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=Ongoing minutes for the TQA Project in reverse chronology here=
=Ongoing minutes for the TQA Project in reverse chronology here=
==2016-12-19 Meeting==
5-6p ET Mondays - new time!
CALL IN is standard Vocab HL7 number. 1 770-657-9270, Participant Passcode: 598745
Attendees: Rob McClure - chair, Ted Klein, Susan B.
NA:Jay, , Susan M., Lloyd M., Richard E., Wendi Castillo (Cerner), Heather G., Rob Snelick, Kurt Allen
#confirm we are working on right things?
#Admin - any new participants or projects
#Glossary update
##Looked at spreadsheet - SB and HG will review more tomorrow
#Publishing update - no one on call
##Spreadsheet of external code system information
##Continue above discussion on family publishing approach
#Unified HL7 terminology governance process - PSS
##Ted noted he will work on deliverables for this PSS and will circulate prior to San Antonio
#Vocabulary Facilitators
##SB - the list of facilitators was updated on HL7 site - [ HL7 Facilitators]
##Need to discuss what improvements in training and assisting these folks. Heather may have some updated material.
###Heather made harmonization tutorial specification and same for Roles and responsibility.
### Folder link with specifications for Roles and Responsibilities of Facilitators plus initial ppt, and spec for Prep of Harm proposal (no ppt yet.) [ Here]
####Review at San Antonio - wait for SB on Sunday Q4 if possible.
Next meeting Cancelled (Jan 2) so next discuss will be at San Antonio. Facilitator discussion on Sunday. TQA Thursday Q1.
==2016-11-21 Meeting==
5-6p ET Mondays - new time!
CALL IN is standard Vocab HL7 number. 1 770-657-9270, Participant Passcode: 598745
Attendees: Rob McClure - chair, Jay Lyle, Richard E., Chris Herzog, Rob H., Susan B.
NA:Ted K., Susan M., Lloyd M., , Wendi Castillo (Cerner), Heather G., Rob Snelick, Kurt Allen
#confirm we are working on right things?
##We have confirmed that there is an active participant from each product family (Rob H x2) [ List]
## [ The right things?]
###Jay asks where would harmonization of similar value sets can occur?
####He's not ready yet.
####Richard noted that HSPC is working with VA tooling - STAMP - That is part of the SOLR work. This could potentially be used to support value set harmonization. If we can find someone to do this we could host this as another subproject.
##Current project list is FINE!
#Review glossary work
##Susan B - Heather + Susan met last week. Meeting every other week.
##Heather published document - they are reviewing this list and working on a final definition for the items.
#Review Publishing
##Look at Richard docs
##We created a excel sheet with common code system attributes to be collected for external code systems used in HL7
##Group discussion where HL7 terminology artifacts are published
####Inside PDF IG as tables in the specification
#####It is assumed that Trifolia has this content.
######Some times Trifolia expands unexpanded textual definition - how consistent this is done is unclear.
#####Also Art-Décor.
######I think they only scrape the pdf so this will include "..." as a code
####VSAC - C-CDA r1.1 and 2.1
Next Agenda
#Admin - any new participants or projects
##Rob in Panama - Ted may need to run meeting.
#Glossary update
#Publishing update
##Spreadsheet of external code system information
##Continue above discussion on family publishing approach
#Other project updates? Ted?
==2016-11-07 Meeting==
5-6p ET Mondays - new time!
CALL IN is standard Vocab HL7 number. 1 770-657-9270, Participant Passcode: 598745
Attendees: Rob McClure - chair, Jay Lyle, Susan B, Rob Snelick, Kurt Allen<br>
NA:Ted K., Susan M., Lloyd M., Susan B., Wendi Castillo (Cerner), Heather G.
#Continue discussion on glossary assuming interim meeting occurs
### Terminfo v1 is now in SKMT and has been parsed. But latest updates not in yet. Rob will work with Riki to do this.
###Susan - Meetings are scheduled but no actual meetings yet.
## Glossary tasks
###Heather will send around a spreadsheet focused on vocabulary items from HL7 that have multiple definitions. This will be the set for participants to review will be red. This will be reviewed at glossary meeting tomorrow.
###ISO  meeting next week - Heather to bring input from ISO to group
###Heather to talk to Graham and Rob H about getting FHIR into SKMT.
#Publishing update - Susan M and Richard not here
#update on any other projects
##Ted - Lloyd not here for harmonization-tools project
#V2 discussion - Rob S.
##Conformance group (project 1146) Consistent set of requirement "constructs" mapped to each product family to identify items that should be able to do conformance testing. Issues such as cardinality, optionality, length, structure, content (vocabulary). Strength such as Required, Mandatory, etc. This project will create common names for these with definitions and then map to the various products.
##Re-engaged now, Rob S. doing a tutorial in Jan 2017 to put more effort into the project.
##Main activity in CGIT. Rob S. will report on this to TQA as needed.
#Kurt - PedRad update
##They parse multiple code systems and can provide insight into common approach to format
Next agenda
#Review glossary work
