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PHER Conference Call Agenda Page

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PHER Conference Call Schedule

[PHER main page]

PHER Agenda Archive

Scheduling Time on a PHER Call

Groups interested in securing time on a PHER call should review the agendas below to find an appropriate spot. When editing the wiki to add your topic please keep in mind the following:

  • When scheduling time, you must include the name of the primary contact person as well as the amount of time you need.
  • Meetings are 60 minutes long with 10 minutes allocated to administrative issues at the beginning of the call, so a maximum 50 minutes of discussion topics can be accommodated each week.
  • To ensure we have time for everyone, a given topic will be limited to a maximum of 20 minutes per week.
    • If you need more than 20 minutes, please contact the PHER co-chairs to discuss.
    • Within 24 hours of the start time of the scheduled meeting, if open time on the agenda still exists, feel free to increase your time up to the 50 minute maximum.
  • If you have a pressing need to present at a specific point in the meeting (at the start or at the end), please make note of that.
  • When scheduling your time, please respect the needs of those already on the agenda.
  • Please be on time to the meeting. If we get to your topic and you have not yet joined the call, we will move your topic to the end of the agenda.

Future calls: Scroll down to the next call.

2017-01-26 Regular Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Minute approvals from last week

2017-01-19 Regular Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • HL7 meeting going on - no regularly scheduled call

2017-01-12 Regular Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Minute approvals from last week
  • Review agenda for San Antonio WGM (Craig Newman) - 15 minutes

2017-01-05 Regular Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Minute approvals from last week
  • FMG Update (Joginder Madra) - 20 minutes
  • Assorted FHIR resource topics (Craig Newman) - 20 minutes
  • Review agenda for San Antonio WGM (Craig Newman) - 10 minutes

2016-12-29 Regular Call Chair: Nell Scribe: Laura
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Minute approvals from last week

2016-12-22 Regular Call Chair: Joginder Scribe: Erin
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Minute approvals from last week

2016-12-15 Regular Call Chair: Laura Scribe: Craig
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Minute approvals from last week
  • Status Update - Vital Records Domain Analysis Model (Michelle Williamson/AbdulMalik Shakir) 10 minutes
  • PSS HL7 V2.6 Birth and Fetal Death Reporting IG (Michelle Williamson/Mead Walker) 20 minutes

2016-12-08 Regular Call Chair: Erin Scribe: Nell
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Minute approvals from last week
  • Population Health Informatics Framework (John Loonsk) 30 minutes
  • eICR dot release (John Loonsk) 20 minutes

The Next Call:

2016-12-01 Regular Call Chair: Craig Scribe: Joginder

NOTE: This call will be extended to 90 minutes to accommodate all the necessary topics

  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Minute approvals from last week*CDA BFDR IG STU Comment Resolution (Michelle Williamson) 30 minutes
  • CDA Vital Records Death Reporting IG in preparation for the Jan. ballot update (Michelle Williamson) 15 minutes
  • eICR dot release (John Loonsk) 30 minutes
  • Cancer STU Extension Request (Wendy Blumenthal, or representative) - 10 minutes
  • CIC Registry DAM Project update (5 min. time permitting) - John Roberts

Past Calls:

2016-11-24 Regular Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Call Cancelled - Thanksgiving
2016-11-17 Regular Call Chair: Joginder Scribe: Erin
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Minute approvals from last week
  • CDA Reporting to Cancer Registries errata block vote (Wendy Blumenthal)
  • eICR dot release (John Loonsk) 25 minutes
  • FHIR CDSi PSS (Nathan Bunker)
  • ELR comment 449 time permitting (Craig Newman)

2016-11-10 Regular Call Chair: Laura Scribe: Nell
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Minute approvals from last week
  • ELR issues, vote on GForge item 11122 - 10 minutes
  • Project Update (Paula Braun): FHIR death Resources and Profiles project (HL7 project 1278) - 10 minutes
  • CDA Reporting to Cancer Registries errata (Wendy Blumenthal)
  • eICR update (John Loonsk)

2016-11-03 Regular Call Chair: Joginder Scribe: Craig
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Introduction to Value Set management in LRI - new ELR R2 release (Bob Yencha)
  • Minute approvals from last week
  • FMG update
  • FHIR CDSi proposal discussion
  • FHIR proposal for the reported element

2016-10-27 Regular Call Chair: Craig Scribe: Joginder
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Minute approvals from last week
  • Wendy Blumenthal and update on CDA Reporting to Cancer Registries plus errata (30 minutes)

