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September 26, 2017 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information

Dial-in Number:  (515) 604-9861;  Access Code: 429554
* Online Meeting Link:  
* Click on Join an Online Meeting
* at Join Meeting Enter Online Meeting ID:  cbhs 
* Enter Name, e-mail if prompted
* Run the FCC_Installer if prompted

Please be aware that teleconference meetings are recorded to assist with creating meeting minutes


Member Name x Member Name x Member Name x Member Name
. Johnathan ColemanCBCC Co-Chair x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-Chair x Jim Kretz CBCC Co-Chair x David Pyke CBCC Co-Chair
x Kathleen Connor Security Co-Chair . Mike Davis x John Moehrke Security Co-Chair x Diana Proud-Madruga SOA Co-Chair
. Mohammed Jafari . Ali Khan . Ken Salyards . Ken Sinn
x David Staggs . Steve Eichner . Ioana Singureanu . Beth Pumo
x Chris Shawn x Neelima Chennamaraja x Joe Lamy . Joseph Quinn
x [Irina Connelly ] . . .

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Agenda
  2. (05 min) CBCC FHIR FRIDAY call at 2:00 ET // FHIR Consent Directive Project Wiki, Main page... new day/time?
  3. NIST SP 800-53 REV 5 DRAFT Document out for comment (Mike Davis)
  4. (05 min) Security and Privacy Impact Assessment Cookbook (SPIA) - SUR definition - Suzanne
  5. WGM Overview, Announcement

Please contact a CBCC Co-chair if you wish to add agenda items! Thank you!

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Meeting Minutes (DRAFT)

Approve Meeting Minutes for September 05, 2017

  • did not meet, on September 5 no meeting minutes to approve
CBCC FHIR FRIDAY call at 2:00 ET // FHIR Consent Directive Project Wiki, Main page... new day/time? 
  • new CPs added, will need attendees to review, discuss and vote for upcoming meeting THIS FRIDAY at regular 2:00 ET time
  • Options for new meeting day/time - David to send poll out:
    • Friday (earlier time) 1100 ET
    • Thursday at 1300/1400/1500 ET

ONC Meeting Starting at Friday 1PM ET (conflicts with FHIR Friday Meeting): Meeting Link:

NIST SP 800-53 REV 5 DRAFT Document

  • review period closed
  • no other update

(05 min) Security and Privacy Impact Assessment Cookbook (SPIA) - SUR definition - Suzanne

  • Suzanne lagging... hopefully will have update next week
  1. WGM Overview, Announcement
  • Motion made to extend the Data Provenance to the extent available (Kathleen/David)
  • VOTE: 0 oppose; 0 abstain, MOTION PASSES: 9 (at time of vote)
  • VOTE: SHIPPS project (Withdraw or continue) Recommendation: Withdraw
  • Motion made to withdraw the SHIPPS project
  • VOTE: 0 oppose; 0 abstain, MOTION PASSES: 9 (at time of vote)

Announcement: Community Based Collaborative Care name change to Community-Based Care and Privacy (CBCP)

  • Administrative paperwork has been submitted to the DESD
  • Awaiting DESD vote

September 2017 CBCC Working Group Meeting - San Diego, California USA, September 10-15, 2017 DRAFT MEETING MINUTES

  • In process, Suzanne needs to place in correct format

Privacy Study Group; as discussed at the September 2017 WGM - Chris Shawn

  • Anyone interested please submit name to [ Chris Shawn] <<confirm e-mail address>>, he is currently working on a Google site to promote project
  • need to send inquiry to CBCC list

Motion made to adjourn (Jim) Meeting adjourned at 1120 AM AZT --Suzannegw (talk) 18:19, 26 September 2017 (EDT)