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This is supplementary documentation for the HL7 RMIM Designer (in Visio). It collects all of the "add-on" documentation created since the primary RMIM Designer Compiled Help file was created for HL7 by graduate students from the University of British Columbia.

The rationale for this documentation is simple. To provide a one-source set of RMIM Designer documentation for a product that has been developed by multiple people in "fits and starts" over many years. As always any one who sees a hole in this documentation should plug it by making changes!

Summary Documentation for Release 4.5.1

(Placed here temporarily until completed and made a major section of this documentation.)

This major release of the RMIM Designer in Visio is the first to support both Data Types Release 1 (R1) and Release 2 (R2). Moreover, it supports automatic conversion between the two.

RIM Releases from 0.8 through 2.26 were all defined against data types R1. Subsequent RIM releases (2.27 and later) are defined against data types R2. When the RMIM designer is opened, the user must select a RIM (in a repository) that governs the model design.

The RMIM Designer will adopt the data types release of the RIM that was loaded. If a user attempts to load a design based on the other release, the RMIM Designer will ask to convert the model to match the loaded data types. If the user refuses, the model will be closed in an unaltered state. If the user accepts, the model will be converted to data types that match the loaded RIM.

This process will convert both from R1 to R2, and vice-versa. Moreover, a batch process (initiated from the menu on the stencil) will convert a set of files.

More detailed documentation of this release and process will be added in the near future to the Wiki at the URL reference provided above.

Summary of Tab Content

At present there are five other tabs in this collection:

Other Documentation (OtherDocumentation)

This provides direct access to the primary documentation zip file, and PDFs used to document subsequent updates to the RMIM Designer.

Vocabulary Constraints with Vocabulary MIF (VocabMIF)

Discusses the changes and implementation of the change from the "traditional, legacy" vocabulary representation to the "proper" representation in the Model Interchange Format (MIF) files.

Command Line Processing (CommandLine)

Provides an overview of the command line invocation capabilities added to the RMIM Designer in 2008)

Installation and Security Settings for RMIM Designer (Installation)

Provides source for step-by-step installation and setup instructions.

Changes for Visio 2003/7 (Visio2002/2003-7)

Documentation provided when the RMIM Designer was upgraded so as to run on Visio 2003/7 in addition to Visio 2002.

Key Sections for Various Users

Read what you need.