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20141008 FMG concall

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HL7 TSC FMG Meeting Minutes


(voice and screen)

Date: 2014-10-08
Time: 12:30 PM U.S. Eastern
Chair: Note taker(s): Lynn
Quorum = chair + 4 yes/no
Co chairs x David Hay x Lloyd McKenzie
ex-officio Woody Beeler,
Dave Shaver
FGB Co-chairs
. John Quinn, CTO
Members Members Members Observers/Guests
x Hans Buitendijk x Hugh Glover x Paul Knapp x Lynn Laakso, scribe
x Josh Mandel John Moehrke x Brian Pech
x Chris Millet


  • Roll Call
  • Agenda Check
  • Minutes from 20141001_FMG_concall
  • Administrative
    • Action items
      • Lloyd will draft a statement for the FHIR community around timelines
  • Projects
  • Communications mechanisms - invite Brian/Gavin?
  • Tutorial content and selection
  • Resource proposal review, continued.
  • Reports
  • Process management
    • Process for requests to use FHIR name and logo (in a product) (Paul to draft)
    • Ballot Planning
  • AOB (Any Other Business)


  • Agenda Check - David convenes at 12:34 PM; motion to accept agenda from Lloyd/Paul; approved by general consent
  • Minutes from 20141001_FMG_concall Hans moves and Lloyd seconds approval; approved 4/0/1 with Hugh abstaining
  • Projects
    • Project Approval Request for Measure Report Profile using FHIR by CQI of DESD at Project Insight 1140
    • Chris reports they want to explore things they didn't get to with QRDA. Seeking stakeholders outside of US-based MU. They discussed extensively with SDWG. Treating it as a proof of concept effort.
    • Lloyd notes that this is not to define measures but for an organization to report how they did on certain measures in a time period. They will explore whether you communicate a baseline score and a reported score, and other representations notes Chris. They want to avoid QRDA Category I individual patient data enumerating problems or allergies.
    • Lloyd suggests they would be profiling Observation leveraging Composition, Group for numerators and denominators. What is their vision for using List?
    • Group of patients making up a component of the measure similar to Group. They might wish to use List.Item for linking to patients or encounters in a denominator. Discussion on inclusion of full Patient resource or Encounter ensued.
    • They are exploring profiling using existing resources and don't expect to create new ones.
    • SDWG is interested party not cosponsor.
    • Documentation on how to do profiling is expected soon. They still need a FHIR facilitator (CQI liaison).
    • Lloyd moves and Hans seconds approval. Unanimously approved.
  • Administrative (Josh, Brian join)
    • Action items
      • Lloyd will draft a statement for the FHIR community around timelines
        • FHIR DSTU and CCDA on FHIR timelines (send to FHIR list and cochairs)
          There has been considerable feedback to the FMG from the work groups that completing both the CCDA on FHIR work and completing work for the FHIR DSTU by March 30th to meet the timeline for balloting the DSTU in May will be challenging. (FHIR work includes creation of new resources and profiles, applying change requests and updating existing resources to meet quality criteria.) The CCDA analysis work is considered to be part of the QA for the second DSTU as it will help validate the content of the resources as well as the profiling mechanisms.
          While the CCDA specification can ballot on separate timelines from the FHIR specification, the CCDA analysis work is considered to be part of the QA for the second DSTU as it will help validate the content of the resources as well as the profiling mechanisms.
          Without additional resources (either knowledgable/skilled people or support for existing people), it is likely that the second FHIR DSTU ballot will slip shift to the Sept. ballot cycle. The FMG will make a final determination on timeline at the Jan. WGM based on feedback from those work groups involved in FHIR development.
        • Josh asks what it means for CCDA on FHIR work to be complete? Analysis should be done and Profiles developed. Feedback has indicated work differential between analysis and profile is not significant. OO, PA, and FM (coverage) are the areas of tightest resource restriction. PC has assessment and referral.
        • Paul notes that FM has changes to the broken part of the updated CCDA.
        • Josh asks if there is a dashboard for the progress of the development? Lloyd notes there is a dashboard for QA but has not been updated. There is a dashboard list of proposals. Lloyd shares a link to the FHIR DSTU 2 QA tracker document.
        • Cutoff on resource proposals is calendar based, for example. The rest of the schedule set around the HL7 ballot timeframes and dependencies on CCDA discussed.
        • Balloting frequency discussion tabled to later call.
        • Paul moves and Hans seconds approval for this message. 4/1/0 with Josh objecting based on projected ballot schedule discussion.
      • Need a place to indicate approved connectathons.
  • Communications mechanisms - invite Brian/Gavin?
  • Tutorial content and selection - what tutorials will be held with what content
  • Resource proposal review, continued.
  • Process management
    • Process for requests to use FHIR name and logo (in a product) (Paul to draft)
      • Lloyd describes the discussions Grahame had with the EC. They did not share Grahame's ethos and a clear set of criteria for consideration would be useful. A candidate form went to the EC but not as a formal recommendation from FMG. If FMG disagrees with the EC position that is probably an FGB (governance) issue.
      • Lloyd will forward the latest version to the FMG.

Adjourned 1:55 PM

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

20141015 FMG concall

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