#Other subproject discussions from those in attendance.
#confirm we are working on right things?
==2016-10-24 Meeting==
5-6p ET Mondays - new time!
CALL IN is standard Vocab HL7 number. 1 770-657-9270, Participant Passcode: 598745
Attendees: Rob McClure - chair, Richard E., Susan B, Rob Snelick, Susan M.,<br>
NA:Ted K., Rob Snelick, Susan M., Lloyd M., Susan B., Wendi Castillo (Cerner),
#Update on Glossary
##No progress since 10/10
##Next subgroup meeting will be tomorrow - hope to follow up with items noted on 10/10 todo
#Publishing (Susan M/Richard)
##No meetings yet but will meet tomorrow
##Discused Input into CIMI approach - suggested ask vocab WG for recommendations on how to represent CIMI since this project is not ready to provide recommendations
#Discussed Richard E's subsumption tool
Next meeting Agenda
#Rob to work to get Heather and Lloyd to attend
#Continue discussion on glossary assuming interim meeting occurs
#Publishing update
#update on any other projects
#confirm we are working on right things?
==2016-10-10 Meeting==
5-6p ET Mondays - new time!
CALL IN is standard Vocab HL7 number. 1 770-657-9270, Participant Passcode: 598745
Attendees: Rob McClure - chair, Heather Grain, Susan B, Rob H<br>
NA:Ted K., Rob Snelick, Susan M., Lloyd M., Susan B., Wendi Castillo (Cerner), Richard E.,
# Sept. WG meeting recap - no real discussion ran out of time on the Quarter (tables project)
#Clarify specific tasks that highlight activities we can actually complete.
##Glossary - focus of today's call
###Heather and Susan are main folks
###Sources entered so far:
####Core Principles (r 1 and 2)
####Green book (V2)
####Need to include CTS content
###Process for review of glossary content:
####Compare only to HL7 content or compare to other standard content too
####Discussion - will consider all the content already available in SKMT
####Heather can run a report that pulls all the choices we need to consider for review
####Heather will assign a new keyword to "vocabulary-specific" concepts so we can focus on them
####Rob H and Heather will work to find a way to get FHIR definitions into the mix.
###Plan to get content that is referenced in multiple documents first.
###Target publishing a web site with this content on vocab site by San Antonio
#Not discussed on call
##Tooling to manage terminology
##Reengineering approach to terminology improvement/use (tooling related)
##Publishing of terminology
##Different approaches to be taken for Structural versus Domain terminology review/ballot
##Publishing sub-group
###Gathering where terminology is available (V2 - access, Trifolia, MIF, FHIR TS, published pdfs, CIMI - not available yet)
#Update on Ted and Lloyd project
##Need to decide what the Source Of Truth for V2 code system and value set publishing will be (MIF or FHIR)?
#Need to consider how to characterize approach to Structural terminology versus how to approach Domain terminology and how review/ballot should treat these.
##We likely need to clarify that domain content needs a different approach
#Begin or plan for discussion on "facilitator/terminology expertise" needs for SD, V2, CIMI
Agenda next call:
#Update on Glossary
#Agenda items noted above not covered this call
==2016-08-29 Meeting==
12p-1p ET <br>
CALL IN is standard Vocab HL7 number. 1 770-657-9270, Participant Passcode: 598745
Attendees: Rob McClure - chair, Ted K., Rob Snelick, Susan M., Lloyd M., Susan B., Wendi Castillo (Cerner), Richard E.<br>
#Sept meeting agenda
##Plan to meet Thursday Q1
##Ted: Clarify specific tasks that highlight activities we can actually complete.
###Tooling to manage terminology
###Reengineering approach to terminology improvement/use (tooling related)
###Publishing of terminology
###Different approaches to be taken for Structural versus Domain terminology review/ballot
#Publishing sub-group
##Gathering where terminology is available (V2 - access, Trifolia, MIF, FHIR TS, published pdfs, CIMI - not available yet)
#Update on Glossary
##Rob H not on call
#Update on Ted and Lloyd project
##Plan to share initial work in Balto
#Tables project update:
##Final Clean-up!!! To be completed by Baltimore.
##Need to decide what the Source Of Truth for V2 code system and value set publishing will be (MIF or FHIR)?
#Need to consider how to characterize approach to Structural terminology versus how to approach Domain terminology and how review/ballot should treat these.
##We likely need to clarify that domain content needs a different approach
#Begin or plan for discussion on "facilitator/terminology expertise" needs for SD, V2, CIMI
#not discussed<br>
Next meeting Sept 12 - Ted will lead, Rob will be on a plane. Focus will prep for meeting in Balto.
==2016-08-01 Meeting==
12p-1p ET <br>
CALL IN is standard Vocab HL7 number. 1 770-657-9270, Participant Passcode: 598745
Attendees: Rob McClure - chair, Ted K., Susan Barber, Rob Hausam, Loyd M., Richard Esmond, Rob Snelick, Carmela C.<br>
##Update on Glossary work
###We did not spend much time on this. Rob will reach out to Heather and Susan.
##Sub-group updates
###Glossary - Rob H. will fill in for Lisa
####Susan has gotten the list. HQ now has a web person David Johnson and Susan will contact him to discuss publishing the new list