2016-10-20 Regular Call Chair: Erin Scribe: Laura
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Minute approvals from last week
  • ELR topics (4:10 - 4:30)
  • Michelle Williamson - project updates, errata document and other topics
  • OD project update

2016-10-13 Regular Call Chair: Nell Scribe: Erin
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Baltimore WGM minute approval
  • Weekly call minute approval (2016-06-02 to 2016-09-29)
  • Lura Daussat and EHDI and CCHD updates (20 minutes)
  • Tracy Sandifer and the Syndromic Surveillance IG (20 minutes)

2016-10-06 Regular Call Chair: Laura Scribe: Craig
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • minor update to O&O PSS for lab result IG
  • (4:30-5) ODH PSS update

2016-09-29 Interim Call Chair: Erin Scribe: Nell
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Update on call schedule
  • ELR harmonization schedule, including PSS approval

2016-09-22 Regular Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Cancelled due to WGM.
2016-09-15 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • eICR Next Stage
  • WGM Agenda
  • 2017 Interoperability Advisory
  • PSS for Occupational Data for Health Elements
  • PSS for immunization IG (need formal vote to approve)
  • Oasis EM update
2016-09-08 Regular Call Chair: John Scribe: Joginder
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Comments on the 2017 Interoperability Standards Advisory
  • WGM Schedule
  • Update on Immunization IG PSS
2016-09-01 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Call Cancelled

2016-08-25 Regular Call Chair: Erin Scribe: Laura
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • PSS for Immunization Implementation Guide
  • 2017 Standards Advisory
  • Negation ballot

2016-08-18 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Call Canceled
2016-08-11 Regular Call Chair: Joginder Scribe: Craig
  • Call Canceled
2016-08-04 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • this call is canceled
2016-07-28 Regular Call Chair: Laura Scribe: Erin
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Discuss & resolve comments on the HL7 CDA National Health Care Surveys IG Rel 1.2
  • Request to publish the HL7 CDA National Health Care Surveys IG Rel 1.2
  • CCHD DSTU extension

