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  • Creation of a simple reference RIMBAA implementation in the form of a SQL-enabled RIM-based database. This is a quick-and-dirty version of a RIM based database, for testing purposes.


  • (Dutch RIMBAA WG, 20080129) create RIM Reference Model as an SQL script, to use as a sandbox to play with RIM dbs and a list of requirements for a Clinical Data Repository (CDR). It will be a like a "Getting Started with a RIMdb".
  • Create a SQL-script to generate the RIM based database.
  • 20080603: Ernst and Michael are busy generating a database from the Access Rose database. However, the generated database will not necessarily be sufficient to support efficient querying and storage. For this, some denormalisations will have to be done and also, you might need additional table(s) to support the datatypes (like GTS). Ernst has experience in implementing this database, so it would be sensible to compare his database to the RIMBAA Sig specifications. Also, Ernst will describe how he handles datatypes, especially GTS. Ewout offers to do the technical writing, if necessary.
  • 20090129 (René): It sounds like we may want to re-use the outcomes of the Database with native ISO datatypes work item.
  • 20090120 (Michael): We should write down the transformation rules. Ernst and I have some rules, but not written them down. I think the result will be a SQL ITS!
  • See SqlServer RIMBAA script (created by Ewout Kramer, based on Java SIG materials).