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The purpose of this page is to begin and maintain a list of requirements for any HL7 terminology management tool.

Assumptions and constraints

  • Browsing can be supported done in RoseTree.
  • Vocabulary elements can be exported in the coremif format.
  • Version value sets in accordance with principles defined by the Vale Set Definition project.

Functional Requirements

Code System Operations

Requirement VML Operation CTS 2 SFM Operation CTS2 PIM Operation Notes
Adding Concept Codes to a Code System /VocabularyRevision/codeSystemRevision[1]/selectCodeSystem[1]/addCodesToCodeSystem[1] Create Concept tbd
Create a New Code System /VocabularyRevision/codeSystemRevision[1]/registerCodeSystem[1] Create Code System tbd
Maintain Code System Metadata /VocabularyRevision/codeSystemRevision[1]/selectCodeSystem[1]/modifyCodeSystem[1]/description[1] Maintain Code System Version tbd
Define Relationship between Concept Codes /VocabularyRevision/codeSystemRevision[1]/selectCodeSystem[1]/addConceptRelationship[1] Create Association tbd
Remove Relationship between Concept Codes /VocabularyRevision/codeSystemRevision[1]/selectCodeSystem[1]/removeConceptRelationship[1] Update Association Status tbd
Add Concept Code Designation /VocabularyRevision/codeSystemRevision[1]/selectCodeSystem[1]/addPrintNameToCode[1] Maintain Concept tbd
Adding Property to a Concept Code /VocabularyRevision/codeSystemRevision[1]/selectCodeSystem[1]/addPropertyToCode[1] Maintain Concept tbd
Move a Concept Code /VocabularyRevision/codeSystemRevision[1]/selectCodeSystem[1]/moveCode[1] Update Association Status tbd Essentially retire an association and create a new one under a different Concept
Retire a Concept /VocabularyRevision/codeSystemRevision[1]/selectCodeSystem[1]/retireCode[1] Update Concept Status tbd
Update Concept Description /VocabularyRevision/codeSystemRevision[1]/selectCodeSystem[1]/updateCodeDescription[1] Maintain Concept tbd
Update Concept Designation /VocabularyRevision/codeSystemRevision[1]/selectCodeSystem[1]/updateCodePrintName[1] Maintain Concept tbd

Value Set Operations

Requirement VML Operation CTS 2 SFM Operation CTS2 PIM Operation Notes
addCodesToValueSet /VocabularyRevision/valueSetRevision[1]/selectValueSet[1]/addCodesToValueSet[1] Maintain Value Set ExampleR1C4 ExampleR1C5
removeCodeFromValueSet /VocabularyRevision/valueSetRevision[1]/selectValueSet[1]/removeCodesFromValueSet[1] Maintain Value Set, 5.1.7 Remove Value Set Version ExampleR2C4 The ability to retire a concept (NOT remove). This would extend to versioning value sets.
addValueSetReferences /VocabularyRevision/valueSetRevision[1]/createValueSet[1]/addValueSetReferences[1] Maintain Value Set ExampleR3C4 The ability to reference one value set so that its contents (expansion) can be included within another value set. Grouping value set.
createValueSet /VocabularyRevision/valueSetRevision[1]/createValueSet[1] Create Value Set ExampleR3C4 Create a new value set.
deleteValueSet /VocabularyRevision/valueSetRevision[1]/selectValueSet[1]/deleteValueSet[1] 5.1.6 Remove Value Set ExampleR3C4 Delete a value set from the terminology service.
removeValueSetReferences /VocabularyRevision/valueSetRevision[1]/selectValueSet[1]/removeValueSetReferences[1] Maintain Value Set ExampleR3C4 The ability to remove a reference of a value set so that its contents (expansion) are no longer included within another value set.
ExampleR3C1 ExampleR3C2 ExampleR3C3 ExampleR3C4 Notes

Concept Domain Operations

Requirement VML Operation CTS 2 SFM Operation CTS2 PIM Operation Notes
Create a Concept Domain /VocabularyRevision/vocabularyDomainRevision[1]/createVocabularyDomain[1] Create Concept Domain ExampleR2C4 Vocablary Domain == Concept Domain. Can specify the parent in the event a sub-domain is required.
Define a Concept Domain /VocabularyRevision/vocabularyDomainRevision[1]/defineVocabularyDomain[1] Maintain Concept Domain ExampleR3C4 Update the definition of a Concept Domain
Delete a Concept Domain /VocabularyRevision/vocabularyDomainRevision[1]/deleteVocabularyDomain[1] None ExampleR3C4 Delete a Concept Domain
Move a Concept Domain /VocabularyRevision/vocabularyDomainRevision[1]/moveVocabularyDomain[1] Maintain Concept Domain ExampleR3C4 Move a Concept Domain to a different parent (fromDomain/toDomain) Multiple parents supported by the tooling.
Rename a Concept Domain /VocabularyRevision/vocabularyDomainRevision[1]/renameVocabularyDomain[1] Maintain Concept Domain ExampleR3C4 Change the name of a Concept Domain

Binding Operations

Requirement VML Operation CTS 2 SFM Operation CTS2 PIM Operation Notes
Add a binding from a Concept Domain to a Value Set /VocabularyRevision/valueSetRevision[1]/createValueSet[1]/addToVocabularyDomain[1] ExampleR2C3 ExampleR2C4 Bind a Concept Domain to a Value Set with a set context (Representatice, Example, etc.)

Import Operations

Requirement VML Operation CTS 2 SFM Operation CTS2 PIM Operation Notes
Import CodeSystem None 5.1.1 Import Code System, 5.1.3 Import Code System Version ExampleR2C4 The ability to import a code system into the software. If licensing permission allow, the code system may be extended and updated.
Import Value Set None 5.1.5 Import Value Set Version ExampleR3C4 The ability to import a value set into the software. If licensing permission allow, the value set may be extended and updated.

Export Operations

Requirement VML Operation CTS 2 SFM Operation CTS2 PIM Operation Notes
Export Code System None 5.1.10 Export Code System Content ExampleR2C4 The ability to export code system content into an HL7 compatible (coremif) format.
Export Value Set None ExampleR3C3 ExampleR3C4 The ability to export value set content into an HL7 compatible (coremif) format.


Requirement VML Operation CTS 2 SFM Operation CTS2 PIM Operation Notes
Show concept history ExampleR2C2 ExampleR2C3 ExampleR2C4 ExampleR2C5
ExampleR3C1 ExampleR3C2 ExampleR3C3 ExampleR3C4 ExampleR3C5

Non-Functional Requirements

  • Accessibility - Needs to be accessible to people involved in vocabulary creation and maintenance
  • Availability - Available 24x7 outside of published maintenance events
  • Backup - System allows for standard backup and recovery, failover is not required. Create and restore a backup of the s/w and content
  • Documentation - Tool will have adequate user documentation that is updated with new releases.

Interoperability - the tool

  • Response time - RelatiVe response time. Real time response for basic navigation and search, recognizing that generating value set expansions can be time consuming.
  • Security - The tools allows for user authentication