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Reserve Q31 trigger event

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This is a page of type Category:InM Open Action Items.

Reserve Q31 trigger event

Opened 20060914
Assigned:  Jack Harrington/Doug
Was action item 1100

Reserve Q31 trigger event ID submit documentation. [v2.7]

Original request was to reserved Q31 in Version 2.6 Ch 5. as of June 2007, v2.6 chapters closed, will need to be followed up with a v2.7 proposal.

  • 14-Sep-06 Opened. InM agrees to reserve Q31 trigger event, but needs supporting documentation from requestor (Jack)
  • 20061002: Telcon still open - Doug will follow up.
  • 20061003: Doug sent a reminder to Jack. He will try to supply the requested information by 13 October.
  • 20061004: Doug discovered Q31 already taken - will tell Jack to use Q32.
  • 20061204: Doug reminded Jack again - Jack promissed an answer in a week.
  • 2007-01-11: Doug will send final reminder to Jack.
  • 20070726: Scott reviewed pre-pub Chap 5. Neither Q31 or Q32 appear in v2.6 Chap 5 in any form. v2.6 chapters in find editing, this will not be able to be added to the official chapter. Continue as a probable v2.7 proposal
  • 20080114: WGM: Reserved pending proposal. Scott will talk to Jack/Doug that we need a proposal by Spring 2008 WGM, it is too late for 2.7.
  • 20080414: Scott: reconfirmed - Q31 is in use in Chap 4. email query sent to Doug/Jack