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Relationship between a section and its entries

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Revision as of 01:48, 9 January 2007 by Rene spronk (talk | contribs)
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Relationship between an entry and its narrative text. (not about relationships bewteen entries, or between entries and "objects external to the document"). See and

Narrative to entry

  • content: The CDA <content> element is used to wrap a string of text so that it can be explicitly referenced, or so that it can suggest rendering characteristics. The <content> element can nest recursively, which enables wrapping a string of plain text down to as small a chunk as desired.
  • renderMultiMedia: What, if anything, do the renderMultimedia XML tags in a narrative block encapsulate?
  • linkHTML: What, if anything, do the linkHTML XML tags in a narrative block encapuslate?

Entry to narrative

  • The originalText component of a RIM attribute present in any CDA entry can make explicit reference to the identifier (contained in a content element in the narrative block), thereby indicating the original text associated with the attribute in the CDA entry.
  • In the case of DRIV, is there an expectation (should it be required) that content tags be used in the generated narrative at the same level of granularity as the data contained in the Entries?
  • coded datatype.orignalText is ..., which suggests that the <content> being linked has to ..