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2017-01-25 FMG concall

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HL7 TSC FMG Meeting Minutes


(voice and screen)

Date: 2017-01-25
Time: 4:00 PM U.S. Eastern
Chair: Note taker(s): Anne W.
Quorum = chair + 4 yes/no
Co chairs x David Hay x Lloyd McKenzie
ex-officio Woody Beeler,
Dave Shaver
FGB Co-chairs
. Wayne Kubick, CTO
Members Members Members Observers/Guests
Hans Buitendijk x Brian Postlethwaite Paul Knapp x Anne W., scribe
x Josh Mandel x John Moehrke Brian Pech
Regrets Grahame Grieve x Steve Hufnagel, Eric Haas


  • Roll Call
  • Agenda Check
  • Minutes from 20170115 FMG_FGB_WGM
  • Minutes from 20170116 FMG_WGM
  • Minutes from 20170119 FMG_FGB_WGM
  • Action items
    • Lloyd to update draft of PSS regarding the proposed new balloting process
    • Reach out to IGs to see where they're at in terms of publishing - unassigned
    • Help WGs start thinking about what's ready for normative within their content - unassigned
    • Anne to update liaison spreadsheet once transition to BRR takes place - on hold for approvals
    • PA to submit proposal for PractionerRole (Brian Post?)
    • Lloyd to send out email describing draft resource submission guidelines
  • Process for Spec QA
  • Stale Items - Actions
    • Hans or Paul to reach out to US Realm
    • Lloyd will reach out to GAO and QI Core
    • Brian Pech/Hans to reach out to US Lab/OO
    • David will suggest some words to add to the summary spreadsheet to explain the columns.
  • FMM Levels Spreadsheet - Actions
    • Liasons to reach out to their groups to remind them to update
  • Review Items
    • Stale Items Sheet
    • Integration of Information Models and Tools (IIM&T) PSS
    • Harmonization of Health Quality Information Models - FHIR PSS
  • Reports
  • Process management
  • AOB (Any Other Business)


  • Agenda Check
    • MOTION to approve: Brian Post/Lloyd
    • VOTE: all in favor
  • Minutes from 20170115 FMG_FGB_WGM
    • MOTION to approve: Brian Post/Josh
    • VOTE: Josh abstains; remaining in favor
  • Minutes from 20170116 FMG_WGM
    • MOTION to approve: Brian Post/Lloyd
    • VOTE: Josh abstains; remaining in favor
  • Minutes from 20170119 FMG_FGB_WGM
    • MOTION to approve: Brian Post/Lloyd
    • VOTE: All in favor
  • Project Review
    • Integration of Information Models and Tools (IIM&T) PSS: Steve Hufnagel describes project.
      • David brings up that this may have overlap with the registry project.
      • Lloyd: You mentioned updating resources - does that mean resource models or instances? Steve: We have no recommendation at this time, but as we go forward, if it makes sense for consistency, we might make recommendations. Lloyd notes you can't create your own resources; Steve agrees he meant profiles and extensions.
      • Lloyd: If you want this to be international, there are challenges with binding to SNOMED with a strength greater than example or preferred. In looking at the inputs to this, many seem US-centric. Are you reaching out to look at harmonizing models from other jurisdictions? Steve: The simple answer is yes. The practical answer may turn out to be no because of limitations of resources. We do have international participation from the Netherlands, Germany, and Australia. The funding for the work, however, is coming from the US government.
      • Josh: trying to understand the range of products and outputs that would emerge. What are they, and once this harmonization is completed, what is the output? Steve: Because funding is independent, we have two tiers of configuration management. The VA is developing SOLOR; they will manage the configuration and funding until balloting through HL7. Same applies to the FHIM. Also working with private companies such as Penrad; they would manage the development process until it comes to HL7 for balloting. Two outputs for harmonization; we are restructuring all of the models so that they're using consistent structure, terminology, and reference archetypes. Trying to use SNOMED as a guidance in the ontology to have consistent set of concepts; don't necessarily have to be using SNOMED terms to follow that approach because they're built in to the reference archetypes. The newsletter that was sent out during the WGM shows where they're at in the process. Will take a couple of years to get it all finalized.
      • Josh: Hoping to understand what the format of the normative content is for the ballot. Steve: Ultimately it is a pdf file for the ballot, but we specify the reference archetypes in what we call a basic meta model which is a simplified version of UML. Detailed clinical models are using ISO 13606. UML specification and ADL specification for the clinical models. Tools can generate a class description as well as models. Ultimately put together as a PDF.
      • David: What is it that we're being asked to do? Steve: Grahame and Stan Huff have gone through this in detail. We want to work with the appropriate people as we start working with FHIR and FHIR tools.
      • Lloyd expresses concern about how these tools will work with the tools we already have. Concerns about universal real when it's tied to SNOMED and RxNorm and funded by US government. Steve notes they're focusing on harmonizing the pieces that they have and coming up with a framework; things will take time to get in alignment. The goal is to be universal; we are working with NLM on how to harmonize RxNorm to focus on drug ingredients rather than brand names as one example of how we're incorporating international use. Also not prescribing that you must use SNOMED.
        • MOTION to approve: Lloyd/
        • Brian notes there is no WG sponsor approval; Anne points out that it is at the top of the page.
        • Brian expresses concern that other tools don't go through this process. Lloyd notes there's no requirement for a PSS to create tools, so it's not a precedent. Steve notes they're not planning on replacing FHIR tools - their tools will FHIR structured definitions.
        • MOTION rescinded.
        • Decision to revisit on next week's call. Anne will circulate PSS and newsletter to FMG list.
      • ACTION: Anne to add to next week's agenda.
  • Lloyd regrets that he must leave the call; no longer quorate. Decision to pick up next week.
  • Adjourned at 5:02 pm Eastern