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####V3 content in coremif files
####V3 content in coremif files
####V2 content in MSAccess database (CSV?)
####V2 content in MSAccess database (CSV?)
###Group set of operations into a single proposal
###Generate delta between existing set and resulting vocabulary (from applying group of changes)
###Value Set Operations
###Value Set Operations
####Create New Value Set
####Create New Value Set

Revision as of 13:36, 1 August 2017

Agendas and Minutes

The agendas and minutes will be reverse chronological order. Current scheduled (as of the Madrid 2017 WGM) is every other Tuesday at noon (12:00PM) US EDT. We will use the HL7 conference service:

+1 770-657-9270 Participant Passcode: 598745

and the screen share will be Ted's account, accessible by clicking:

You will have to click on 'Knock to Enter' and be recognized to join - so please enter your name when you get to the entry screen

August 1, 2017

Audio call-in: HL7 Conference Line; +1 770-657-9270. Passcode: 598745
Today's Screen Share: Click on 'Knock to Enter'
Attendees: Ted Klein (chair),
Call began at 12:05PM EDT when quorum reached.

  1. Review of Status
    1. State of FHIR based Proof of Concept
      1. Skype discussion group for project
      2. Content
      3. Currently have the content for CDA, FHIR, V2, and V3
      4. A few additional code systems (such as MDC) which are used in FHIR resources in various Connectathon projects
      5. All represented in FHIR codeSystem and valueSet resources
      6. Value Set editing
      7. Location is on Grahame's Github; will be moved to HL7 once approved after San Diego
  2. Items:
    1. No further work on voting strawman
    2. Up to know, our notion was a single source of truth for HL7 Vocabulary
      1. This may be an issue
      2. The US Meaningful Use vocabulary will be sourced from VSAC which is created from the balloted IGs
      3. Unknown if there is any source for content (CDA) which is only in balloted IGs
        1. Art Decor is suspected of having the content used in Europe
      4. Unclear where any content that has been defined in V2 IGs might be found
      5. Should we make as assertion that ONLY the vocabulary used in published HL7 artifacts for international use is covered by UTG?
        1. Any other suggestions?
    3. Determine how we will be handling the tables for the V2 mapping in to FHIR resources
      1. We need to identify those things that are missing or improperly represented in the V2 content in the FHIR resources
    4. Work underway to setup a JIRA/Confluence environment for prototyping workflow
      1. Ted is attempting to develop expertise in JIRA/Confluence
      2. Anyone with experience in this that can assist is welcome
  3. New Business?
    1. List of required functions to demonstrate in San Diego
      1. Examine the functions from the Tooling Project requirements and add them to the list (the subset for demonstration in San Diego)
      2. Russ has not had time to participate
    2. List of functions based on current tooling capabilities
      1. Output selected content
        1. V3 content in coremif files
        2. V2 content in MSAccess database (CSV?)
      2. Group set of operations into a single proposal
      3. Generate delta between existing set and resulting vocabulary (from applying group of changes)
      4. Value Set Operations
        1. Create New Value Set
        2. Modify existing value set metadata
        3. Modify existing value set CLD
        4. Retire/deprecate/delete existing value set
        5. Import externally published value set
        6. Expand value set definition
        7. Compare two VSDs
        8. Compare two value set expansions
      5. Code System Editing
        1. Create new code system
        2. Import externally published code system (complete or subset)
        3. Modify existing code system metadata
        4. Add concepts and/or concept designations and/or concept properties to code system
        5. Change concept hierarchy
        6. Deprecate/retire/remove concept from code system
      6. Concept Domains
        1. Add new Concept Domain
        2. Modify existing Concept Domain
        3. Deprecate/retire/remove existing Concept Domain
      7. Context Bindings
        1. Add new context binding
        2. Modify existing context binding
        3. Deprecate/retire/remove existing context binding
      8. V2 Tables
        1. Add new V2 Table
        2. Update existing V2 Table metadata
        3. Deprecate/retire/remove existing V2 Table
        4. Flag code system content to be represented in a V2 Table
    3. Content list
      1. FHIR vocabulary, V2 tables/CS/VS/CD, V3 CS/VS/CD, CDA CS/VS
      2. Has CDA created any concept domains in IGs (not through harmonization)?
      3. We must have a discussion (in San Diego?) about new codes for V2 tables in IGs (but not in the international normative Standard). What to do about these?
        1. There is a need to identify and document the maintenance and access process for these new codes.
    4. July harmonization content update
      1. Content for both V2 and V3 released on July 25. Cycle complete.
  4. Call adjourned at 1:05PM EDT.
    1. Next call scheduled for August 15, Ted to chair

July 18, 2017

Audio call-in: HL7 Conference Line; +1 770-657-9270. Passcode: 598745
Today's Screen Share: Click on 'Knock to Enter'
Attendees: Ted Klein (chair), Susan Barber, Frank Oemig
First call in over a month. Call began at 12:12PM EDT when quorum reached.

