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RIM Maintenance and Tooling Documentation

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To quote the HL7 standard "Core Principle and Properties of V3 Models":

The essential feature of HL7 Version 3 is that its specifications (standards) SHALL be based on a set of common models, and that, to the extent possible, these models will be based on the object modeling facilities of the Unified Modeling Language (UML). In HL7 Version 3, the information models for the specifications (standards) are based on three "core" models that are published as individual specifications but have been developed and maintained though careful collaboration and coordination within the HL7 community. These models are:
  • HL7 Reference Information Model (RIM) is an "information model" covering all information that must be communicated in support of health care ...
  • HL7 Abstract Data Types Model is a robust specification of data types ...
  • HL7 Vocabulary Model is a set of HL7-defined and maintained Concept Domains, Code Systems and Value Sets ...

To this end, development of the HL7 Reference Information Model (RIM) was started in 1996, and has been a continuing process since. To date, HL7 has released over 60 RIM versions, including three "normative" releases. This document lays out the processes and tooling used to maintain the RIM.

Harmonization and Publication

The primary process for RIM development and maintenance process known as the Vocabulary and RIM Harmonization Process. This process was initiated as RIM Harmonization and extended when Vocabulary specifications became a key, formal part of V3 specifications. This process is documented elsewhere.

Publication of the RIM occurs in several forms:

  • As a formal document for balloting and inclusion in V3 Normative Editions.
  • As a set of formal definitions (represented in Model Interchange Format (MIF) files or data bases) and released for use with tools developed by HL7 and others. These are released under the "Design Repository Project" on Gforge. Prior to May 2011, the primary representation was an an HL7 Design Repository in Access. With the release of this updated process, the primary representations become MIF "definition files" for the RIM and Vocabulary.
  • A formal RIM "model package" release that inlcudes modeling tool files, documentation of Harmonization changes, graphics, etc.

Prior Maintenance and Objectives

RIM Maintenance Process

Modeling Tool

RIM Archive

RIM Distribution

RIM Maintenance Tooling

Base Modeler

Model Elements Used

HL7 Profile

RIM Content Export

Updating Managed Object GUIDs

Archive Maintenance

Archive Structure

Archive Update for New Release

Base Model Update

RIM Release Distribution

