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PHER ballot materials

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Revision as of 13:29, 19 September 2007 by Altamore (talk | contribs)
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[PHER main page]

PHER Ballot materials: PH domain (PORR/RCRIM)

Status as of 5/18/07

Case notification

  • Last balloted: ??
  • Last ballot level: ??
  • Last ballot result: Passed --> NORMATIVE
  • Next ballot planned: ??
  • Next activity/ballot level: Revise

Investigation request

  • Last balloted: Jan 2007
  • Last ballot level: DFC1
  • Last ballot result: Comments received
  • Next ballot planned: ?? (NOT Sept 2007)
  • Next activity/ballot level: ??

Case management

  • Last balloted: May 2007
  • Last ballot level: DFC2
  • Last ballot result: Comments received
  • Next ballot planned: Jan 2008
  • Next activity/ballot level: C1

Outbreak management

  • Last balloted: May 2007
  • Last ballot level: DFC2
  • Last ballot result: Comments received
  • Next ballot planned: Jan 2008
  • Next activity/ballot level: C1

PHER Ballot materials: CMETs

A_SpatialCoordinate universal (COCT_RM960000UV)

  • Last balloted: Jan 2007
  • Last ballot level: M5
  • Last ballot result: Passed --> NORMATIVE
  • Next activity/ballot level: Make sure correct material gets in 2007 Normative Edition

E_PublicHealth Entity universal (COCT_RM840000UV)

  • Last balloted: Jan 2007
  • Last ballot level: C5
  • Last ballot result: CMET ballot failed; negatives received
  • Next ballot planned: ?? (NOT Sept 2007)
  • Next activity/ballot level: ??

R_PublicHealthContactPerson universal (COCT_RM850000UV)

  • Last balloted: ?? (NOT since May 2006)
  • Last ballot level: ??
  • Last ballot result: ??
  • Next ballot planned: ?? (NOT Sept 2007)
  • Next activity/ballot level: ??

R_Subject universal (COCT_MT560000)

  • Last balloted: Sept 2007
  • Last ballot level: C2
  • Last ballot result: CMET ballot passed. No negatives on this CMET received.
  • Next ballot planned: Jan 2008
  • Next activity/ballot level: M3?

R_InvestigativeSubject universal (COCT_MT550000)

  • Last balloted: Sept 2007
  • Last ballot level: C2
  • Last ballot result: CMET ballot passed. No negatives on this CMET received.
  • Next ballot planned: Jan 2008
  • Next activity/ballot level: M3?

A_PublicHealthStatement (local CMET)

  • Last balloted: ??
  • Last ballot level: ??
  • Last ballot result: ??
  • Next ballot planned: ?? (NOT Sept 2007)
  • Next activity/ballot level: Working with Structured Documents on CDA and Clinical Statement

PHER ballot materials: Immunization domain (POIZ/Patient Care)

  • Last balloted: Sept 2007
  • Last ballot level: DSTU1
  • Last ballot result: Passed, negatives received
  • Next ballot planned: Jan 2008?
  • Next activity/ballot level: DSTU2?

January 2008 ballot timetable

  • September 30 (Sunday)

CCBCI forms due: Scope statement for new content; Intent to reconcile & advance status (Comm to Mbr or Mbr to Norm); Ballot modality S (domain or topic)

  • October 28 (Sunday) T minus 5

Notification of Intent to Ballot Deadline: By this deadline, all Notification of Intent to Ballot (NIB) forms should be compete. Notifications received after this deadline will not be considered for the current ballot cycle.

  • November 4 (Sunday) T minus 4

Initial Content Due – For All Submissions: Initial content is required from all committees which have stated an intent to publish material in the ballot. Submissions should be as complete as possible, particularly for a first-time ballot. In all cases, the submission should indicate the topics and artifacts that will be included in the forthcoming ballot.

  • November 11 (Sunday) T minus 3

Preview Content Due – XML-based Submissions: All content to be included in the preview site is due. In addition, some content (even draft or incomplete content) is required of each committee to allow generation and lay-out testing of the complete ballot site. The Ballot Preview site (based on the previous ballot) will go live.

  • November 18 (Sunday) T minus 2

Reconciliation, Complete & Supporting Content Deadlines – All Submissions: All previous ballot reconciliations must be completed and appropriately captured on the ballot website. (See policy note below.) Word-based Submissions: Complete content is required from each participating committee. Only minor corrections to content will be considered after this deadline. XML-based Submissions: All final, domain supporting content (specifically the Visio and/or Design Repositories) must be available for use in generating graphics, Excel views, table views, schemas, etc.

  • November 25 (Sunday) T minus 1

Final Content Deadline – XML-based Submissions: All final Version 3 content is required. Only changes expressly requested by the technical publishers will be made to content after this deadline.

  • December 2 (Sunday) T minus 0

Ballot Opening – This is the earliest date that the ballot site can open and be announced to the membership. In any event, the ballot must open before the end of this week.