####Heather does have some additional updated content.
####Each product family might have different needs. Some project-driven work may not access facilitator. They want to bake as much "support" into tooling. Want to have majority non-FHIR defined. Some needs are going into harmonization.
#####Ted is concerned we conflate two tasks
######Expectation on best process and technical consistency. This can be in part managed with tooling
######Best Content choices. This is expertise driven.
#####For FHIR. Facilitators need to understand that Core Resource maturity level defines terminology expectations. Level 3 is where terminology expectations occur. This means while doing level 2 work, these issues will need to be addressed.
######Level 3 any Codedable Concept should not use a FHIR concept. Code is structural or gender where international consensus can occur. Internal FHIR concepts follow normal conventions. Validation of rule following is self assessment and is only checked by humans in ballot. Special approval if FHIR-defined concept to be used - this is done at MnM. This should have vocab involvement. This in essence is evoking the "V3 terminology machinery."
######For Implementation Guides, which is the current way to get quality into extensions plus more, quality rules will be implemented for international or US realm.
####We need to do this same analysis for SD, V2 and CIMI-CQI.
#####Rob suggests that we begin this by
###new publication sub-project
####Richard mentioned that initial meeting has occurred but would benefit from discussion with folks familiar with publication process.
##Sept HL7 Meeting topics
###Need to get the Quarter we are meeting and try to have all product families in attendance. Decide on focus. Likely working meeting on some topic.
##upcoming meetings
###8/15 - Ted may run meeting if Rob gone.
Next meeting<br>
#Sept meeting agenda
#Does publishing sub-group need some help?
#Update on Glossary
#Update on Ted and Lloyd project
#Begin or plan for discussion on "facilitator/terminology expertise" needs for SD, V2, CIMI
==2016-07-18 Meeting==
12p-1p ET <br>
CALL IN is standard Vocab HL7 number. 1 770-657-9270, Participant Passcode: 598745
Attendees: Rob McClure - chair, Ted K., Rob Snelick, Susan Barber, M'Lynda Owens, Loyd M., Susan M., Richard Esmond, Rob Hausum <br>
##Bring Lloyd up to speed
###LM notes that the top-20 glossary terms needs to align with more detailed work for the binding terms and how different terms line up across the families.
####TQA needs to speak to the differences that might exist among the families and identify where either a transition plan to a common approach should be forged versus identifying where process and tools will need to deal with continued variation
###Reviewed of 3 main projects
##Update on Glossary work
###Heather and Lisa not on call
##Facilitators work - Susan B.
### 2 WG noted they did not have one and would like help. All other WG identified an active facilitator
###HQ needs to help us update the list on the main page and improve access.
###Heather is to send an updated facilitators training materials to main vocab list
##Discusion of Foundational approach to key terminology attributes
###Ted and Lloyd will meet separately to begin on terminology gov sub-project strawman
##Defined a new area of initial focus - Terminology Publication
###Susan M and Richard E are to lead this activity
<br>Next Agenda<br>
#Hopefully an update on Glossary work - set up separate time?
#Sub-group updates
#time on new publication sub-project
==2016-06-20 Meeting==
12p-1p ET <br>
CALL IN is standard Vocab HL7 number. 1 770-657-9270, Participant Passcode: 598745
Attendees: Rob McClure - chair, Ted K., Rob Snelick, Richard Esmond, Susan Barber, Susan M., Lisa Nelson, Lloyd - regrets<br>
##Review participants (coverage of product families) - see table
###Ted will be the V3 rep.
###Lisa -
##CIMI discussion - Susan M.
###CIMI is now planning on using SOLOR (SCT - LOINC - RxNORM) and unclear the impact on the SCT extension namespace. Susan will investigate.
####Approach to terminology in general (workbench, SOLOR, VSAC)
####Impact on other work groups
####CIMI terminology use and creation issues
##Project interim deliverables
###Foundational approach to key terminology attributes - (Ted)
####Create a list of terminology "aspects" that are shared across product families
#####How terminology is referenced - Code systems, value sets, concept domains -
#####Places that terminology is used - FIHR resources, extensions, profiles; CDA and V3 Templates, V2 Profiles, V3 RMIMs. All also directly reference terminology.
#####Technical terminology elements - Identifiers,
###Sources: VSD glossary, Core Principles, current TQA list, CIMI, any other HL7 list
###Tools we can use: SKMT
###Initial focus will be "critical foundational terms" that will be completed in our initial TQA project
####Initial target will be around 15 terms - others are to email to glossary team what the 15 should be.
Next Meeting July 18 (skipping July 4)<br>
##Bring Lloyd up to speed
##Update on Glossary work
##Discusion of Foundational approach to key terminology attributes
==2016-05-23 Meeting==
==2016-05-23 Meeting==
  12p-1p ET <br>
  12p-1p ET <br>

