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IIWG TCON 2017-10-23

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  1. Opening
    1. Call to order, introductions, welcome
    2. Review & approval of the Agenda
    3. Minutes of the previous meeting.
    4. Antitrust rules.
  2. Topics to be discussed
    1. DICOM Mappings block vote (Nov 9)
    2. ImagingStudy as source of Observation (analytics)
    3. FHIR Ballot Schedule
    4. Share agenda for January
    5. Projects Review
      1. FHIRcast (context synchronization)
      2. FHIR resources work
      3. PS3.20 updates
    6. Media updates
    7. ImagingManifest
  3. Next meetings
    1. Teleconferences
      1. Thursday, November 9, 2:00pm - 3:30pm
      2. Monday, November 20, 2:00pm - 3:30pm
      3. Thursday, December 7, 2:00pm - 3:30pm
    2. In Person
      1. January 27, 2018 to February 2, 2018: HL7 WGM, New Orleans LA
  4. Adjournment