singureanu x Beth Pumo
x Chris Shawn . Neelima Chennamaraja . Joe Lamy . Joseph Quinn
. David Tao, Mobile Health . Nathan Botts, Mobile Health . Milo Janowski, Abbvie Pharmaceutical company] .
. [ . [ . [ .

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Agenda
  2. Approve Meeting Minutes
  3. (05 min) PASS Audit
  4. (05 min) Security and Privacy Impact Assessment Cookbook (SPIA) - Mike Davis
  5. (05 min) Post HIMSS Meeting, after Action Report and To-DO list - MDavis, KSalyards
  6. (05 min) FHIR Consent Issue Resolution FRIDAY call update discussion reminder
  7. May WGM DRAFT Agenda, Minutes
  8. New Project NIBs? September 2017 Ballot Cycle

Please contact a CBCC Co-chair if you wish to add agenda items! Thank you!


PASS Audit (Update given by Dave Pyke)

  • Closed off comments, completed (from 6 years ago)

Updated document contains some edits, additional edits received will be prepped for another document update round

  • Diana’s new position doesn’t allow for her to run this PASS audit/edit
  • Mike Davis has someone who he has putting forward---name ‘’’TBD. ‘’’

Security SPIA Brought up at face-to-face: Possible new editor to pick it up and take document on?

  • John Moehrke volunteered to take it on the tasking / he would take it on for CBCC
  • David P will ask Mike if there is anyone who he would like to take it over (there was a name given previously)


  • Ken Salyards? /Mike not in attendance - no report
  • Suzanne to send email over to Ken and Mike for update


  • Did a fair amount of work on consent resource?
    • Primary issue – pointed out by regular Friday, that we are overloading the resource has; typically, a security/privacy resource but has now added on Patient Care aspects to it
    • Kicked over the FHIR management group – after consulting w PC WG
      • Because of that we were able to resolve/look at issues; in Netherlands, they are looking at consent resources for consent; placed 5 different issues into gForge just based on that conversation; discussion accelerated (directed to Lloyd) on agenda for tomorrow;
      • Will have their view on having two different roles to one a single resource possible by recreating profiles for it; one for each scope; there are some issues that conflicting; some areas that are mandated by policy/policy doe…because of under consent to disclose; but under treatment for consent there may not have a specific policy; we would undo the policy and create a profile for each of the other 4
      • Additionally; putting together a resource for consent request
      • Specifically, around treatment and advance directives; through cross organization requirement which would push through other organizations
    • The concept for consent for treatment is fuzzy from a policy perspective
    • Before hl7 rushes out and places in 4 different kinds of consent; we should look at the current use cases that have already been developed.
      • Patient choice use cases; having done EU/Netherlands, while something works for US want to make sure that they also work for EU/etc.
      • If there is anything US realzing have been identified in the US/ONC larger community; it’s not automatically US realm
      • Understood
      • Looking at use case
      • If FHIR decides if CBCC should be handling consent for treatment (instead of PC)
      • We have some momentum/movement even with consent /privacy consent resource; consent directive for CDA; and we have a long history patient choice/patient preference/as in DS4P; there has been a learning curve along the way; we’ve learned a lot on the way; we have a
      • To note: consent to treat; consent to release is separate in the original RBAC
    • Johnathan, David Staggs is not in favor of having the consent work done in CBCC to be piece mailed out to different working groups
  • FHIR Friday meetings will resume this Friday 5/18, further discussion will take place on the FMG Consent (advance directive, privacy, etc.) at that time
  • CPs new around the consent on adv directives and treatment consent; awaiting FHIR WG direction
  • Use cases are coming in from UK, Netherlands

Motion to adjourn: (DavidP) 11:39 AZT --Suzannegw (talk) 20:37, 24 May 2017 (EDT)