Latest revision as of 22:51, 19 December 2016

Backto Main Page

Ongoing minutes for the TQA Project in reverse chronology here

2016-12-19 Meeting

5-6p ET Mondays - new time!
CALL IN is standard Vocab HL7 number. 1 770-657-9270, Participant Passcode: 598745
Attendees: Rob McClure - chair, Ted Klein, Susan B.
NA:Jay, , Susan M., Lloyd M., Richard E., Wendi Castillo (Cerner), Heather G., Rob Snelick, Kurt Allen


  1. confirm we are working on right things?
  2. Admin - any new participants or projects
  3. Glossary update
    1. Looked at spreadsheet - SB and HG will review more tomorrow
  4. Publishing update - no one on call
    1. Spreadsheet of external code system information
    2. Continue above discussion on family publishing approach
  5. Unified HL7 terminology governance process - PSS
    1. Ted noted he will work on deliverables for this PSS and will circulate prior to San Antonio
  6. Vocabulary Facilitators
    1. SB - the list of facilitators was updated on HL7 site - HL7 Facilitators
    2. Need to discuss what improvements in training and assisting these folks. Heather may have some updated material.
      1. Heather made harmonization tutorial specification and same for Roles and responsibility.
      2. Folder link with specifications for Roles and Responsibilities of Facilitators plus initial ppt, and spec for Prep of Harm proposal (no ppt yet.) Here
        1. Review at San Antonio - wait for SB on Sunday Q4 if possible.

Next meeting Cancelled (Jan 2) so next discuss will be at San Antonio. Facilitator discussion on Sunday. TQA Thursday Q1.

2016-11-21 Meeting

5-6p ET Mondays - new time!
CALL IN is standard Vocab HL7 number. 1 770-657-9270, Participant Passcode: 598745
Attendees: Rob McClure - chair, Jay Lyle, Richard E., Chris Herzog, Rob H., Susan B.
NA:Ted K., Susan M., Lloyd M., , Wendi Castillo (Cerner), Heather G., Rob Snelick, Kurt Allen


  1. confirm we are working on right things?
    1. We have confirmed that there is an active participant from each product family (Rob H x2) List
    2. The right things?
      1. Jay asks where would harmonization of similar value sets can occur?
        1. He's not ready yet.
        2. Richard noted that HSPC is working with VA tooling - STAMP - That is part of the SOLR work. This could potentially be used to support value set harmonization. If we can find someone to do this we could host this as another subproject.
    3. Current project list is FINE!
  2. Review glossary work
    1. Susan B - Heather + Susan met last week. Meeting every other week.
    2. Heather published document - they are reviewing this list and working on a final definition for the items.
  3. Review Publishing
    1. Look at Richard docs
    2. We created a excel sheet with common code system attributes to be collected for external code systems used in HL7
    3. Group discussion where HL7 terminology artifacts are published
      1. CDA
        1. Inside PDF IG as tables in the specification
          1. It is assumed that Trifolia has this content.
            1. Some times Trifolia expands unexpanded textual definition - how consistent this is done is unclear.
          2. Also Art-Décor.
            1. I think they only scrape the pdf so this will include "..." as a code
        2. VSAC - C-CDA r1.1 and 2.1

Next Agenda

  1. Admin - any new participants or projects
    1. Rob in Panama - Ted may need to run meeting.
  2. Glossary update
  3. Publishing update
    1. Spreadsheet of external code system information
    2. Continue above discussion on family publishing approach
  4. Other project updates? Ted?

