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V29 n2 ballot recon

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V2.9 Ballot reconciliation

Chapter 2 & 2.A

Comment NumberBallotChapterSectionPage #Line #Artifact IDResource(s)HTML Page name(s)URLVote and TypeSub-categoryTracker #Existing WordingProposed WordingBallot CommentSummaryIn person resolution requestedComment groupingScheduleTriage NotePubsDisposition WGDisposition"Disposition CommentorRetract/Withdraw details"Disposition/Retract/ Withdrawal DateMover / seconderFor AgainstAbstainRetracted / WithdrawnDisposition External OrganizationResponsible PersonChange AppliedSubstantive ChangeSubmitted ByOrganizationOn behalf ofCommenter EmailSubmitter Tracking IDReferred ToReceived FromNotes
2202.05.05.02A-S"Chapter the example message fragment should be: |1234\P\|"**website comment**INM-AT-1Technical CorrectionInMPersuasive with modEditor will fixTimo TarhonenHL7 Finland Voter
3INM202 - TOC6A-TRight below 2.9.2 - error in generating the TOC.INM-AT-1AgreedInMPersuasive with modEditor will fixBrian Pech
32Pubs2A02A.13.1429NEGThe changes in 2.A.13.14 and 2.A.13.15 look fine, but it seems like the same changes should be applied to 2.A.13.17, 2.A.13.18, 2.A.13.20 and 2.A.13.21. I suggest you make the same changes in those sections as well.VOCAB-1Persuasive with ModCraig Newman
33Pubs2A02A.5057NEGThe OG (observation grouper) data type was part of 2.8.2 but seems to be missing from 2.9. I'm assuming that is an oversight and that it should be included.VOCAB-1Persuasive with ModTechnical CorrectionCraig Newman
34InM202 - Note to BallotersNEGDeprecateSection should remain, even with a note about backwards compatibility. Very few implementations use enhanced mode, and retaining original mode would be descriptive for implementers not familiar with enhanced.INM-NG2AgreedInMDavid BurgessLabCorp
35InM202.14.10.03NEGWhen NTE-9 is no populated then NTE-3 MAY be populated.Senders SHOULD NOT send empty NTEs. Hard to think of an NTE without either NTE-3 or NTE-9. Suggest removing existing wording.INM-NG1InMNot PersuasiveGet Use case from Dave Shaver.David BurgessLabCorp
36Vocab2A02A.13.14A-QDoes fully qualified OID have to be in the HL7 registry, or is organizational branch sufficient.VOCAB-1Referred and trackedRefer to VocabDavid BurgessLabCorp
42Pubs202.05.03.0513-14A-TSee section Error! Reference source not ound., "Error! Reference source not found."Correct error message page 14INM-AT-1AgreedInMPersuasive with modEditor will fixFreida HallQuest DiagnosticsFreida
45InM202.09.02NEGThe ballot notes indicate that 2.9.2 and are deprecated, yet there is no indication of that in the actual sections.INM-NG2InMHans Buitendijk
46InM202.09.03NEGThe ballot notes indicate that the title of 2.9.3 was changed, but it was not.INM-NG2InMHans Buitendijk
47InM202.17.05NEGThe ballot notes indicate that the section was withdrawn, but it was not.INM-NG2InMHans Buitendijk
106INM202.0410A-SClarificationIBM's SNA LU6.2 and SUN Microsystems's NFS are examples of complete proprietary networks.IBM's SNA LU6.2 is an example of a complete proprietary network. IETF NFS is an example of a complete open network.This statement is outdated since Sun transferred control of NFS to IETF (which has an open standards development process), and Sun no longer even existsUpdate NFS exampleINM-AT-1AgreedInMPersuasiveEditor will fixNick RadovOptum
107INM202.05.0415A-SClarificationThe following special characters SHALL NOT be used as delimiters due to conflicts with other parts of the standard: . - + " ( ) * %.Those 8 characters are implicitly prohibited because they are used as fixed markers in other parts of the standard. But this isn't immediately obvious to implementers who haven't read the whole thing, so explicitly prohibiting them would help to avoid misunderstandings.Explicitly prohibit illegal delimitersINM-AT-2The following special characters SHOULD NOT be used as delimiters due to conflicts with other parts of the standard: . - + " ( ) * %InMNick RadovOptum
