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San Antonio Jan 2017

From HL7Wiki
Revision as of 19:57, 15 January 2017 by Drjtcase (talk | contribs)
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  • business icon - business
  • ballot reconciliation icon - ballot reconciliation
  • technical icon - technical
  • / = joint session

Day Date ' Time Icon Event Chair Scribe Room
Sunday Jan 15 PM Q3 technical icon Vocabulary
  • Agenda planning
  • Vocabulary tutorial framework
Ted Heather Pecos
Q4 technical icon Vocabulary
  • Workgroup project review
  • Action item review and status
Ted Heather Pecos
Monday Jan 16 AM Q1 technical icon Vocab
  • Terminology Governance Project
  • Tooling
Jim Heatheer Pecos
Q2 technical icon Vocab
  • Terminology Governance Project
  • Tooling
Jim Heather Pecos
PM Q3 business icon Vocab
  • Open
Ted teaching Pecos
Q4 technical icon Vocab
  • TermInfo
Rob H.; Ted teaching Pecos
Q5 business icon Co-Chairs
  • Co-Chair dinner and roundtable
  • FTSD meeting - Russ, Rob H., Ted, Rob M., Jim
Jim, Ted, Rob M., Rob H., Russ
Tuesday Jan 17 AM Q1 business icon

technical icon

  • VS Expansion discussion
Q2 technical icon Vocab (Hosting)/Struct docs
  • Binding syntax
  • Valueset maintenance
Rio Grande West
PM Q3 technical icon Vocab (hosting)/FHIR Infrastructure
  • Ballot reconciliation
  • FHIR Vocabulary project - code system profile
Q4 technical icon Vocab/Patient Care (hosting) Rio Grande center
Wednesday Jan 18 AM Q1 technical icon Vocab (Hosting)/MnM/FHIR Pecos
Q2 technical icon Vocab (Hosting)/MnM Pecos
PM Q3 technical icon Vocab/V2 Publishing (Hosting)
  • V3 Vocabulary publishing
Rob H. Teaching Pecos
Q4 ballot reconciliation icon Vocab
  • SDC update
Rob H. Teaching Pecos
Thursday Jan 19 AM Q0 business icon Vocab
  • Co-chair planning for Madrid
Ted Jim Pecos
Q1 technical icon Vocab (Hosting)/CGIT/InM
  • TQA Project
Q2 technical icon Vocab (Hosting)/CGIT
  • Binding syntax
PM Q3 technical icon Vocab (Hosting)/CGIT/CIMI Rio Grande Center
Q4 technical icon Vocab
  • HL7 glossary
Q5 technical icon Co-Chairs
  • Thursday night facilitator roundtable
Attending Chairs: Ted, Russ, Rob H. NA
Friday Jan 20 AM Q1 business icon HTA/SGB
  • General business
Attending: Ted, Rob M. NA
Q2 business icon HTA/SGB
  • General business
Attending: Ted, Rob M. NA
PM Q3 No Meeting
Q4 No Meeting