2016-11-07 Meeting

5-6p ET Mondays - new time!
CALL IN is standard Vocab HL7 number. 1 770-657-9270, Participant Passcode: 598745
Attendees: Rob McClure - chair, Jay Lyle, Susan B, Rob Snelick, Kurt Allen
NA:Ted K., Susan M., Lloyd M., Susan B., Wendi Castillo (Cerner), Heather G.


  1. Continue discussion on glossary assuming interim meeting occurs
    1. Heather
      1. Terminfo v1 is now in SKMT and has been parsed. But latest updates not in yet. Rob will work with Riki to do this.
      2. Susan - Meetings are scheduled but no actual meetings yet.
    2. Glossary tasks
      1. Heather will send around a spreadsheet focused on vocabulary items from HL7 that have multiple definitions. This will be the set for participants to review will be red. This will be reviewed at glossary meeting tomorrow.
      2. ISO meeting next week - Heather to bring input from ISO to group
      3. Heather to talk to Graham and Rob H about getting FHIR into SKMT.
  2. Publishing update - Susan M and Richard not here
  3. update on any other projects
    1. Ted - Lloyd not here for harmonization-tools project
  4. V2 discussion - Rob S.
    1. Conformance group (project 1146) Consistent set of requirement "constructs" mapped to each product family to identify items that should be able to do conformance testing. Issues such as cardinality, optionality, length, structure, content (vocabulary). Strength such as Required, Mandatory, etc. This project will create common names for these with definitions and then map to the various products.
    2. Re-engaged now, Rob S. doing a tutorial in Jan 2017 to put more effort into the project.
    3. Main activity in CGIT. Rob S. will report on this to TQA as needed.
  5. Kurt - PedRad update
    1. They parse multiple code systems and can provide insight into common approach to format

Next agenda

  1. Review glossary work
  2. Other subproject discussions from those in attendance.
  3. confirm we are working on right things?

2016-10-24 Meeting

5-6p ET Mondays - new time!
CALL IN is standard Vocab HL7 number. 1 770-657-9270, Participant Passcode: 598745
Attendees: Rob McClure - chair, Richard E., Susan B, Rob Snelick, Susan M.,
NA:Ted K., Rob Snelick, Susan M., Lloyd M., Susan B., Wendi Castillo (Cerner),


  1. Update on Glossary
    1. No progress since 10/10
    2. Next subgroup meeting will be tomorrow - hope to follow up with items noted on 10/10 todo
  2. Publishing (Susan M/Richard)
    1. No meetings yet but will meet tomorrow
    2. Discused Input into CIMI approach - suggested ask vocab WG for recommendations on how to represent CIMI since this project is not ready to provide recommendations
  3. Discussed Richard E's subsumption tool

Next meeting Agenda

  1. Rob to work to get Heather and Lloyd to attend
  2. Continue discussion on glossary assuming interim meeting occurs
  3. Publishing update
  4. update on any other projects
  5. confirm we are working on right things?

2016-10-10 Meeting

5-6p ET Mondays - new time!
CALL IN is standard Vocab HL7 number. 1 770-657-9270, Participant Passcode: 598745
Attendees: Rob McClure - chair, Heather Grain, Susan B, Rob H
NA:Ted K., Rob Snelick, Susan M., Lloyd M., Susan B., Wendi Castillo (Cerner), Richard E.,


  1. Sept. WG meeting recap - no real discussion ran out of time on the Quarter (tables project)
  2. Clarify specific tasks that highlight activities we can actually complete.
    1. Glossary - focus of today's call
      1. Heather and Susan are main folks
      2. Sources entered so far:
        1. Core Principles (r 1 and 2)
        2. VSD
        3. Green book (V2)
        4. Terminfo
        5. Need to include CTS content
      3. Process for review of glossary content:
        1. Compare only to HL7 content or compare to other standard content too
        2. Discussion - will consider all the content already available in SKMT
        3. Heather can run a report that pulls all the choices we need to consider for review
        4. Heather will assign a new keyword to "vocabulary-specific" concepts so we can focus on them
        5. Rob H and Heather will work to find a way to get FHIR definitions into the mix.
      4. Plan to get content that is referenced in multiple documents first.
      5. Target publishing a web site with this content on vocab site by San Antonio
  3. Not discussed on call
    1. Facilitators
    2. Tooling to manage terminology
    3. Reengineering approach to terminology improvement/use (tooling related)
    4. Publishing of terminology
    5. Different approaches to be taken for Structural versus Domain terminology review/ballot
    6. Publishing sub-group
      1. Gathering where terminology is available (V2 - access, Trifolia, MIF, FHIR TS, published pdfs, CIMI - not available yet)
  4. Update on Ted and Lloyd project
    1. Need to decide what the Source Of Truth for V2 code system and value set publishing will be (MIF or FHIR)?
  5. Need to consider how to characterize approach to Structural terminology versus how to approach Domain terminology and how review/ballot should treat these.
    1. We likely need to clarify that domain content needs a different approach
  6. Begin or plan for discussion on "facilitator/terminology expertise" needs for SD, V2, CIMI

