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|Present||Leftwich, Russ||RL||Co-Founder and Co Chair Learning Health Systems Work Group (LHSWG) at Health Level Seven International||??
|Present||Leftwich, Russ||RL||Co-Founder and Co Chair Learning Health Systems Work Group (LHSWG) at Health Level Seven International||??
|Present||Sipes, Carolyn||CS||??||??
|Present||Sipes, Carolyn||CS||Associate Professor, MSN Speciality Track Nursing Informatics Chamberlain College of Nursing||

Latest revision as of 08:22, 22 June 2015


Sandra opened the meeting and welcomes everyone that is present. This meeting has been set up by HIMSS based on the Doodle poll. Because the current time is during business hours it is difficult for William to attend every call. He asked everyone if it is possible to plan the conference calls 1 hour later. All agree to that. Sot the next call will be June 30. Because of technical problems Sandra had to plan just one meeting (today) with meeting details. For the next meeting this will be a recurrent meeting with the same meeting details every time.


Prospectus Update:

  • Marketing Messaging
  • Copy Development – Tailoring the message for the NI2016 Audience
  • Logo for Branding
  • Website publication
  • Sponsor Contract

Recruitment Update:

  • Webinar to attract attention
  • Include in HIMSS newsletters


  • Review quote
  • Floor plan / requirements for expo

Prospectus update

  • General Message: Sandra created a draft message we all can use for vendors and others. The draft will be adjusted for the NI2016 attendees and vendors. We discussed the statements (see below) that are important for this target groups. Sandra will work on that to finalize the message.The message will be uploaded on the wiki. The draft can be found here, File:HIMSS Interoperability Showcase at NI2016 Messaging JUN15.pdf
  • Value statement: What is going to drive attendees and vendors to come to the NI2016 showcase? In the PSS the project definition, the goal and scope of this is described and can be used. Statements were brought forward, Sandra wrote them down. Must connect with the EU policy on eHealth that is coming out soon and the EU directive for cross border exchange of data, like Epsos and Trilium Bridge.
  • Questionnaire: this is maybe possible to get an insight of what is going in Europe. Can be done in collaboration with EFMI. We made no appointment on this.
  • Logo of HIMSS incorporated in logo NI2016: Can be used on the website of HIMSS and NI2016. But also in other messages.
  • Sponsor contract: will be created based on an existing example by Patrick and Sandra.

Educational events: Webinar

  • We discussed the possibility of creating a webinar to engage vendors, nurses and others. We will think about the content and who, what and when. William suggest to plan these webinars on different times, because of the different time zones. We can use ePush to a lot of stakeholders to inform them.
  • Patrick is going to the ICN conference and will ask around what the marketing issues are and what would attract nurses to the showcase.

Exhibition floor plan

Sandra asked Patrick about the floor plan. Size and how this looks. Photo's of the floor will be helpful. She showed us some photo's of how the floor could look like during a showcase. Patrick will come back to this one week after the ICN conference. He will include Brown in this discussion.


  • The general message we discussed in the beginning can be used for publication. Every member of the team will see to it that a summary or the whole message will be published in a newsletter of the organization that he/she is representing. Nick will see to it that it will be in the newsletter of the ICN, Anneke in the HL7 Newsletter etc.
  • Patrick will create an editorial for the International Nursing Review.

Next meeting In two weeks.

  • Date June 30
  • Time 6.00 pm European time, this is noon, 12.00 EST.
  • Meeting details will be provided by Sandra.


Attending Name Initial Company/Affiliation Email Address
Present Goossen, William WG Results 4 Care, IMIA NI Representative NL
Present Goossen, Anneke AG Results 4 Care
Present Hardiker, Nicholas NH Professor of Nursing and Health Informatics, Associate Head (Research & Innovations) School of Nursing, Midwifery, Social Work & Social Sciences
Absent Heermann Langford, Laura LH Director of Nursing Informatics, Intermountain Healthcare, Co-chair HL7 Patient Care and Emergency WG, IHE Patient Care Coordination, PCC
Present Van Dyke, Patricia PD Director, EDI, HL7 Co-chair EHR WG
Absent Reeves, Dianne DR NIH/NCI, HL7 Co-chair Clinical Interoperability Council (CIC)
Absent Frean, Isobel IF Head of Health Infomatics, Corporate Medical, Bupa
Absent Jones, Emma EJ Senior Business Analyst at Allscripts
Present Weber, Patrick PW Nice Computing, NI2016 Local Organizing Committee (LOC)
Absent Sensmeier, Joyce JS VP Informatics at HIMSS, NI2016 Supportive committee
Absent Hübner, Ursula Hertha UB Prof. Dr. bei Fachhochschule Osnabrück, Germany
Absent Sharma, Rajendra RS The Coding Institute
Absent Whitewood-Moores, Zac ZWM Health and Social Care Information Centre
Absent Taylor, Sheryl ST Booz Allen Hamilton
Present Vance, Sandra SV HIMSS
Absent Rubini, Juliet JR Mathematica
Absent Dolin, Gaye GD Intelligent Medical Objects, IMO
Absent Hammond, Ed EH Duke University
Present Hatem, John GD Director, Healthcare Product Strategy, Oracle Corporation - Healthcare
Absent Dodd, Dianna DD Solution Designer at Cerner Corporation
Present Campbell, Susan E. SC PhD, RN-BC(NI), CPHQ, CCM, CIC, Clinical Informaticist
Present Leftwich, Russ RL Co-Founder and Co Chair Learning Health Systems Work Group (LHSWG) at Health Level Seven International ??
Present Sipes, Carolyn CS Associate Professor, MSN Speciality Track Nursing Informatics Chamberlain College of Nursing