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Pharmacy Sig use of Subversion

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Revision as of 20:42, 5 May 2008 by Hugh Glover (talk | contribs) (→‎Folder Structure)
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Subversion is a version control system. All pharmacy source materials are now held in this.

The repository is held at and under this root you will find folders for PORX and POME, the two subject domains that Pharmacy SIG looks after.

Files held in subversion can be on the main developemnt path, in which case they will be in the Trunk folder, or they may be in a Branch folder if they are a branch off the main development path.

You can investigate this folder structure with any intenet browser. Just follow the above link.

Folder Structure

The folder structure used for subversion together with some notes on use of the different folders is here [Subversion structure.doc]

Subversion Software

While an internet browser will let you access files, it will not let you safe files back to the repository. For this you need a password anb client software. Tortoise is the client software generally used. Follow this link to down load the package

Once you have this client installed you can y=use Microsoft File Explorer to get access ti files in subversion.

Using Tortoise


1) Create an empty folder where you want to place your working copies of the files from the repository.

2) Right click on this folder and you should see something like the following drop down menu. [right click menu]

3) Click on SVN Checkout. You should then see a checkout dialog similar to this: [checkout dialog]

4)Change the entry in the top box to match the repository address. If you then click on the button with three dots to the right of this text entry box you shouyd see the file structure of the reposiory displayed. [repository browser]

5) Click on the folder you want to download from and click OK, and then OK in the dialog you come back to. Should then see a dialog like the following [download dialog]

Routine Use