Agenda next call:

  1. Update on Glossary
  2. Agenda items noted above not covered this call

2016-08-29 Meeting

12p-1p ET 
CALL IN is standard Vocab HL7 number. 1 770-657-9270, Participant Passcode: 598745 Attendees: Rob McClure - chair, Ted K., Rob Snelick, Susan M., Lloyd M., Susan B., Wendi Castillo (Cerner), Richard E.


  1. Sept meeting agenda
    1. Plan to meet Thursday Q1
    2. Ted: Clarify specific tasks that highlight activities we can actually complete.
      1. Glossary
      2. Facilitators
      3. Tooling to manage terminology
      4. Reengineering approach to terminology improvement/use (tooling related)
      5. Publishing of terminology
      6. Different approaches to be taken for Structural versus Domain terminology review/ballot
  2. Publishing sub-group
    1. Gathering where terminology is available (V2 - access, Trifolia, MIF, FHIR TS, published pdfs, CIMI - not available yet)
  3. Update on Glossary
    1. Rob H not on call
  4. Update on Ted and Lloyd project
    1. Plan to share initial work in Balto
  5. Tables project update:
    1. Final Clean-up!!! To be completed by Baltimore.
    2. Need to decide what the Source Of Truth for V2 code system and value set publishing will be (MIF or FHIR)?
  6. Need to consider how to characterize approach to Structural terminology versus how to approach Domain terminology and how review/ballot should treat these.
    1. We likely need to clarify that domain content needs a different approach
  7. Begin or plan for discussion on "facilitator/terminology expertise" needs for SD, V2, CIMI
  8. not discussed

Next meeting Sept 12 - Ted will lead, Rob will be on a plane. Focus will prep for meeting in Balto.

2016-08-01 Meeting

12p-1p ET 
CALL IN is standard Vocab HL7 number. 1 770-657-9270, Participant Passcode: 598745 Attendees: Rob McClure - chair, Ted K., Susan Barber, Rob Hausam, Loyd M., Richard Esmond, Rob Snelick, Carmela C.
  1. Agenda
    1. Update on Glossary work
      1. We did not spend much time on this. Rob will reach out to Heather and Susan.
    2. Sub-group updates
      1. Glossary - Rob H. will fill in for Lisa
      2. Facilitators
        1. Susan has gotten the list. HQ now has a web person David Johnson and Susan will contact him to discuss publishing the new list
        2. Heather does have some additional updated content.
        3. Each product family might have different needs. Some project-driven work may not access facilitator. They want to bake as much "support" into tooling. Want to have majority non-FHIR defined. Some needs are going into harmonization.
          1. Ted is concerned we conflate two tasks
            1. Expectation on best process and technical consistency. This can be in part managed with tooling
            2. Best Content choices. This is expertise driven.
          2. For FHIR. Facilitators need to understand that Core Resource maturity level defines terminology expectations. Level 3 is where terminology expectations occur. This means while doing level 2 work, these issues will need to be addressed.
            1. Level 3 any Codedable Concept should not use a FHIR concept. Code is structural or gender where international consensus can occur. Internal FHIR concepts follow normal conventions. Validation of rule following is self assessment and is only checked by humans in ballot. Special approval if FHIR-defined concept to be used - this is done at MnM. This should have vocab involvement. This in essence is evoking the "V3 terminology machinery."
            2. For Implementation Guides, which is the current way to get quality into extensions plus more, quality rules will be implemented for international or US realm.
        4. We need to do this same analysis for SD, V2 and CIMI-CQI.
          1. Rob suggests that we begin this by
      3. new publication sub-project
        1. Richard mentioned that initial meeting has occurred but would benefit from discussion with folks familiar with publication process.
    3. Sept HL7 Meeting topics
      1. Need to get the Quarter we are meeting and try to have all product families in attendance. Decide on focus. Likely working meeting on some topic.
    4. upcoming meetings
      1. 8/15 - Ted may run meeting if Rob gone.

