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* C-CDA Update PSS
* C-CDA Update PSS
** Proposal to include Genetic Testing Report CDA in C-CDA (Amnon Shabo)
** Proposal to include Genetic Testing Report CDA in C-CDA (Amnon Shabo)
* HAI NR! Ballot Reconciliation
* HRSA HIV/AIDs reconciliation
* HRSA HIV/AIDs reconciliation

Revision as of 20:59, 6 May 2013

  • Co-chair conflicts
    • Monday - No Austin Q3, No Brett Q3
    • Tuesday - No Bob Q1/Q2/Q3; No Austin Q1/Q2; No Calvin Q1/Q2/Q3
    • Wednesday - No Brett Q1/Q2; No Bob Q3/Q4; No Calvin Q3/Q4; No Austin Q3/Q4
    • Thursday - No Calvin Q1 & Q2, No Brett Q3 & Q4
    • Friday - No Calvin Q2
  • Potential Topics

Day Date Time Icon Event Chair Scribe Room
Sunday May 5 Q1 NO MEETING
Monday May 6 Q1 Business med.gif MEETING
  • Business Session:
    • Agenda Review
    • Update SDWG 3 Year Plan
    • Updates on ballots under development
    • HQMF R2 publishing timeline
  • LOINC Clinical Document Taxonomy and Query Syntax
TBD TBD Georgia13
Q2 Technical med.gif MEETING
  • CDA Product Line planning (includes governance discussion)
  • EMS Patient Care Report CDA project (second half)
  • Structured Form Definition Document (second half)
  • Questionnaire Response Document (second half)
TBD TBD Georgia13
Q3 Reconciliation med.gif MEETING
  • Structured Form Definition Document
  • Questionnaire Response Document
TBD TBD Georgia13
Q4 Technical med.gif HOST PHER (confirmed 1/24)
  • PHER - PSS for Medical Care Survey review
  • SDWG - PSS for HAI IG Normative Release 2
  • Time permitting:
    • CDC HAI Ballot reconciliation
    • HRSA HIV/AIDs IG Ballot reconciliation
TBD TBD Georgia13
Tuesday May 7 Q1 Reconciliation med.gif MEETING
  • ASCO Clinical Oncology
  • Patient Generated Document - update on header (first 15 mins?)
TBD TBD Georgia13
Q2 Technical med.gif MEETING
  • CDA R2 Attachments, and digital signature discussion - Bob Dieterle
TBD TBD Georgia13
Q3 Technical med.gif HOST ITS/MnM/Publishing/Tooling (confirmed 1/24)
  • CDA R3 Draft for comment issue - How to override named participation with the extension space participation at the same level.
  • CDA R3 - PubDb editing vs. Combined Mif based publishing
TBD TBD Georgia13
Q4 Technical med.gif MEETING
  • CDA R3
    • Discuss use of map and area tags in narrative block markup as opposed to RegionOfInterest (ballot item #170)
    • Resolve contradictory reconciliation for DFC1 #50 with task tracker #30 regarding handling Responsible Party
    • DFC1 question - WGM discussion point: Can a normative CDA specification include a template (and template id) for the old participant modeling in CDA R2 and collapse participant 1 & 2 together?
    • Review Task Tracker #8 - reopen resolution to updates to information recipient
    • Review CDA R3 related harmonization proposals
  • C-CDA PSS Discussion
TBD TBD Georgia13
Wednesday May 8 Q1 Technical med.gif HOST CDS (confirmed 1/24) & CQI
  • EHR Context value set
  • QDM/vMR harmonization
  • Expression language(s) in eMeasure
TBD TBD Georgia13
Q2 Reconciliation med.gif Host Pharmacy
  • ASCO Clinical Oncology
TBD TBD Georgia13
Q3 Technical med.gif HOST II (confirmed 1/24) TBD TBD Georgia13
Q4 Reconciliation med.gif No longer require joint with CQI
  • Open
NA NA Georgia13
Thursday May 9 Q1 Reconciliation med.gif MEETING
  • C-CDA Update PSS
    • Proposal to include Genetic Testing Report CDA in C-CDA (Amnon Shabo)
  • HAI NR! Ballot Reconciliation
  • HRSA HIV/AIDs reconciliation
TBD TBD Georgia13
Q2 Technical med.gif JOINT w/PC, Templates (PC Hosting) (confirmed onsite)
  • C-CDA Update PSS
TBD TBD Georgia10
Q3 Technical med.gif HOST FHIR (confirmed 1/24)
  • TBD
TBD TBD Georgia13
Q4 Technical med.gif HOSTING CGIT & Vocab (hosted by SDWG) (confirmed)
  • TBD
TBD TBD Georgia13
Friday May 10 Q1 Technical med.gif MEETING
  • 3 Year Plan update
  • CDA R3
    • Planning for next
    • Editors task review
TBD TBD Georgia2
Q2 Technical med.gif MEETING
  • CDA R3
  • TBD
TBD TBD Georgia13


  • Work Group business meeting Business med.gif
  • Ballot Reconciliation meeting Reconciliation med.gif
  • Work Group technical discussion Technical med.gif