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SDWG Jan 2012 San Antonio Agenda

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Revision as of 21:00, 9 January 2012 by Austin kreisler (talk | contribs)
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  • Co-chair conflicts
    • Austin - Tuesday Q4 (board)
    • Austin - Wed Q1, Q4
    • Bob - Tue Q4 (board), Wed Q3-Q4 (tutorial)
    • Brett - Wed Q1-Q2 (tutorial), Thur-Friday (unavailable)
    • Calvin - Wed Q3-Q4 (tutorial), Thur Q1-Q2 (tutorial)
  • Other topics
Day Date ' Time Icon Event Chair Scribe Room
Sunday mmm dd AM Q1 Technical med.gif NO MEETING NA NA
Q2 Technical med.gif NO MEETING NA NA
PM Q3 Technical med.gif NO MEETING NA NA
Q4 Technical med.gif NO MEETING NA NA
Monday mmm dd AM Q1 Technical med.gif MEETING
  • Business Session:
    • Agenda Review
      • Consider moving CDA R3 back to Thursday morning, with a monthly afternoon meeting to include Graham.
    • Approve request to withdraw Self Displaying CDA Project
    • S&I update - Rich Kernan
Bob/Austin/Brett/Grahame Calvin
Q2 Technical med.gif MEETING
  • State of affairs with SDWG efforts in eMeasure, QRDA
Bob/Austin/Brett/Grahame Calvin
PM Q3 Technical med.gif MEETING
  • CDA R3 & QRDA level 3 (Keith Boone)
Bob/Austin/Brett/Grahame Calvin
Q4 Technical med.gif HOST PHER/RCRIM
  • First half - RCRIM use of CDA
  • Second half - PHER - Immunization & CDA
Bob/Austin/Brett/Grahame Calvin
Tuesday mmm dd AM Q1 Technical med.gif HOST Attachments
  • TBD
Bob/Austin/Brett/Grahame Calvin
Q2 Technical med.gif MEETING with ITS
  • ITS - HTML5 ITS project update (Keith Boone)
Bob/Austin/Brett/Grahame Calvin
PM Q3 Technical med.gif HOST ITS
  • ITS - discuss hybrid RIM/Conventional ITS (Grahame)
Bob/Austin/Brett/Grahame Calvin
Q4 Technical med.gif MEETING
  • Patient Care
    • discuss topics of potential common interests such as: the use of DCM, care plan and other PC generated models in CDA
Brett/Grahame Calvin
Wednesday mmm dd AM Q1 Technical med.gif MEETING
  • CDS topics with representatives from CDS (45 minutes)
  • HQMF
Bob/Grahame Calvin
Q2 Technical med.gif HOST Pharmacy
  • CDA R3 update
Bob/Austin/Grahame Calvin
PM Q3 Technical med.gif HOST II
  • II - update on CDA Imaging Templates from RSNA and CDA template registration using a common template registry (i.e. for DICOM Supplement 150 and the RSNA templates).
Austin/Brett Grahame
Q4 Technical med.gif MEETING
  • (May be cancelled due to lack of co-chairs)
Bret/? ?
Thursday mmm dd AM Q1 Technical med.gif
  • SDWG - Cancelled
  • Join CGIT & Vocab (hosted by Vocab)
    • Vocab binding syntax
Q2 Technical med.gif
  • SDWG - Cancelled
  • Join Patient Care & Templates joint session (hosted by Patient Care)
PM Q3 Technical med.gif HOST RCRIM
  • RCRIM use of CDA
Bob/Austin Calvin
Q4 Technical med.gif MEETING
  • CDA R3
Austin/Bob Calvin
Friday mmm dd AM Q1 Technical med.gif SPLIT session
  • CDA R3
    • CDA R3 progress report
    • Digital signatures & CDA R3 - task tracker item #61
    • Need to discuss how to handle information Sensitivity and the policy used to assign sensitivity to information.
  • Send representatives to Templates joint session
Austin/Bob Calvin
Q2 Technical med.gif MEETING
  • CDA R3
Austin/Bob Calvin
PM Q3 Technical med.gif NO MEETING NA NA
Q4 Technical med.gif NO MEETING NA NA


  • Work Group business meeting Business med.gif
  • Ballot Reconciliation meeting Reconciliation med.gif
  • Work Group technical discussion Technical med.gif