Next meeting

  1. Sept meeting agenda
  2. Does publishing sub-group need some help?
  3. Update on Glossary
  4. Update on Ted and Lloyd project
  5. Begin or plan for discussion on "facilitator/terminology expertise" needs for SD, V2, CIMI

2016-07-18 Meeting

12p-1p ET 
CALL IN is standard Vocab HL7 number. 1 770-657-9270, Participant Passcode: 598745 Attendees: Rob McClure - chair, Ted K., Rob Snelick, Susan Barber, M'Lynda Owens, Loyd M., Susan M., Richard Esmond, Rob Hausum
  1. Agenda
    1. Bring Lloyd up to speed
      1. LM notes that the top-20 glossary terms needs to align with more detailed work for the binding terms and how different terms line up across the families.
        1. TQA needs to speak to the differences that might exist among the families and identify where either a transition plan to a common approach should be forged versus identifying where process and tools will need to deal with continued variation
      2. Reviewed of 3 main projects
    2. Update on Glossary work
      1. Heather and Lisa not on call
    3. Facilitators work - Susan B.
      1. 2 WG noted they did not have one and would like help. All other WG identified an active facilitator
      2. HQ needs to help us update the list on the main page and improve access.
      3. Heather is to send an updated facilitators training materials to main vocab list
    4. Discusion of Foundational approach to key terminology attributes
      1. Ted and Lloyd will meet separately to begin on terminology gov sub-project strawman
    5. Defined a new area of initial focus - Terminology Publication
      1. Susan M and Richard E are to lead this activity

Next Agenda

  1. Hopefully an update on Glossary work - set up separate time?
  2. Sub-group updates
  3. time on new publication sub-project

2016-06-20 Meeting

12p-1p ET 
CALL IN is standard Vocab HL7 number. 1 770-657-9270, Participant Passcode: 598745 Attendees: Rob McClure - chair, Ted K., Rob Snelick, Richard Esmond, Susan Barber, Susan M., Lisa Nelson, Lloyd - regrets
  1. Agenda
    1. Review participants (coverage of product families) - see table
      1. Ted will be the V3 rep.
      2. Lisa -
    2. CIMI discussion - Susan M.
      1. CIMI is now planning on using SOLOR (SCT - LOINC - RxNORM) and unclear the impact on the SCT extension namespace. Susan will investigate.
        1. Approach to terminology in general (workbench, SOLOR, VSAC)
        2. Impact on other work groups
        3. CIMI terminology use and creation issues
    3. Project interim deliverables
      1. Glossary
      2. Foundational approach to key terminology attributes - (Ted)
        1. Create a list of terminology "aspects" that are shared across product families
          1. How terminology is referenced - Code systems, value sets, concept domains -
          2. Places that terminology is used - FIHR resources, extensions, profiles; CDA and V3 Templates, V2 Profiles, V3 RMIMs. All also directly reference terminology.
          3. Technical terminology elements - Identifiers,
    4. Glossary
      1. Sources: VSD glossary, Core Principles, current TQA list, CIMI, any other HL7 list
      2. Tools we can use: SKMT
      3. Initial focus will be "critical foundational terms" that will be completed in our initial TQA project
        1. Initial target will be around 15 terms - others are to email to glossary team what the 15 should be.

Next Meeting July 18 (skipping July 4)

  1. Agenda
    1. Bring Lloyd up to speed
    2. Update on Glossary work
    3. Discusion of Foundational approach to key terminology attributes

2016-05-23 Meeting

12p-1p ET 
CALL IN is standard Vocab HL7 number. 1 770-657-9270, Participant Passcode: 598745 Attendees: Rob McClure - chair, Ted K., Susan Barber, Susan M., Linda Duffy (ONC), Rob Snelick
  1. Agenda
    1. Review participants (coverage of product families)
      1. Rob will set up a table on the main page
      2. Susan M - CIMI input into TQA. Susan will discuss how CIMI approach to terminology should either serve as a harmonizing basis in general or can be successfully followed only by CIMI, or areas they can adapt to a new harmonized approach.
    2. Review TQA sub-projects
      1. Glossary - Heather & Lisa
        1. Rob to confirm this - Lisa not on the call
      2. Ongoing terminology content selection & maintenance - Ted
        1. Ted & Russ - PSS investigative project to use FHIR terminology services for all HL7 terminology
        2. Gathering process document for Harmonization
          1. He will look for an existing process diagram
          2. 2016 Harm template
      3. Facilitator identification, support and training - Susan B.
        1. Spent most of the time on this topic during the call.
        2. Susan will work from the HQ data Nov 2015 - google doc.
        3. Heather has pushed to get value set design tutorial made available to facilitators

  1. Agenda for next meeting June 6
    1. Rob may be taking a course and not be available. Ted will be out also.
    2. Revisit participants
    3. Susan M. discussion on how CIMI will participate
    4. Susan B. - update on Facilitators

2016-04-18 Meeting

10a-11:00a ET 
CALL IN is standard Vocab HL7 number. 1 770-657-9270, Participant Passcode: 598745 Attendees: Rob McClure - chair, Rob Snelick, Susan Barber

Group agreed to cancel this and the next meeting in order to focus on the VSD and VBS projects to complete that work before May. Glossary work will move to the new Glossary project or may stay here.
Rob M to cancel May 2 meeting. Next discussion will be at the May QG meeting.

