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September 7 2016 Education Telecon

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Call to Order

  • Call info:

Wednesday, 4PM EDT Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270 Participant Passcode: 447895

Called meeting to order at 4:11 pm EST

  • Attendees:
    • Sharon Kayne Chaplock
    • Fernando Campos
    • Melissa Mendivil
    • Diego Kaminker
    • Mary Anne Boyle

Review prior minutes

Discussion items

  • WGM Housekeeping Items:
    • Review and approve agenda. Any action items to prep for the WGM?
    • Education WG slide deck (Melissa)
    • Board Report - edited by Mary Ann and Sharon - chairs need to edit it now/review. Due the 8th.
  • Draft Tutorial grids
  • Review Education Dashboard draft
  • Certification
    • Continue Discussion/Status updates on FHIR, Professional Certification, Certification Best Practices
  • Any news/report from HQ
