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Talk:Care Plan Topic project

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other definitions of Care Plan

Audrey: There is a WHO definition and a definition in the ISO TC215 glossary.

@ Anneke:The definition from the skmt glossary is on the Care plan Glossary wiki.So is the definition from the ISO standard for the continuity of care.For the WHO definition: I cannot find it on the website of the WHO. Audrey can you gice me that definition or guidance where to look?

Monica: there is a definition in HL7 glossary (foundation)sourced from EHRS-FM: A record of expected or planned activities, including observations, goals, services, appointments and procedures, usually organized in phases or sessions, which have the objective of organizing and managing health care activity for the patient, often focused upon one or more of the patient’s health care problems.

see Glossary [[1]]

@ Anneke: I added this to the care plan glossary wiki as another option.

Luigi: Is our project focused on Nursing Plan of Care? This could be modeled as a type of Plan of Care. Consequently, we may have to re-state the ISO standard from a nursing perspective.

@ PCWG: Care Plan should be a multidisciplinary definition and model.

Questions for the work on the definition for care plan are:

  • Can we live with the definition from the ISO standard? If no, which points of discussion are there in this definition?
  • What are the different steps that the different disciplines in health care are using and can we come to a generic structure of the care plan?

Example 2

Definitions of the different parts of the care plan

If we agree on the structural definition of the care plan what are the definitions of the several parts of the care plan? Example: what is the definition of diagnosis?

Review the following standard for a definition of diagnosis: ISO TS 22789 Health informatics – Conceptual framework for patient findings and problems in terminologies. The scope of clinical findings includes diseases and findings of state or function. Based on initial analysis, 18104 does not support representation of diseases (which can be designated as ‘medical’ diagnoses). It may support representation of some findings of state or function.