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SDWG Jan 2016 Orlando Agenda

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Revision as of 16:42, 5 January 2016 by Austin kreisler (talk | contribs)
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  • Co-chair conflicts
    • Monday - Q3 - Austin, Q3 Calvin, Q3 (possibly Q4) Mark
    • Tuesday - Q1, Q2 & Q4 - Gay, Q3 & Q4 Mark
    • Wednesday - Q2 - Gay, Q3 & Q4 Calvin, Q1 & Q2 Rick/Brett, Q3 Austin, Q4 Mark
    • Thursday - Q1 & Q2 Calvin/Brett
    • Friday - Q1 & Q2 - Austin/Calvin/Brett
  • Potential Topics
    • Scoring C-CDA ( request from HQ)
      • Presentation on SMART C-CDA scorecard (JMandel)
    • HL7 HQ Seeking input on SNOMED CT concepts for free International use
Day Date Time Icon Event Chair Scribe Room
Sunday January 10 Q1 NO MEETING
Monday Chair Scribe Room
Monday January 11 Q1 Business med.gif MEETING
  • Agenda Review
    • Update SDWG 3 Year Plan
    • Update on current ballot - number of comments and planned ballot reconciliation
    • SWOT
    • Expiring Standards
    • Review PBS metrics and work group health
    • Upcoming ballots
    • Co-chair availability
    • SDWG co-chair openings
      • Write in candidates statements
    • Announcments
      • AID WG Monday Q3 Demo Schematron Validator Tool (CBeebe)
  • Implementationathon update (JDuteau)
  • Presentation on any new projects
    • C-CDA Companion Guide project (JDuteau)
    • Schematron hardnening PSS (CBeebe)
    • MDHT Update
Q3 Business med.gif MEETING
  • Announcment - AID WG Demo Schematron Validator Tool (CBeebe)
  • Pharmacist eCare Plan (15 minutes) (Pharmacy WG)
  • C-CDA next release discussion (may continue into next quarter)
    • errata and maintenance of C-CDA
Q4 Business med.gif HOST PHER
  • PHER CDA projects
  • C-CDA next release discussion (continued if necessary)
  • C-CDA DSTU Comment Review (time permitting)
Tuesday Chair Scribe Room
Tuesday January 12 Q1 Business med.gif JOINT with CQI (CQI Hosting)
  • Act Mood Criteria deprecated in RIM 2.35
  • C-CDA DSTU Comment Review (time permitting)
Q2 Technical med.gif JOINT with Vocab (Vocab HOSTING)
  • C-CDA Value set definition maintenance discussion
  • How do we create Concept domains for CDA R2.1 in RIM 2.35
  • Universal Binding of Human Language in RIM 2.35 - what does CDA do?
  • Binding syntax update
Q3 Technical med.gif HOST ITS/MnM/Publishing/Tooling
  • Act Mood Criteria deprecated in RIM 2.35
    • negationInd is similar issue
  • Plans to change languageCode cs to cv in CDA R2.1
  • Implementation of linkHtml in the CDA.xsl
Q4 Technical med.gif HOST FHIR
  • TBD
  • C-CDA DSTU Comment Review (time permitting)
Wednesday Chair Scribe Room
Wednesday January 13 Q1 Technical med.gif MEETING, Send representative to PC (child health topics, not a joint session)
  • HL7 HQ Seeking input on SNOMED CT concepts for free International use
  • Ballot Reconciliation (tentative)
Q2 Technical med.gif MEETING
  • Ballot Reconciliation - Personal Advanced Care Plan (LNelson)
  • CDA section vs. sub-section (LNelson) (30 minutes)
Q3 Technical med.gif MEETING
  •  ? Send Representatives Pharmacy (Not a JOINT meeting) (cancel if we have no topics)
  • Ballot Reconciliation (tentative)
  • C-CDA DSTU Comment Review (time permitting)
Q4 Technical med.gif MEETING, Send representatives to Patient Care (Allergy/Intolerance discussion)
  • For Patient Care: Allergy/Intolerance, Health Concern discussion
  • For SDWG: ASCO Ballot reconciliation (BBannerman)
Thursday Chair Scribe Room
Thursday January 14 Q1 Technical med.gif HOST Imaging, Send Representative to PCWG (RGeimer)
  • Ballot Reconciliation (tentative)
Q2 Technical med.gif JOINT w/PC, Templates (PC Hosting)
  • ASCO Ballot reconciliation (request for a quarter on Wed and Thurs Q2 with Patient Care) (BBannerman)
Q3 Technical med.gif HOST FHIR, Send Representative to Clinic Statement (not a joint session)
Q4 Technical med.gif MEETING
  • CDA R2.1 Header Updates (30 minutes) (CBeebe)
  • C-CDA Value Set Maintenance (Marquard/McClure)
Friday Chair Scribe Room
Friday January 15 Q1 Technical med.gif Joint w/Templates, PC (Templates hosting)
  • TBD
Q2 Technical med.gif MEETING
  • cancelled due to lack of co-chairs


  • Business med.gif Business meeting
  • Reconciliation med.gif Ballot Reconciliation meeting
  • Technical med.gif Technical discussion