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September 2018 Security Working Group Meeting Agenda- Baltimore (DRAFT)

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HL7 September 2018 Baltimore WGM Event BROCHURE Link

  • [<<link TBD)>> Baltimore WGM ]for meeting room information

[<<link TBD)>> HL7 Sept 2018 WGM Minutes]

[ FHIR Connectathon]

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Day Date Qtr Time Event Session Leader Room
SAT SEP 29 Q1 - Q4 9:00-5:00 . .
SUN SEP 30 Q1 9:00-10:30 . .
Q2 11:00-12:30
Q3 1:45-3:00 FHIR MG Room TBD
Q4 3:30-5:00
MON OCT 01 Q1 9:00-10:30 . No Meeting .
Q2 11:00-12:30 . No Meeting .
Q3 - Q4 1:45-5:00 Joint CBCP - Security CBCP hosting Security Columbia
TUE OCT 02 Q1 9:00-10:30 Opening Security WG Meeting
  • Introductions
  • Approval of agenda
  • International Report outs
  • Liaison Reports: ISO, IHE, ONC, OASIS
    • OASIS XSPA-SAML Update
  • FHIR Security Report out/S&P Considerations - John Moehrke
  • HL7 Project status and updates:
    • Is Privacy Obsolete Study Group (report out here and at joint EHR meeting and possibly FHIR group?) - Mike Davis
    • PSAF Project Refresh, Trust Framework and S&P DAM - Next Steps overview - Mike Davis
Security Guest Romm 319
Q2 11:00-12:30 Security Ballot Reconciliation
  • TF4FA Volumes 1 & 2 Ballot Reconciliation
  • Update of Volume 3 Draft - Mike Davis
  • PASS Audit Ballot Reconciliation - Update PASS Audit per ballot dispositions
Security Frederick
Q3 1:45-3:00 Joint CBCP, Hosting Security

Proposed Topics: HL7 Project status and updates:

  1. Trust (Luis Maas-if able to attend)
  2. FHIR-Security and Privacy Topic Overview/cont.(JohnM)
    • Future FHIR-Security and Privacy topics
    • Drill down of FHIR Security-Privacy activities
Q4 3:30-5:00 Security Joint with CBCP
  • MiHIN's ONC Patient Granular Choice Pilot presentation - Shreya Patel
  • FHIR Consent and FHIR Contract Comparison proposed white paper
WED OCT 03 Q1 9:00-10:30 Joint w/ EHR, CBCP, FHIR, SOA, Security

In-depth discussion :

  1. TF4FA Vol. 3 Update - Mike Davis
  2. PSAF Project Update - Mike Davis
  3. S&P Considerations for FHIR - John Moehrke
  • Security rep to OO for FHIR2V2 PSS for security labels W Q1/Q4
EHR hosting Security, CBCP, FHIR-I Constallation D
Q2 11:00-12:30 Security
  • PSAF Project Refresh, Trust Framework and S&P DAM - (Information Model) Next Steps - Mike Davis
Q3 1:45-3:00 Security WG - FHIR topics
  • S&P Considerations for FHIR
  • 9167 AuditEvent needs to make more obvious how to record a break-glass event (John Moehrke)
  • 10343 Three additional Signature.type codes (Kathleen Connor)
  • 11071 Improve security label guidance (Kathleen Connor)
  • 12660 HCS use clarification (John Moehrke)
  • 17192 Verification of given resource without changing the content (Thomas Johansen)
  • 17299 enhance current disclosure AuditEvent so that it explains what is being recorded and why (John Moehrke)
  • 17300 Break-Glass description needs clarifications (John Moehrke)
  • 14678 Implementation guide for signatures+-+2018-Jan Core+%231 (Brian Pech)
Security hosting FHIR-I, CBCP Constellation C
Q4 3:30-5:00 GDPR Session Security hosting CBCP Columbia
THU OCT 04 Q1 9:00-10:30 Security hosting CBCP, FHIR-I Joint
  • FHIR Consent Resource - Discussion (CBCP-Security) see Wiki: HL7 FHIR Consent Directive Project
    • Contract vs Consent Issue Grahame, Lloyd
  • FHIR categorization by security/privacy considerations
    • can the FHIR tooling help build UI around categorization into various groups (public, business, personal, patient, other)
    • thus each page would have something at the top similar to 'compartment' with possibly multiple classifications
    • and each page 'might' have additional S&P considerations only where it is different than that classification
  • FHIR FMM advancement for Security and Privacy resources
Security hosting CBCP, FHIR-I Constellation C
Q2 11:00-12:30 Security WG Project Meeting

Security Constallation C
Q3 1:45-3:00 . .
Q4 3:30-5:00 . .
FRI OCT 05 Q1 9:00-10:30 . .
Q2 11:00-12:30 . .
Q3 1:45-3:00 . .
Q4 3:30-5:00 . .

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Session Type:

Business Meeting
Technical Meeting
Ballot Reconciliation