108INM202.06.0120A-SCorrection"/* escape the field separator */substitute( field_separator, \F\ );/* escape the encoding characters */substitute( component_separator, \S\ );substitute( repetition_separator, \R\ );substitute( escape_character, \E\ );""substitute( escape_character, \E\ );/* escape the field separator */substitute( field_separator, \F\ );/* escape the encoding characters */substitute( component_separator, \S\ );substitute( repetition_separator, \R\ );"When constructing a component you need to substitute the escape character first. If you do it after substituting other delimiters then the escape character may already be present intentionally as part of those sequences, so if you then substitute the escape character you will double escape it and corrupt the data.Substitute escapate character firstINM-AT-1Technical CorrectionInMPersuasiveAccept balloter textNick RadovOptum
109INM202.09.03.035A-TCorrectionThis section appears to be blank.Remove empty sectionINM-AT-1Nick RadovOptum
110INM2.A02A.3145A-SClarificationThe FT field is of arbitrary length (up to 64k) and may contain formatting commands enclosed in escape characters.The FT field may contain formatting commands enclosed in escape characters.This appears to contradict the last paragraph of the section which states that there is no length limit.Remove FT 64k limitINM-AT-2Considered for future useChanging now would be substantive, but since this is not a negative will 'consider for further useNick RadovOptum
111INM202.08.0330A-SEnhancementA field MAY be deprecated by HL7.A field MAY be deprecated by HL7. Before deprecating a field, HL7 SHALL ensure that all message structures which use that field have an appropriate non-deprecated location to move the data.We broke previous versions of the standard because we deprecated fields with instructions to move the data to other fields, but those replacement fields were in segments not allowed in some message structures. This made it impossible to follow the standard in some cases. For example, PV1-9 and PV1-52 fields were deprecated with a recommendation to use ROL. And AL1-6 was withdrawn with a recommendation to use IAM-11 or IAM-13. However most ADT message structures didn't include ROL or IAM. These inconsistencies have been fixed in the latest V2.9 ballot, however should add an explicit statement not to do that again.Don't leave data stranded in deprecated fieldsYesINM-AT-1InMpersuasiveAccept balloter textNick RadovOptum
112INM2.A02A.70.0377A-QClarificationDefinition: "-" or "+" or "/" or "." or ":"What does a separator/suffix of "." mean? It isn't included in the examples and I don't see a description anywhere. Could we clarify that, or was it included by mistake?Clarify SN dot separatorINM-AT-1Great question: Introduced in 2.3 Considered for future useInvestigate and apply to future versionsNick RadovOptum
121InM202.17.0590A-TInitiating Message: MSH|^~\&|LABxxx|ClinLAB|ICU||19910918060544||MFN^M03^MFN_M03|MSGID002|P|2.9 MFI|... Response Message: Original mode acknowledgment of the HL7 message according to MFI Response Level Code of AL. MSH|^~\&|ICU||LABxxx|ClinLAB|19910918060545||MFK^M03^MFK_M01|MSGID99002|P|2.8 MSA|AA|MSGID002 MFI|..."Initiating Message: MSH|^~\&|LABxxx|ClinLAB|ICU||19910918060544||MFN^M03^MFN_M03|MSGID002|P|2.9 MFI|... Response Message: Original mode acknowledgment of the HL7 message according to MFI Response Level Code of AL. MSH|^~\&|ICU||LABxxx|ClinLAB|19910918060545||MFK^M03^MFK_M01|MSGID99002|P|2.9 MSA|AA|MSGID002 MFI|..."INM-AT-1InMPersuasiveAccept balloter textUlirike MerrickVernetzt, LLC
150InM202.09.03.03+D336NEGCorrection"Note:The V2.1 original acknowledgment protocol is equivalent to the enhanced acknowledgment protocol withMSH-15-accept acknowledgment type = NE and MSH-16-application acknowledgment type = AL, and with theapplication acknowledgment message defined so that it never requires an accept acknowledgment (MSH-15-acceptacknowledgment type = NE).""Note:There is no equivalent to the V2.1 original acknowledgment protocol, where the acknowledgement is always sent as a response on the same communications channel. The enhanced acknowledgment protocol with MSH-15 (accept acknowledgment type) = NE and MSH-16 (application acknowledgment type) = AL still requires that the application acknowledgement is sent on a separate communications channel."This note has been present in error for many versions, It is time to fix this erroneous information.INM-NG1InMVassil
