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SDWG Jan 2014 San Antonio Agenda

From HL7Wiki
Revision as of 15:15, 16 January 2014 by Benjamin Flessner1 (talk | contribs) (Add Rooms)
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  • Co-chair conflicts
    • Monday - No Diana Q3 & Q4, No Brett all day
    • Tuesday - No Brett Q1/Q2; No Austin Q3/Q4; No Calvin Q3/Q4; Diana no conflicts
    • Wednesday - No Brett Q1/Q2; No Bob Q3/Q4; No Calvin Q3/Q4; No Patrick today; Diana no conflicts; No Austin Q3 & Q4
    • Thursday - No Calvin Q1 & Q2; No Patrick today; Diana no conflicts; No Austin
    • Friday - No Patrick; No Austin; No Brett/Diana/Calvin for Q2
  • Potential Topics
    • Ballot Reconciliation
      • C-CDA R2 Ballot Reconciliation
      • C-CDA companion guide
    • CDA R2.1
    • Lightweight Expression of Granular Objects (LEGO) Content Modeling Using the SNOMED CT Observables Model (Bob Dieterle)
    • LOINC Clinical Ontology (Mon/Tuesday)
    • Comparison of FHIR documents to CDA
    • HL7 V2 Proposal: V2 Proposal 781 from Tony Julian
Day Date Time Icon Event Chair Scribe Room
Sunday Jan 19 Q1 NO MEETING
Monday Chair Scribe Room
Monday Jan 20 Q1 Business med.gif Business Meeting
  • Agenda Review
    • Update SDWG 3 Year Plan
    • Update on current ballot - number of comments and planned ballot reconciliation
    • SWOT
    • Expiring Standards (e.g. PHMR)
    • Review PBS metrics and work group health
    • Upcoming ballots
    • Presentation on any new projects
    • Co-chair availability
Rio Grande Center
Q2 Rio Grande Center
Q3 Business med.gif Rio Grande Center
Q4 Reconciliation med.gif HOST PHER (need to confirm) Rio Grande Center
Tuesday Chair Scribe Room
Tuesday Jan 21 Q1 Reconciliation med.gif MEETING
  • Joint with CQI
Rio Grande Center
Q2 Reconciliation med.gif MEETING
  • LOINC Clinical Ontology Reconciliation
Rio Grande Center
Q3 Reconciliation med.gif HOST ITS/MnM/Publishing/Tooling
  • Publishing- Re-invigorate the CDA Publishing Quality sub-group
Rio Grande Center
Q4 Reconciliation med.gif MEETING Rio Grande Center
Wednesday Chair Scribe Room
Wednesday Jan 22 Q1 Technical med.gif HOST CDS & CQI
  • HQMF R2.x modularization and related topics
  • Ballot Reconciliation (as needed)
    • QI DAM
    • Metadata
    • Expression Logic
Rio Grande Center
Q2 Reconciliation med.gif Host Pharmacy Rio Grande Center
Q3 Technical med.gif Open Rio Grande Center
Q4 Technical med.gif Open Rio Grande Center
Thursday Chair Scribe Room
Thursday Jan 23 Q1 Reconciliation med.gif MEETING Rio Grande Center
Q2 Reconciliation med.gif JOINT w/PC, Templates (PC Hosting) (need to confirm)
  • TBD
Rio Grande Center
Q3 Reconciliation med.gif HOST FHIR (need to confirm)
  • TBD
Rio Grande Center
Q4 Reconciliation med.gif MEETING
  • TBD
Rio Grande Center
Friday Chair Scribe Room
Friday Jan 24 Q1 Technical med.gif MEETING
  • 3 Year Plan update
Regency East #1
Q2 NO MEETING Regency East #1


  • Business med.gif Business meeting
  • Reconciliation med.gif Ballot Reconciliation meeting
  • Technical med.gif Technical discussion