  1. Review of Status
    1. State of FHIR based Proof of Concept
      1. Skype discussion group for project
      2. Content
      3. Currently have the content for CDA, FHIR, V2, and V3
        1. All represented in FHIR codeSystem and valueSet resources
      4. Value Set editing
      5. Location is on Grahame's Github; will be moved to HL7 once approved after San Diego
  2. Items:
    1. No further work on voting strawman
    2. Determine how we will be handling the tables for the V2 mapping in to FHIR resources
      1. We need to identify those things that are missing or improperly represented in the V2 content in the FHIR resources
    3. Work underway to setup a JIRA/Confluence environment for prototyping workflow
  3. New Business?
    1. List of required functions to demonstrate in San Diego
      1. Examine the functions from the Tooling Project requirements and add them to the list (the subset for demonstration in San Diego)
    2. Content list
      1. FHIR vocabulary, V2 tables/CS/VS/CD, V3 CS/VS/CD, CDA CS/VS
      2. Has CDA created any concept domains in IGs (not through harmonization)?
      3. We must have a discussion (in San Diego?) about new codes for V2 tables in IGs (but not in the international normative Standard). What to do about these?
        1. There is a need to identify and document the maintenance and access process for these new codes.
    3. July harmonization content update
  4. Call adjourned at 1:05PM EDT.
    1. Next call scheduled for August 1, Ted to chair. Frank sends apologies.

June 20, 2017

Audio call-in: HL7 Conference Line; +1 770-657-9270. Passcode: 598745
Today's Screen Share: Click on 'Knock to Enter'
Attendees: Ted Klein (chair), Susan Barber.
Call was cancelled at 12:24PM EDT, when quorum could not be reached.

  1. Review of Status
    1. No further work done since the Madrid WGM
    2. Grahame is constructing a demonstration prototype based on FHIR tooling this summer; hopefully will be ready before the September WGM in San Diego
    3. Ted is pursuing getting JIRA/Confluence setup to test workflow configurations
  2. Items:
    1. Voting Strawman analysis: we spent so much time on this in the Spring without coming to any conclusions, recommend abandoning this for now until we get basic tooling and workflow prototyped
    2. Open items?
  3. Actions
    1. Ted to setup a conference call with Grahame to discuss progress, requirements, objectives, etc.
  4. Next call scheduled for July 4, but this is a national holiday in the US. That call will be cancelled. Next call will be July 18.

April 11, 2017

  • Note that Ted is NOT available today, and Rob McClure will run today's meeting.

The Screen Share for TODAY ONLY will be: Mikogo session

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# Enter the Session ID: 368-206-475
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# Click "Join Session"

Attendees: Rob McClure (chair),
Call began at xxxPM EDT, when quorum reached

  1. Review of Status
    1. We are still working through the details of the voting strawman, which is not in any way yet complete
    2. Continue with thoughts on the vote weighting
  2. Items:
    1. In order to satisfy the needs to be able to find governed terminology artifacts by HL7 published Standard, and vice-versa, we need another process flow that shows the relationship information flow back from the publishing process through to update the terminology store. Also, design requirements to support these functions need to be added.
    2. We probably need to begin to put together an explicit list of the requirements for the different components of the UTG model.
  3. Actions
    1. ?
  4. Next call scheduled for 2 weeks hence on April 25, 2017.
    1. Note that Ted is again traveling in China on this day, and will be unable to run or attend this call.
  5. Call adjourned at xxxPM EDT.

March 28, 2017

  • Note that North America has gone onto Summer Time (Daylight Saving Time); ET is now UTC-4.

Attendees: Ted (chair), Susan Barber, Frank Oemig, Rob McClure
call began at 1:05PM EDT; quorum reached.