151InM22.13.1.0A-S"Chapter the table the third column's label could be""Field value: Enchanced mode Immediate ACK"".There could also be a fourth colum labeled ""Field value: enchanced mode application ACK"""**website comment**INM-AT-1InMPersuasive with modEditor will fix consistent with other ack choreographiesTimo TarhonenHL7 Finland Voter

Chapter 2c

Comment NumberBallotChapterSectionPage #Line #Artifact IDResource(s)HTML Page name(s)URLVote and TypeSub-categoryTracker #Existing WordingProposed WordingBallot CommentSummaryIn person resolution requestedComment groupingScheduleTriage NotePubsDisposition WGDisposition"Disposition CommentorRetract/Withdraw details"Disposition/Retract/ Withdrawal DateMover / seconderFor AgainstAbstainRetracted / WithdrawnDisposition External OrganizationResponsible PersonChange AppliedSubstantive ChangeSubmitted ByOrganizationOn behalf ofCommenter EmailSubmitter Tracking IDReferred ToReceived FromNotes4Vocab2C02C - Note to Readers17Concept Domain InfoA-SEach Table as an associatedEach Table has an associatedBrian Pech
10Pubs2C02C13A-SThe descriptions of User-defined and HL7 tables both reference Appendix A which I believe is no longer in existence. If Appendix A no longer exists, references should be updated.Craig NewmanNGC/CDC
11Pubs2C02C13A-SThese suggested values appear in the text in a standard box format (e.g., HL7 Table 0062 - Event Reason in Section, "Event reason code").At a minimum, section should be updated to but suggested values no longer appear to be included in that section. This whole reference may need to be removed.Craig NewmanNGC/CDC
12Pubs2C02C17A-TEach Table as an associated Concept DomainEach Table has an associated Concept Domain"as" should be "has"Craig NewmanNGC/CDC
13Pubs2C02C19A-SPlease expand on the difference between a status of "retired" and a status of "deprecated". They seem very similar. Is there a functional difference between the two?Craig NewmanNGC/CDC
14Pubs2C02C23A-SHaving a comment of "Deprecated" and a status of "D" seems redundant. I suggest you remove the commentCraig NewmanNGC/CDC
15Pubs2C02C39A-SIt's unclear why the symbolicName "religion2" has the version incorporated into it while the symbolic name "admissionType" does not even though both are Version #2. If there is no compelling reason for them to be different, please review the symbolic names and make them consistent (all with or without a version number)Craig NewmanNGC/CDC
16Pubs2C02C42A-T0008 - Acknowledgment code0008 - Acknowledgment CodeCapitalize "Code"Craig NewmanNGC/CDC
17Pubs2C02C44A-SA number of tables indicate that there are "No suggested values". Some of these sections (such as table 0010) contain only Table Metadata information. Is there really no Concept Domain information to include (even if there are no codes to provide)? If the Concept Domain and/or Code System information exists, please include it.Craig NewmanNGC/CDC
18Pubs2C02C46A-SWhen there are "no suggested values", that is sometimes stated explicity in the Concept Domain Description (0022 for example) and sometimes it is not (0023 for example). Unless there is a significance, I suggest you make them consistent. I lean towards not including them it in the Concept Description (only in the Table Description) because it doesn't seem to be completely relevant to the concept meaning.Refer to Vocabreferred and trackedCraig NewmanNGC/CDC
19Pubs2C02C56A-SEVN-4, FC.1EVN-4Table 0062 is not used in FC.1 (that uses 0064). Craig NewmanNGC/CDC
20Pubs2C02C92A-SDLD.1. PV1-39PV1-39Currently tables 0113, 0114, 0115 and 0116 all list DLD.1 as a "where used" location. Looking at the data type, it appears only 0113 is used in DLD.1. The other references should be removed.Craig NewmanNGC/CDC
21Pubs2C02C263A-TThe values are maintained by the US Centers of Disease Control..The values are maintained by the US Centers of Disease Control and Prevention.Extra period is present and "and Prevention" should be added.Craig NewmanNGC/CDC
22Pubs2C02C206A-T0232 - - Insurance Company Contact Reason0232 - Insurance Company Contact Reasonextra "-"Craig NewmanNGC/CDC
