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Changes from a Value Set Selection

The figure at right shows the various options that can be selected when a Value Set node is selected in the Value Set Navigator window, and the right mouse button is clicked. In each case, the menu selection starts a process to define changes to be applied to the selected value set. (NOTE: The first selection Create Value Set actually creates a value set as a child (sub-type) of the selected value set.)

These selections are intended to cover all possible operations on a value set node. In aggregate, the functions provided include:

  • Create or Delete a Value Set;
  • Add or Remove codes from a Value Set;
  • Bind, but not unbind the Value Set to a Concept Domain; and
  • Add or Remove references from the Value Set to child value sets

Further, in several cases, these operations are redundant or partially so. For example, both Create Value Set and Bind Concept Domain to Value Set allow a value set to be bound to a concept domain, but only in Create Value Set can one also define a new concept domain.

Menu selections from a value set node

Create Value Set

Delete Value Set

Add Codes to Value Set

Remove Codes from a Value Set

Update Value Set Description

Bind Concept Domain to Value Set

Add Value Set References

Remove Value Set References

Although references is a generic term, the only kind of reference included in the Vocabulary Maintenance Language, and in the underlying Access data base tables, is a parent-child relationship whereby the reference is thought of as a subtype reference from the parent to the child.

Removing a value set reference leaves the codes within the child value set in limbo. They remain part of the Code System, but will not be exposed in, for example, the parent value set from which the reference was deleted. Moreover, the codes cannot be assigned to the parent value set until either they have been removed from the child set, or the child value set itself has been removed.

In order to both remove the value set and retain the codes, you must perform a create a two-step change proposal that:

  1. Removes the Reference to the child Value set
  2. Adds the codes from the child value set back into the previous parent (or elsewhere). If the previous child value set was specializable, its head code can also be added to another value set.
Process sequence to Remove reference
  1. Within the Value Set Navigator select the Value Set node that is the parent of the Value Set reference you wish to remove.
  2. Right click on the selected node
  3. Select Remove Value Set References (see menu at right)
Remove VS References: Menu
  1. The wizard will present a Value Set References page (as at right) listing all of the child references held by the parent value set node you selected in the navigator.
  2. Select the child node(s) whose reference(s) you wish to remove. Multiple selections may be made by judicious use of Shift-click and Control-click in addition to just Click.
  3. When the selection list is complete, click Next (not Finish).
Remove VS References: Select child reference(s) to remove from list
  1. The wizard presents the Value Set References to Remove page as at right. This page lists all of the selections made in the step above.
  2. Verify that this list is correct.
  3. If you need to make changes, you can click Back and you will be returned to the selection page with the previous selection showing. You can then use Control-click to add to or remove from the previous selection(s).
  4. The Cancel button will stop the change wizard, with no entries added to the proposal file.
  5. When the listed elements meet your expectations, conclude the removal steps by clicking Finish.
Remove VS References: Review list to be removed, and verify with "Finish"