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URTF WGM Agenda 2013Sep

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US Realm Task Force Call Agenda/Minutes

Location: Paul Revere B

Date: 2013-09-26
Time: 12:30 pm Eastern Time
Facilitator Austin Note taker(s) Lynn
Attendee Name

x Woody Beeler
Joe Bormel
x Lorraine Constable
x Lorraine Constable
x John Feikman
x Evelyn Gallegos
x Freida Hall
x Tony Julian
x Kensaku Kawamoto
x Paul Knapp
x Austin Kreisler,
x Lynn Laakso
x Ken McCaslin
x Ken Pool
x Pat Van Dyke
x John Quinn
no quorum definition


  • Status updates


Convened at 12:45 PM

KenK updates on CDS ballots, meeting with various WGs at the WGM

  • Longer term planning going on, headed by Keith Boone.
    • January 2-14 - Short term CDS things to move forward using better alignment with existing standards.
  • 2014May
    • harmonizing clinical content
      • FHIR
      • V3 models
      • Austin notes Keith floated a PSS today for an informative US Realm project under CQI cosponsored by SDWG, perhaps Arden Syntax, etc.
    • Expression logic
    • metadata
  • ONC has contract with Mitre, may engage Bob Dolin, etc. Working to try to accomplish this quickly. HeD needs to reconcile, publish, and then an incremental update for clear, easy things to harmonize. Replace with FHIR-based or V3-based approach in longer term.

SDC update - Evelyn Gallegos

  • Have met with various WGs at the WGM
  • Identify standards to allow EHRs to capture structured data - SOW for clinical research, patient safety, public health, eligibility. First standard (they call it IG) focused on SOAP/SAML exchange almost ready, and REST standard to come. SOAP/SAML will be also an IHE profile. Second is REST/OAuth.
  • Working with FHIR questionnaire resource.
  • KenP describes the process and other standards with which they will look to leverage. CDA R2 will be primary method of transfer from EHR. FHIR and vMR also being considered.
  • Paul asks how they indicate when they are using existing standards and when they are creating new ones (even heavily leveraged on existing standards). They are augmenting existing standards. Paul's concern is on any definitional piece that creates a standard. Content may have definitional components. Then you must define one as a specification and another IG.
  • Paul points out that CDA is intended to convey an original document, with receiver responsibilities etc. If they are pulling information from other sources and there is not an original document then CDA is not an appropriate representation. Austin points out that there are IGs coming from SDWG now on questionnaire and response that already violate that model.
  • Austin describes the plan for content review process and proposes that the SDC may go through. Lorraine notes that while we had a pre-trial for CDS vMR this will be probably an inaugural process for ArB. They need to review the material, then identify the skillset needed by reviewers, then find the reviewers. She asks when do we need to have the review done and how soon can they get the material? KenP notes they need to know from ONC who they intend to be the host SDO.
  • Lorraine asks if they're not bringing in any additional content, what are we balloting for the SOAP/SAML? If it's just an implementation profile it could be IHE. John points out that IHE may want to have it balloted in HL7. The second piece then would need to be developed in HL7, probably FHIR.
  • KenP notes that we aren't far enough down the road yet to really evaluate the REST/OAuth steps.
  • Paul asks to review the SOAP/SAML material from an ITS perspective to minimize duplication.
  • Feik notes that with DAP they want to do some things in SOAP, some in REST and need to review this as well.
  • Paul notes that in FHIR the transport and the resources/content are different things just like in other paradigms.
  • Pat asks about the gap analysis - Ken assures the gaps will not be HL7 but they'll let us know.

Austin suggests we not meet next week. Lorraine asks how often do we need to meet? How many initiatives are we addressing? Woody suggests weekly for a time and evaluate when we see what the CDS ballot looks like.

  • Re-convene week from Wednesday 5 PM.

Evelyn notes they are starting to build the REST/OAuth in November and asks how best to stay in touch and in the pipeline to ballot next year. She should start a PSS for the project and develop a resource proposal for any resources. New artifact type of a FHIR Implementation Guide, how to use FHIR to solve a business problem. Freida asks how to initiate a resource proposal - it's on the wiki and linked from the FHIR spec. Austin suggests we may need a subteam for the FHIR work to determine where to host the FHIR development.

Adjourned 1:35 PM.

Meeting Outcomes


Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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