23Pubs2C02C474A-TTXA:2; CON:2TXA-2, CON-2Starting at table 0496 and going for a few tables, the format of the "where used" is wrong. Because TXA and CON are segments, they should use "-" rather than ":". Also, typically a comma separates valuesCraig NewmanNGC/CDC
24Pubs2C02C494A-SFor example, when the product is first cValue Set Description ends in a partial sentence. This should be corrected.Craig NewmanNGC/CDC
25Pubs2C02C506A-SUsed in HL7 Version 2 messaging in the RPT segment.Used in HL7 Version 2 messaging in the RPT data type.RPT is a data type not a segmentCraig NewmanNGC/CDC
26Pubs2C02C509A-SObsolete as of v 2.7.I suggest you clarify how "obsolete" relates to the Status value. In the case of table 0532, a value noted as "obsolete" doesn't have any Status. Should it be "retired" or "deprecated"?Craig NewmanNGC/CDC
27Pubs2C02C517A-SIf the container is compromised in any way (seal broken, containerValue Set Description ends in a partial sentence. This should be corrected.Craig NewmanNGC/CDC
28Pubs2C02C519A-Shl7VS-signatory'sRelationshipToSubjectThe value set symbolicName has an apostrophe in it, but the Code System symbolicName and Concept Domain Name do not. I suggest you make these values consistent.Craig NewmanNGC/CDC
29Pubs2C02C520A-TCON:25CON-25Craig NewmanNGC/CDC
30Pubs2C02C608A-SCode System Version Information for table 0910 is missing.Craig NewmanNGC/CDC
31Pubs2C02C646A-STable 0951 is new in 2.9 but one of the codes listed (Sampling Problem) has a status of R (retired). If this is a new table, why include a retired value? I suggest that if Sampling Problem is retired, then remove it. Or perhaps, the status should be "new" like the other values.Craig NewmanNGC/CDC
43Pubs2C02CA-SIt is not clear why for, e.g., 0001 - Administrative Sex the Code System Version Informaiton lists 2.4 and the Table Metadata lists 2.1. Further/full explanation of what the differences are would be helpful. I.e., what is a concept domain, what is a code system, what is a value set, what is table metadata, how does it all relate for the novice reader of this chapter.Hans Buitendijk
44Pubs2C02C - 0200 Name TypeA-TThere is a comment and < p > that need to be removed.Hans Buitendijk
51Pubs2C02C13A-S(e.g., Table 0001- Sex).(e.g., Table 0001- Administrative Sex).This table name is well known and sometimes misunderstood. Although the title of the table is not normative is would be better if it were correct.John RobertsTN Dept of Health
52Pubs2C02C16-17A-SICD-10 allows dual coding. ... The ICD-10 code J21.8 is "Acute bronchiolitis due to other specified organisms" and the code B95.6 is "Staphylococcus aureus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters". No value for the dual coding scheme has been assigned in table 0396, so CWE.3 cannot be populated.ICD-10 allows dual coding. ... The ICD-10 code J21.8 is "Acute bronchiolitis due to other specified organisms" and the code B95.6 is "Staphylococcus aureus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters". A value for the dual coding scheme will be determined and assigned in table 0396; pending this action, CWE.3 cannot be populated.Surely we can find a way of identifying this unusual concept so it can be handled or at least raise an error.John RobertsTN Dept of Health
54Vocab2.C02C - Referenced Table14-186,19, etc.A-S"Referenced Tables" and "Imported Tables" are subheadings for "External Tables" so should be indented to indicate that are not equals, but subheadings. The same is true for "ICD Examples" that is a subheading of "CWE Examples", but is indented to he left of "CWE Examples", making it seem like it's a heading rather than a subheading. It's confusing for the subheadings to be indented to the left of the parent heading. They should be indented to the right of the parent heading to indicate the hierarchy.John RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
55Vocab2.C02C - User-defined Tables135-6A-T"Table 0001 Table 0302""HL7 Table 0001HL7 Table 0302"This changes matches the wording of these tables as "HL7" tables in the rest of this paragraph.John RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