  1. Review of Status
    1. V9 of document with notes on voting strawman is in Dropbox
    2. Voting Strawman Analysis document V2 is in Dropbox
    3. PSS has been approved, it is still waiting on TSC
  2. Items:
    1. Discussion of relationship of this project and the Vocabulary Tooling Project #??? (with Russ)
    2. Continue working through the voting strawman and proposed Use Case
      1. It was noted that it is most likely preferable that no proposal entered the process from the submitter without consensus approval from the submitting WorkGroup. Note that Lloyd stated that the process must accommodate change requests that come in from sources other than HL7 WorkGroups.
      2. Frank noted that this is probably not a good idea, as it disincents people from becoming members of HL7, and reduced the benefit of HL7, while potentially increasing the cost of the maintenance process.
      3. Perhaps we can use the Maturity Model levels in the UTG process for all artifacts, where a terminology object cannot get above a certain maturity level without having gone through the UTG process. The process itself may have different paths that may result in different maturity levels.
      4. It is an open question of how much participation we can expect there to be on any proposal beyond the proposing WG and the oversight groups.
      5. Frank raised the question of how to assign the weighting for the voters and who assigns it.
  3. Actions
    1. Ted to cancel or find a leader for the April 11 call.
  4. Next call scheduled for 1:00PM April 11 (two weeks hence)
    1. Note that Ted will be unable to run the call on April 11, unavailable (traveling)
  5. Call adjourned at 2:01 PM EDT.

March 14, 2017

  • Note that North America has gone onto Summer Time (Daylight Saving Time); ET is now UTC-4.

Attendees: Ted (chair), Susan Barber, Rob Hausam,
call began at 1:05PM EDT; quorum reached.

  1. Review of Status
    1. Actions:
      1. V8 of document in Dropbox
      2. Voting Strawman Analysis document in Dropbox
        1. We looked at the use case, and talked about just what would be "pro-forma" and what would not be for FHIR use cases.
        2. We agreed that even pro-forma vocabulary should go through the new governance process - as long as the process is lightweight and effective and productive.
        3. Continue working through FHIR allergy-verifcation-status example for the new process. This is an internally defined code system, and a value set built on 'all codes'.
        4. It is unclear exactly the constituents and role of the management groups. It was noted that FMG is not the same kind of group as the other Product Line overnight groups. Should it be FHIR-I instead?
        5. Susan asked if it is reasonable to assume that such a large number of participants can be expected to be engaged in the process to review proposals and cast a vote.
      3. Updated diagrams loaded to Dropbox
    2. PSS has been approved, it is still waiting on TSC
  2. Discussion of relationship of this project and the Vocabulary Tooling Project #??? (with Russ)
  3. Review of voting strawman continue on Use Case
  4. Actions
    1. Rob H will take the question about the oversight group to FHIR-I
    2. Ted will update the 2 documents to dropbox
  5. Next call scheduled for 1:00PM March 28 (two weeks hence)
  6. Call adjourned at 2:00 PM EDT.

February 28, 2017

Note this is the new time, being tried to see if we can get enhanced attendance Attendees: Ted (chair), Rob Hausam, Rob McClure, Frank Oemig, Susan Barber call began at 1:04PM ET after quorum reached Agenda:

  1. Review of Status
    1. PSS is in the process of being approved by TSC
    2. Document is at version 7 right now
  2. Review of voting strawman
    1. Example analysis document
      1. We spent nearly the entire call discussing the proposed example, and realized that we have not yet specified what kinds of vocabulary maintenance operations will be in scope for the new process vs. those that will be out of scope i.e. part of the model design/decision/voting/QA processes, whether that model is a FHIR Resource, a RIM class or attribute, a new V2 message element, or a new CIMI template.
      2. We seem to have decided that new value sets whose CLD is 'all codes from underlying code system' should be treated as pro-forma, and not subject this rigorous maintenance process.
  3. Review of updates to diagrams based on call notes
    1. Overall Process Diagram page 5
    2. Updated color-coded State Machine page 6
      1. Folks would like to see Submitter and Terminology Curator shown the same way Community is shown
    3. Small updates to the 5 diagrams in Annex A
  4. Next Steps
  5. Actions
    1. Ted will update the Overall Process Diagram and integrated into a new v8 of the document
    2. Ted will update the example strawman and the new v8 of the document into DropBox.
  6. Next call scheduled in two weeks on March 14 at 1:00PM ET for one hour.
  7. Call adjourned at 2:01PM ET.

