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Conference call minutes 10 October 2013

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HL7 Patient Care Work Group Health Concern Topic

October 10, 2013

Michael Tan Kevin Coonan Elaine Ayres

Will not use old project scope statement or project number. This will be a new project with a new number. This project will begin with a DAM, and then move on to modeling.

All health information should be part of a health concern, a care plan or problem.

To begin we need to start with use cases. If it is too much for one ballot period, we will need to break into phases.

Current calendar is to ballot in May, 2014. Need to harmonize with IHE and OpenEHR. To meet current ballot cycle would need to be ready by November 24.

Need to gather use cases and content. Representatives from the acute care, emergency care and long term care would be helpful. CIC would be helpful. Also reps from EHR vendors. Kevin will reach out to Gaby Jewell. William can write a pediatric use case, and Michael will reach out Tom De Jong as well. Elaine will work on nutrition use cases.

We need to take use cases and put them into business processes.

The list of use cases: Want patient stories – their life in the health care system. But they must give examples of how the health concern is used.

  1. Agnostic point of view – not specific healthcare provider
  2. Different providers may have different views
  3. Can be a patient-centered view
  4. A health related issue that persists over time
  5. All of the various conditions help to tell the story of an issue over time
  6. Health concern is tracked and it collects conditions. Need consensus on the relationship of a condition to a health concern. How do we best associate concerns and conditions?

ACTION – outlines of use cases in preparation for next meeting on October 24.

  • Kevin – contact Gaby Jewell
  • Michael – Netherlands contacts
  • Elaine – Anita Walden - CIC