56Vocab2.C02C - 999912, 646A-SHL7 Table "9999 - no table for CE" There is no adequate description or information for this table. It either needs a description for its use or it needs to be taken out. It makes no sense as it is.John RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
57Vocab2.C02C - Definitions1317-18A-SThere are inconsistencies between the statement "HL7 defines 4 table types, reflecting content ownership: HL7 defined, User-defined, Imported and Externally defined." 1. The subsequent sections group and define HL7 defined, user defined, external and LOCAL tables. (Imported and referenced are appropriately listed as subheadings for Externally defined.) 2. It appears there should be 3 table types: HL7 defined, User defined and Externally defined because Local should be a subheading for User defined and Imported is a subheading of Externally defined. It also makes sense to have the definition columns occur in the same order in which they are listed. If HL7 defined is listed first, then define it first rather than "User-defined Tables" and so on.John RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
58Vocab2.C02C - Local Tables14A-SLocal Tables should be a subheading for "User defined" rather than listed as an equal category. John RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
59Vocab2.C02C - External Tables131A-Texplicit table 0396explicit Table 0396Clarifies that it's an HL7 table nameJohn RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
60Vocab2.C02C - External Tables141A-TCF, CNE and CWE data typeCF, CNE and CWE data types"types" should be pluralJohn RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
61Vocab2.C02C - Referenced Table143A-TCF, CNE and CWE data typeCF, CNE and CWE data types"types" should be pluralJohn RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
62Vocab2.C02C - Expression Examples162A-TIHTSDOSNOMED Internationalcorrect nameJohn RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
63Vocab2.C02C - Expression Examples16multipleA-TSNOMEDSNOMED CTproper nameJohn RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
64Vocab2.C02C - Concept Domain Information171A-TasisThis sentence has no verb. I am guessing you mean "is" rather than "as".John RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
65Vocab2.C02C - Concept Domain Information177A-TPut a period at the end of the sentence.John RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
66Vocab2.C02C - Code System Information172A-TwhichwithThis sentence doesn’t make sense. I am guessing you mean "with" instead of "which".John RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
67Vocab2.C02C - Table Metadata181A-Ttabletables"tables" should be plural.John RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
68Vocab2.C02C - Table Metadata181A-TashasJohn RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
69Vocab2.C02C - Table Coded Content197-8A-TThere should be a space between section b) and c)John RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
70Vocab2.C02C - Table Coded Content1914A-T"c) (second one)d)""d)e)"The second "c)" should be changed to "d)" and the current "d)" should be changed to "e)".John RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
71Vocab2.C02C - 'Table Coded Content1912A-Tnew table 942-947new tables 942-947pluralJohn RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
72Vocab2.C02C - Table Coded Content1916A-Texplicitly notesexplicitly noted"noted" not "notes"John RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
73Vocab2.C02C - Table of contents10008A-TcodeCodeCapitalization error in headingJohn RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
74Vocab2.C02C - Table of contents10038A-TstatusStatusCapitalization error in headingJohn RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
75Vocab2.C02C - Table of contents20084A-TbyByCapitalization error in headingJohn RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
76Vocab2.C02C - Table of contents20100A-TeventEventCapitalization error in headingJohn RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
77Vocab2.C02C - Table of contents30133A-Tpractitioner identifier code typePractitioner Identifier Code TypeCapitalization error in headingJohn RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
