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Moving a Code in the Subsumption Hierarchy

[Exposed under VS in application]

Concept codes can be rearranged within the concept subsumption hierarchy. moveCode can be used to assert that one concept code is a “kind of” or “is implied by” a second concept code. It can also remove this assertion.

Element moveCode

As with all update operations, moveCode has a separate, optional ballotStatus node. The moveCode attributes specify the operation to be performed:

Attributes of moveCode
conceptCode The code of the concept to be moved.
conceptName A valid designation for the concept to be moved. Optional, and if supplied it will be validated against the database before the operation occurs.
fromParentCode The current direct parent of the concept code, if any. This attribute should be omitted if conceptCode doesn’t currently occur under any other node.
fromParentName A valid designation for the from parent code. Optional, but validated if supplied.
toParentCode The new parent of conceptCode. If omitted, conceptCode no longer has a parent in the subsumption hierarchy.
toParentName A valid designation for the to parent code. Optional, but validated if supplied.
Example XML for moveCode

In the above example, concept code “1008” (SWEET STOUT) is first removed as a child of “1006” (STOUT). If this operation succeeds, both STOUT and SWEET STOUT would be root nodes in the subsumption hierarchy. The second part the operation asserts that 1006 (STOUT) is a kind of 1008 (SWEET STOUT). Note that all other entries in the subsumption hierarchy remain unchanged (e.g. 1009 – MILK STOUT) remains a kind of STOUT throughout.