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Talk:Care Plan Topic project

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Definition from EN 13940-1:2007

Concept: care plan and health care plan

Definition: duly personalised statement of planned health care activities bundles encompassing all foreseen health care provider activities to be performed by one health care professional, or by several health care professionals having the same health care professional entitlement

NOTE 1 Since any health care activities, including of course health care provider activities, may address more than one health issue or have more than one health care goal, so does any care plan.

NOTE 2 A care plan can be identical to the programme of care whenever only one health care professional applies the programme of care.

NOTE 3 A care plan is a piece of sharable information (sharable data), and as such is notified in one or more sharable data repositories, where it can be accessed to, according to access rules.

EXAMPLES A nurse's care plan. A care plan for immunisation, for smoking cessation.

Component of:programme of care. Multiplicity:one

Features or related entities Type (examples Multiplicity
established at date and time one
planned start date and time one
actual start date and time one
performance status postponed/ underway/ cancelled one
planned interruption periods zero to many
actual interruption periods zero to many

Direct relationship with Name of relationship Multiplicity
health care professional is applied by one to many
health issue addresses one to many
health care goal is subtended by one to many
health care provider activity plans one to many
health care activities bundle describes one to many
professional health record is recorded in one to many
sharable data repository is notified in zero to many