78Vocab2.C02C - Table of contents30136A-TYes/noYes/NoCapitalization error in headingJohn RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
79Vocab2.C02C - Table of contents30181A-TRecord-levelRecord-LevelCapitalization error in headingJohn RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
80Vocab2.C02C - Table of contents30182A-TtypeTypeCapitalization error in headingJohn RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
81Vocab2.C02C - Table of contents40232A-T0232 -- Insurance0232 - InsurnanceThere is an extra dash that should be removed.John RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
82Vocab2.C02C - Table of contents50276A-Treason codesReason CodesCapitalization error in headingJohn RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
83Vocab2.C02C - Table of contents50278A-Tstatus codesStatus CodesCapitalization error in headingJohn RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
84Vocab2.C02C - Table of contents60353A-TstatusesStatusesCapitalization error in headingJohn RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
85Vocab2.C02C - Table of contents90532A-TYes/noYes/NoCapitalization error in headingJohn RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
86Vocab2.C02C - Table of contents100572A-TstatusStatusCapitalization error in headingJohn RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
87Vocab2.C02C - Table of contents100755A-TAtatCapitalization error in headingJohn RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
88Vocab2.C02C - Table of contents110894A-TbodyBodyCapitalization error in headingJohn RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
89Vocab2.C02C - Table of contents110895A-TOnonCapitalization error in headingJohn RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
90Vocab2.C02C - Table of contents129999A-Tno table for CENo Table for CECapitalization error in heading (This is an odd table that doesn't have a proper descriptiona and perhaps should not be in the table list at all. If it is in the list and this is the name, then it needs to be properly capitalized.)John RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
91Vocab2.C02C - Table of contents20-646A-TAll of the changes documented in Ballot Comment Numbers 21-38 in this document should be made to the corresponding individual table heading section later in Chapter 2cJohn RobertsTN Department of HealthSusan
137OO2C02C - TOClinks to sections are not workingUlirike MerrickVernetzt, LLC
139Vocab2C02CNEGHL70952 s not listed in Chapter 2C - reconcile with FMUlirike MerrickVernetzt, LLC
145Vocab2C02C13A-Q"User Defined Tables...There are some user-defined tables that contain values that might be standardized across institutions but for which no applicable official standard exists. For these a set of suggested values may be listed in Appendix A."There is no Appendix A anymore - where are these values now?Ulirike MerrickVernetzt, LLC
146Vocab2C02C13A-Q"HL7 Tables…The ID data type is most often used to encode values for HL7 tables. The values are listed in Appendix A. These HL7 tables also appear in the text in a standard box format (e.g., HL7 Table 0003 – Event Type). "There is no Appendix A anymore - where are these values now?Ulirike MerrickVernetzt, LLC
147Vocab2C02C15A-QImportant Note: The OID root 2.16.840.1.113883.19 is an HL7 OID used for example-only OIDs and OIDs in this space are never valid in real instances. The OIDs used in these examples that in the OID space 2.16.840.1.113883.6, 2.16.840.1.113883.5 and 2.16.840.1.113883.11 are the correct OIDs for use in production instances. Please review the highlighted sentence, it does not make sense to me.Ulirike MerrickVernetzt, LLC
148Vocab2C02C16A-TThe SNOMED compositional expression language is currently undergoing comment, and may be found on the IHTSDO website ( "Should probably updae to current status - IHTSDO is now SNOMED International and the SNOMED.The link is not working anymore.Compositional Grammar document is here:"Ulirike MerrickVernetzt, LLC
149Vocab2C02C18A-T"Table MetadataAll table have this information. "All tables have this information. Ulirike MerrickVernetzt, LLC