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TestReport FHIR Resource Proposal

From HL7Wiki
Revision as of 21:01, 30 August 2017 by Richard ettema (talk | contribs)
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Owning committee name

FHIR Infrastructure (FHIR-I)

Committee Approval Date:


Contributing or Reviewing Work Groups

Conformance_and_Guidance_for_Implementation/Testing (CGIT)

FHIR Resource Development Project Insight ID


Scope of coverage

The TestReport resource is an infrastructure resource used to define the results of software tests on one or more FHIR servers (and possibly clients). It includes a link to the TestScript resource that was executed and provides the state or outcome of each individual operation and assert. Additional details may be provided in markdown text for each operation and assert. The scope is limited to reporting on FHIR conformance-related behavior and does not apply to general user interface testing nor tests related to other standards

RIM scope

N/A - This resource operates outside of the space covered by the RIM as "meta" information about FHIR-conformant systems.

Resource appropriateness

The notion of "test reports" is well understood. Formal testing has been used to drive IHE testing of HL7 interfaces as well as CDA systems. Test reports may be created in a package but each is distinct corresponds to a distinct test script execution and may be used in supporting certification testing of FHIR interfaces.

Expected implementations

This resource will be used in FHIR connectathons, as part of HL7 certification processes, within IHE certification tooling and by affiliates, implementers and other groups seeking to verify and report on system conformance.

Content sources

MIF, IHE test tooling, HL7 CDA certification tooling

Example Scenarios

  • Test system against an implementation guide
  • Test system for compliance with a set of RFP requirements

Resource Relationships

  • References TestScript to define the original testing context: resources, operations, and asserts


Draft as part of STU 3

gForge Users


When Resource Proposal Is Complete

When you have completed your proposal, please send an email to