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SDWG Sept 2013 Boston Agenda

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Revision as of 13:48, 24 September 2013 by Ployd (talk | contribs)
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  • Co-chair conflicts
    • Diana none!
    • Monday - No Austin Q3; No Bob Q3/Q4; No Patrick today
    • Tuesday - No Bob Q3/Q4; No Austin Q3/Q4; No Calvin Q3/Q4
    • Wednesday - No Brett Q1/Q2; No Austin Q3/Q4; No Bob Q3/Q4; No Calvin Q3/Q4; No Patrick today
    • Thursday - No Calvin Q1 & Q2; No Patrick today
    • Friday - No Patrick Q1 & Q2
  • Potential Topics
    • Ballot Reconciliation
      • Consolidated CDA
      • Digital Signature
      • LOINC Document Ontology
      • HAI
      • C-CDA Companion Guide

Day Date Time Icon Event Chair Scribe Room
Sunday Sept 22 Q1 NO MEETING
Monday Chair Scribe Room
Monday Sept 23 Q1 NO MEETING
Q3 Business med.gif MEETING
  • Business Session:
    • Agenda Review
    • Update SDWG 3 Year Plan
    • Update on current ballot - number of comments and planned ballot reconciliation
    • Upcoming ballots
    • Presentation on any new projects
    • Co-chair availability

Out: Austin, Bob, Patrick

Molly Pitcher
Q4 Reconciliation med.gif HOST PHER
  • National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS)
  • C-CDA Companion Guide
  • FDA UDI - Terrie Reed
Out: Bob, Patrick Molly Pitcher
Tuesday Chair Scribe Room
Tuesday Sept 24 Q1 Reconciliation med.gif MEETING
  • Joint with CQI - transition of work products, QRDA smoking gun design.
  • Unification of quality reporting, decision support, and transitions of care
  • (tentative) QDM-based HQMF R2 reconciliation



Molly Pitcher
Q2 Reconciliation med.gif MEETING
  • Host II (half the quarter) and Consolidated CDA related comments
  • FDA UDI Standard



Molly Pitcher
Q3 Technical med.gif HOST ITS/MnM/Publishing/Tooling (not confirmed)
  • Implementation Guide Quality workgroup update (Andy)
  • Digital signature ballot reconciliation

Brett -- Out: Austin, Bob, Calvin


Molly Pitcher
Q4 Reconciliation med.gif MEETING
  • (Martin Rosner) Questionnaire Demo
  • QDM-based HQMF R2 reconciliation

Brett -- Out: Austin, Bob, Calvin


Molly Pitcher
Wednesday Chair Scribe Room
Wednesday Sept 25 Q1 Technical med.gif HOST CDS (not confirmed) & CQI
  • Unification of quality reporting, decision support, and transitions of care
  • QDM/VMR harmonization
  • Expression languages

Out: Brett, Patrick

Molly Pitcher
Q2 Reconciliation med.gif Host Pharmacy (not confirmed)
  • Consolidated CDA

Out: Brett, Patrick

Molly Pitcher
Q3 Technical med.gif Open
  • Hosted by CQI on QDM/vMR?

Out: Austin, Bob, Calvin, Patrick

Riverside Pavillion
Q4 Technical med.gif Open
  • TBD

Out: Austin, Bob, Calvin, Patrick

Molly Pitcher
Thursday Chair Scribe Room
Thursday Sept 26 Q1 Reconciliation med.gif MEETING
  • S&I presentation on structured data capture (tentative)
  • Consolidated CDA

Out: Calvin, Patrick

Molly Pitcher
Q2 Reconciliation med.gif JOINT w/PC, Templates (PC Hosting) (not confirmed)
  • Consolidated CDA

Out: Calvin, Patrick

William Garrison
Q3 Reconciliation med.gif HOST FHIR (confirmed 5/22)
  • FHIR DSTU ballot reconciliation
  • CDA R3 Narrative block and FHIR narrative

Out: Patrick

Molly Pitcher
Q4 Reconciliation med.gif MEETING
  • Consolidated CDA

Out: Patrick

Molly Pitcher
Friday Chair Scribe Room
Friday Sept 27 Q1 Technical med.gif MEETING
  • 3 Year Plan update
  • CDA R3
    • Ballot planning
    • CDA R3 Templating
    • CDA IG Product Family based on CDA R3
    • CDA R3 Markup vs. FHIR markup
    • CDA R3 and Digital Signatures
    • Vocabulary binding syntax and CDA R3

Out: Patrick

Molly Pitcher
Q2 Technical med.gif MEETING
  • CDA R3
  • TBD

Out: Patrick

Molly Pitcher


  • Business med.gif Business meeting
  • Reconciliation med.gif Ballot Reconciliation meeting
  • Technical med.gif Technical discussion