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SDWG May 2016 Montreal Agenda

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  • Co-chair conflicts (Brett unavailable)
    • Monday -
    • Tuesday -
    • Wednesday - Q1 & Q2 Rick, Q4 Austin
    • Thursday -
    • Friday - Q1 & Q2 Austin
  • Potential Topics)

x**Update on Pharmacist Care Plan (Shelly Spiro) (20 minutes) (not available Mon Q2, Thurs Q1

    • CDA Product Family Strategy (PLA/MKMcDaniel/AKreisler)
      • CDA Artifact methodology and management
      • Template Registry discussion (LNelson)
    • C-CDA Product Line Strategy (AKreisler)
      • ODH
      • UDI
      • Patient Care Changes C-CDA
      • Pharmacy Model changes to C-CDA
    • C-CDA Companion Guide Project - 2 Quarters (JDuteau) (before Thursday)
      • Update on Implementationathon
    • CDA 2.1

x** Aging Projects/document

    • PACP Update - 20 minutes - LNelson (not Monday Q3)
    • Relevant & Pertinent Update?
    • PHMR IG Vote to Publish (MRosner) Tue or Wed

Day Date Time Icon Event Chair Scribe Room
Sunday January 10 Q1 NO MEETING
Monday Chair Scribe Room
Monday January 11 Q1 Business med.gif MEETING
  • Agenda Review
  • Announcments
  • Update on current ballot - number of comments and planned ballot reconciliation
  • Upcoming ballots
  • Update SDWG 3 Year Plan
  • SWOT
  • Review PBS metrics and work group health
  • Expiring Standards
  • Aging Projects/document
  • C-CDA Product Line Strategy (AKreisler)
    • ODH
    • UDI
    • Patient Care Changes C-CDA
    • Pharmacy Model changes to C-CDA
Q3 Business med.gif MEETING
  • Update on Pharmacist Care Plan (Shelly Spiro) (20 minutes) (not available Mon Q2, Thurs Q1
Q4 Business med.gif HOST PHER
  • TBD
Tuesday Chair Scribe Room
Tuesday January 12 Q1 Business med.gif JOINT with CQI (CQI Hosting)
  • TBD
Q2 Technical med.gif JOINT with Vocab (Vocab HOSTING)
  • VSAC Value set management (C-CDA valueset loading) LNelson
    • Formally deetermine a process to be implemented
  • Update on Binding syntax
Q3 Technical med.gif HOST ITS/MnM/Publishing/Tooling
  • CDA Product Family Discussion (AKreisler/CBeebe)
Q4 Technical med.gif HOST FHIR, Send Representatives to Patient Care (negation and vocab discussion)
  • CDA Product Family Discussion (AKreisler)
Wednesday Chair Scribe Room
Wednesday January 13 Q1 Technical med.gif MEETING
  • TBD
Q2 Technical med.gif MEETING
  • TBD
Q3 Technical med.gif MEETING
  • TBD
Q4 Technical med.gif MEETING, Send representative to PCWG (Allergy and intolerance: vocab and harmonization discussions)
  • TBD
Thursday Chair Scribe Room
Thursday January 14 Q1 Technical med.gif HOST Imaging, Send Representatives of C-CDA on FHIR project to PC
  • TBD
Q2 Technical med.gif JOINT w/PC, Templates (PC Hosting)
  • PCWG hosting SDWG and Template -Allergy/Intolerance, Care Plan, C-CDA/FHIR Harmonization, other topics as needed, please send reps
Q3 Technical med.gif HOST FHIR (Send a representative to Clinical Statement)
  • TBD
Q4 Technical med.gif MEETING
  • TBD
Friday Chair Scribe Room
Friday January 15 Q1 Technical med.gif Joint w/Templates, PC (Templates hosting)
  • TBD
Q2 Technical med.gif MEETING
  • TBD


  • Business med.gif Business meeting
  • Reconciliation med.gif Ballot Reconciliation meeting
  • Technical med.gif Technical discussion