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QI Core STU 3.0 UPDATE Comment Page

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Revision as of 00:51, 1 December 2018 by Yanheras (talk | contribs)
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Summary of the STU update
This STU update to the QI-Core profiles incorporates updates to the US-Core profiles, version 1.1.0. Specifically, it changes the QICore-Encounter and QICore-PractitionerRole profiles to be derived from the new USCore-Encounter and USCore-PractitionerRole profiles, rather than directly from the base resources, as well as changes the QICore-Coverage profile type element to bind to the SOP Payer value set.

QICore STU v3.2.0 is available at: QICore STU v3.2.0. This is ready for two weeks of Members Only review, starting Nov. 30, 2018

Instruction for Submitting Comments
Please submit comments to the FHIR tracker with the specification set to "US QI-Core".