February 23, 2017

Attendees: Ted (chair), Carmela, Rob Hausam, Frank Oemig, Rob McClure call began at 3:35PM ET after quorum reached


  1. Review of Status
    1. PSS is in the process of being approved by TSC
    2. Document is at version 6 right now
  2. New schedule for calls discussion
    1. Some key folks such as Lloyd cannot make it at this time, which also conflicts with much upcoming travel for Ted. New day/time proposed: every other Tuesday 13:00ET or 15:00ET. beginning next Tuesday 2/28/2017
      1. We discussed the time change, there are many HL7 calls on Tuesdays as well. If we had this call at 13:00 ET, it could only be 1 hour, since the binding semantics call is at 14:00. But Lloyd and Frank would have a conflict if the call ran longer than 1 hour, as there are other calls at 16:00 ET on Tuesdays.
      2. We agreed that we would try next Tuesday every other week 13:00 ET for one hour duration.
      3. If this doesn't work, we'll move it again.
  3. Review document v6
    1. State Machine
      1. Missing state and transitions when approved proposal is applied, if errors or problems cannot be validated or applied, need to report and reinject into the process somewhere.
      2. If proposal voting expires (failure to meet quorum), then it may go back to Editing state, or may go archive
      3. Out of manual resolution process, the states are likely ok, but we need to identify somehow that the state transitions may be managed through the tooling or through the manual processes.
      4. Ted notes that we may need to limit the controversial transition so that it cannot be an endless loop
      5. Make it very clear that "Editing" state is creation of a proposal - NOT the terminology store content
    2. Overall Diagrams
      1. "Change Needed" should be "Change to HL7 Terminology Needed"
      2. Make it clear that any submitted proposal is a COMPLETE proposal
      3. It may be very useful to show a very high level picture of 3 phases: construct a proposal, decide on a proposal, apply a proposal to update the HL7 Terminology. Perhaps make three different colors, and use these to color key the States to illustrate which part(s) of the overall process each State belongs to
    3. Voting Strawman
  4. Next Steps
  5. Actions
    1. Ted to update the call calendar and put in the new schedule.
    2. Ted to update the State Machine as per the decisions above
    3. Next call scheduled at the new day/time Tuesday February 28, 2017 at 1:30PM ET.
      1. Note that Ted will be attending the Clinical LOINC meeting in Salt Lake City and may be unable to run or even join the call

February 9, 2017

call had to be cancelled due to inability to attain quorum as of 4:00PM EST (30 minutes into the 60 minute call) We will try again in two weeks on February 23

Attendees: Ted (chair), Susan Barber


  1. Review of Status
    1. All 3 actions from last call completed
    2. State machine diagram for proposals added to document
    3. PSS is in e-vote at FTSD, and will pass (enough yes votes already, but not yet closed)
    4. SGB requested to be added as a co-sponsor to confirm and give the organizational imprimatur to the principles
    5. DropBox folder created for documents
      1. Everyone with the link on the main page can view the documents
      2. Folks shared for edit permissions so far: Susan
  • Email Ted for a share to be able to Edit them; permissions should be set so anyone can view them
  1. Review current document
    1. Review proposal state machine
    2. Review voting strawman - needs enhancements and work
  2. Next Steps
    1. Need a comprehensive overall constructive critique of document
    2. Need to review schedule and project plan for completion
  3. Actions

January 26, 2017

call began 3:37PM EST

Attendees: Ted (chair), Rob Hausam, Susan Barber

  1. Overview of Project, Goals, Schedule
  2. Review of PSS
  3. Review of UTG document draft
    1. Available for download at
  4. Review of updated intro diagram
  5. Key topics to be reviewed and confirmed
    1. Voting strategy
      1. Rob questioned if it should be FMG or FHIR-I for FHIR since FMG is not really a workgroup and is not like the other product oversight groups. Or is it that the other product lines (V2, V3, CDA, CIMI) do not yet have formal management groups?
      2. We began reviewing the proposed voting strawman in the Google process doc in some detail and made some tweaks. It needs more work and clarification, and needs to be put into the main process document
    2. Coordination with ballots
    3. Integration of External Terminologies Requests
    4. ??
  6. List of items that need improvement/clarification on the document
    1. Path/process for the 'structural vocabulary'
    2. Coordination and engagement of consensus pool
      1. Do we need a subprocess for consensus pool formation, signup, notification, tracking, etc.?
  7. List of items to be defined
    1. Concordance/index for interest groups
    2. Knowledge set for voting levels
    3. Major tool components needed
    4. Exploration of federated Terminology Store architecture
    5. State machine for proposals
    6. State machine for terminology objects
    7. QA process to discover errors or software bug issues after proposals are applied before they are released
    8. Other ??
  8. Actions
    1. Add submit queue to consensus process
    2. Rename Endorsement Acquisition process to Consensus Process
    3. Ted to put the voting strawman as updated in the process document and release v5 to the site asap

We are out of time, call adjourned at 5:00PM EST. Next call in 2 weeks on February 9 same time same channel.

General Information