2016-03-21 Meeting

10a-11:00a ET 
CALL IN is standard Vocab HL7 number. 1 770-657-9270, Participant Passcode: 598745 Attendees: Rob McClure - chair, Susan B, LaMont Georg, Heather G arrived late due to TZ issues


  1. Rob will be gone and others unable to chair so will cancel 4/4 meeting
  2. Further glossary work
    1. Discussed with Heather here discuss moving all glossary work to this project. This will require a change in the time of the call so she can attend.
    2. Worked on a couple of enteries
  3. Stan report on discussion to CIMI WG
    1. Stan to discuss at CIMI in upcoming meeting and also discuss output in MIF

Next Agenda

Next meeting is 4/18

  1. Admin - change call time? Maybe one hour later - 3p ET?
  2. Further glossary work if nothing else
  3. Report from Stan on CIMI discuss - MIF output and restriction on use of SCT extension to CIMI.

2016-03-07 Meeting

10a-11:30a ET 
Attendees: Rob McClure - chair, Rob S., Susan B., Stan Huff, Heather G. a bit late


  1. Rob S. Provide V2 Table entry for glossary
    1. TBD - next time
  2. Group worked through rest of first section of glossary
    1. Heather will be attending to help craft a unified HL7 Terminology/Vocab glossary
  3. Discussion of CIMI SCT extension namespace.
    1. CIMI tool for SCT ext could be used by other WG but this would result in a significant governance problem
    2. One approach could be that any use of the extension by other WG could only occur through the adoption of CIMI archetype
      1. This means only CIMI creates concepts in the extension.
      2. Stan will ask Harold if he can adapt the tool to also publish the vocab in MIF
    3. Need to meet with CIMI to get the WG input.

Next Agenda

  1. Further glossary work
  2. Stan report on discussion to CIMI WG

2016-02-22 Meeting

CALL IN is standard Vocab HL7 number. 1 770-657-9270, Participant Passcode: 598745
10a – 11:30a ET
Attendees: Rob McClure, Rob Snelick, Susan Barber, Stan Huff
Standard Vocab quorum requirements: 1 Project lead or Vocab chair and two participants was met.

Agenda for 2/22/16

  1. Admin
    1. Call planning.
    2. Confirm Co-sponsor participants
      1. Vocab is Ted and Rob McClure
      2. HTA – Heather
      3. CIMI – Stan
      4. SD/CDA – Lisa
      5. V2 – Rob Snelick
      6. V3 – Woody
      7. FHIR – Lloyd
    3. Continue work of identifying critical terminology issues for HL7 products documented on Requirements page
      1. Discussion on best approach to begin collecting information on QA issues across products.
      2. Continue discussion of CIMI SNOMED CT Extension Namespace


  1. Worked on Reference page table of terms to define x 40 min
  2. Discussed SNOMED CT extension x15min
    1. CIMI use the SCT Ext for the following activities:
      1. As a tool to capture needed concepts during the development of CIMI Models
      2. There are two outcomes of this tool use:
        1. The new concepts are added to an external code system standard (this might occur after initial publication of the CIMI model)
        2. The new concepts remain as HL7 concepts and therefore have to be managed and published by HL7
    2. Issues to decide noting that the extension will be used by CIMI in any case
      1. Should the SCT Ext tool be used by other WG? I think we should assume that all HL7 use will follow the same process
      2. What do we do with the concepts not included in an external code system?
        1. Do we export them out of the tool into MIF and publish them as another HL7 code system?
        2. Do we publish an official SCT Ext namespace?
        3. Both?
        4. Something transitional where we initially publish in MIF but then stop? Is it okay to have another way to publish HL7 code systems?
        5. Do we move other HL7 code systems to the SCT extension and retire MIF as a code system tool?

Next Agenda

  1. Rob S. Provide V2 Table entry for glossary
    1. heather will be attending to help craft a unified HL7 Terminology/Vocab glossary
  2. If Stan is available - more thoughts on CIMI SCT Extension as noted above
    1. Need to meet with CIMI to get the WG input.

Older Minutes for Vocab TQA here
