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20140504 arb agenda

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ARB - Meeting (Date in Title)

Sunday May 4, 2014 Agenda

  1. Q1 - Methodology
    1. Lessons Learned from SAIF architecture Project
    2. Future of SAIF-CD
  2. Q2 - Saif-Cd
    1. PSS to take SAIF-CD Normative
  3. Q3 - No Meeting - Individuals will work independently and report Thursday Q4
  4. Q4 - No Meeting - Individuals will work independently and report Thursday Q4
  5. Q5 - TSC report from ArB, and new task(s) from TSC.

Thursday May 8, 2014

  1. Q3 - DAM ballot Reconcilation
  2. Q4 - BAM chapter 7 from Lorraine and Bo


  • Present: Tony, Lorraine, Austin
  • SAIF-IG and the SAIF architecture program.
  • Tony, John Q, Austin, Lorraine, Bo
  • Motion to accept PSS to take the SAIF-CD Normative.(lorraine/Ken)
  • Vote (5-0-0)
  • Discussed ISM.
  • BAM:
  • Bo will take Step 1
  • Lorraine will take step 2 and fill in the tables in the document.
  • product Line definition
      1. Product-Line Adoption Planning
      2. Product Line Inventory
      3. CONCEPTUAL LEVEL Requirements
      4. Logical level artifact definition
      5. Logical level bindings
      6. Implementation Guide development
      7. Balloting Publication and Balloting
      8. DSTU Testing
      9. External publication of Specifications
      10. Education and Marketing
  • Artifact Versioning and Retirement (primarily controlled by ANSI et al).
  • Lifecycle Process Stage
    • Product-Line Adoption Planning (1) Assigned to: Ron and Jane
    • Product Line Inventory (2) Assigned to: Ron and Jane
    • CONCEPTUAL PERSPECTIVE Requirements (3) Assigned to: Lorraine and Abdul Malik
    • Logical PERSPECTIVE artifact definition (4) Assigned to: Stephen, Bo & Cecil
    • Logical PERSPECTIVE bindings (5) Assigned to: Stephen, Bo & Cecil
    • Implementable Specification Development (6) Assigned to: Zoran, Andy & Charlie
    • Internal Publication for Balloting (7a) Phase 2
    • Review and Voting (7b) Phase 2
    • Ballot Reconciliation (7c) Phase 2
    • External publication of Specifications (8) Phase 2
    • DSTU Testing - if appropriate (9) Phase 2
    • Education and Marketing (10) Phase 2
    • Artifact Versioning and Retirement (11) Phase 2
  • Arb to Review
  • as well as TSC tracker
  • 20140508 - Q3 - Tony, Lorraine, Bo
    • Discussed DAM ballot recon for 50 minutes,
      • Discussed the DAM definition and SAIF, using the ECCF to position the DAM.
    • then discussed Bo's edits to the BAM chapter 7.
  • Adjournment