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Datatypes R2 Issue 35

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Data Types Issue 35: UID Case sensitivity


? backward compatible.


Recommend that UIDs be considered case sensitive. Fundamentally, we should treat UIDs as strings that can simply be compared.

Cologne WGM 2007-04-30 - Motion made and approved to declare UIDs case sensitive. Closed.

Add a note that UUID's may be represented in either upper or lowercase...

 uppercase or lowercase both are fine. But we can only say that
 both are fine if you guarantee that noone ever changes it in one
 UUID. Once created it has to stay one way. .... may be brittle. ....

Editors Comment

This also is wrong. UUIDs are fixed to uppercase, RUIDs have a fixed case, OID's are not susceptible to case. Noted in the spec that comparison is case sensitive, and that this is ok.


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