2016-07-21 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • This call is canceled.
2016-07-14 Regular Call Chair: Craig Scribe: Joginder
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Election of Domain Experts Steering Division Co-chair and TSC Representative
  • Discuss plans for HL7 CDA National Health Care Surveys IG Rel 1.2
2016-07-07 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Review of Harmonization Proposals
2016-06-30 Regular Call Chair: John Scribe: Laura
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • V2.6 Vital Records Death Reporting Publication Request
  • OASIS/TEP to HL7/V2.x Message transformation specification publication details.
  • Heads up: next week we will meet and discuss vocabulary harmonization. Bring your headache powder.
2016-06-23 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • This call was cancelled
2016-06-16 Regular Call Chair: Erin Scribe: Craig
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • TEP publication request
  • NIB for VR Death Report CDA
  • VR Death v2.6 IG race & ethnicity issues
  • Question: Is the eIDR document final?
2016-06-09 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • This call was cancelled.
2016-06-02 Regular Call Chair: Joginder Scribe: Erin
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Approval of WGM (5/9-12) and conference call (4/21, 4/28, 5/19, 5/26) minutes.
  • Immunization Functional Profile
2016-05-26 Interim Call Chair: Craig Scribe: John
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Immunization Functional Profile - DRAFT Project Scope Statement - HL7 PHER and EHR WGs
  • ELR and LRI Planning (5:00-5:30 - key people are not available until 5:00)
2016-05-19 Regular Call Chair: John Scribe: Laura
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • (4:10-4:40) Approval of the V2.6 Vital Records Death Reporting IG R1 STU 2 Ballot Reconciliation Spreadsheet
  • and
  • NIB for the HL7 CDA R2 Vital Records Death Reporting Release 1 STU 2
  • (4:40-5:00) PSS for a project to develop a newborn screening profile, sponsored by O&O: motion to add PHER as a co-sponsor.
  • (5:00-5:30) Approval of the publicaton request for the HL7 CDA R2 Implementation Guide: Public Health Case Report, Release 2
2016-04-28 Interim Call Chair: John Scribe: Joginder
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Ballot Recon: Vital Records Death Report V2.6 IG STU
  • PHER and EHR co-chairs meet re: 1) Potential Immunization Functional Profile Project 2) Proposed Collaborative End-to-End Immunization Project
  • WGM Morning slide show
  • Slides for "Outbreaks" topic of the Tutorial "Healthcare Challenges, Technological Advances, and HL7's Response"
  • WGM Agenda and Schedule?
2016-04-21 Regular Call Chair: Joginder Scribe: Laura
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Review and approval of minutes.
  • Birth Defects PSS scope change: Structure Docs co-sponsor vote and on to DESD
  • WGM Montreal - schedule and co-chair assignments (10 min.)
  • Ballot: eICR - Motion to approve the ballot reconciliation spreadsheet, post to the ballot web site, and send email to all negative commenters seeking withdrawl of negative votes.
  • Ballot: VR Death Report - Ballot reconciliation.
2016-04-14 Interim Call Chair: John Scribe: Craig
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • SNOMED CT information request - second chance (5 min.)
  • Collaborative Immunization Project - Gary Dickinson requests meet with PHER co-chairs (5 min.)
  • HL7 CDA V2 Inital PH Case Report R1 Ballot Reonciliaton (30 min.)
    • Final comment reconciliation
    • spreadsheet to be distributed 4/15 for approval 4/21
  • HL7 V2.6 Vital Records Death Reporting IG Ballot Reconciliation
    • Block Vote: Remove comments from the block for discussion
    • Vote on comments remaining in the block
    • Discussion on unreconciled comments
2016-04-07 Regular Call Chair: John for Craig Scribe: Joginder
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Update Birth Defect PSS to Include Inpatient Use Case
  • Request to Publish: OASIS TEP/ADT Transformation Specification
  • HL7 CDA Electronic Initial Case Report IG Ballot Reconciliation
    • Block Vote: remove comments from the block for discussion
    • Vote on comments remaining in the block
    • Discussion on unreconciled comments
2016-03-31 Interim Call Chair: John Scribe: Erin
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Tables CVX and MVX: confirm the NIP as the source of truth and pick a repository OID.
  • Procedural matter for eICR ballot recon.
  • HL7 V2.6 Vital Records Death Reporting IG Ballot Reconciliation
2016-03-24 Regular Call Chair: Erin Scribe: Craig
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Cancer Registry DSTU dot release
  • HL7 CDA Electronic Initial Case Report IG Ballot Reconciliation
    • Block Vote: remove comments from the block for discussion
    • Vote on comments remaining in the block
    • Discussion on unreconciled comments
2016-03-17 Interim Call Chair: John Scribe: Laura
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Announcement: Publication of HL7 CDA® R2 Implementation Guide: Ambulatory Healthcare Provider Reporting to Birth Defect Registries, Release 1 - US Realm
  • Review and approval of minutes, 02/25, 03/03, and 03/10
  • HL7 V2.6 Vital Records Death Reporting IG Ballot Reconciliation
2016-03-10 Regular Call Chair: Laura Scribe: Erin
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • HL7 CDA Electronic Initial Case Report IG Ballot Reconciliation
    • Block Vote: remove comments from the block for discussion
    • Vote on comments remaining in the block
    • Discussion on unreconciled comments
2016-03-03 Interim Call Chair: John Scribe: Erin
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Proposal affecting the CVX and MVX Immunizaton value sets.
2016-02-25 Regular Call Chair: Joginder Scribe: Laura
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Minutes
  • Harmonization Proposal
  • Collaborative Immunization Project info (10 min.) Mario Hyland / Gary Dickinson
  • HL7 CDA Electronic Initial Case Report IG Ballot Reconciliation
    • Block Vote: remove comments from the block for discussion
    • Vote on comments remaining in the block
    • Discussion on unreconciled comments
2016-02-18 Interim Call Chair: John Scribe: Craig
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Approve last week minutes
  • Birth Defect CCDA R2 Request for Publication
  • Notice of Intent to Ballot (NIB) deadline 2/21/2016
  • Messaging Standard V2.9 - does PHER have any needs?
  • HL7 V2.6 Vital Records Death Reporting IG Ballot Reconciliation
2016-02-11 Regular Call Chair: Craig Scribe: Joginder
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Review and approve minutes
  • Collaborative Immunization Project info (10 min.) Mario Hyland
  • Birth Defect CCDA R2 Request for Publication
  • Public Health EHR Vendor Collaboration Initiative Webinar- 02/16/2016
  • 2017 Interoperability Standards Advisory input to PAC
  • HL7 CDA Electronic Initial Case Report IG Ballot Reconciliation
    • Block Vote: remove comments from the block for discussion
    • Vote on comments remaining in the block
    • Discussion on unreconciled comments
2016-02-04 Interim Call Chair: John Scribe: Erin
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Review and approval of minutes.
  • HL7 V2.6 Vital Records Death Reporting IG Ballot Reconciliation
2016-01-28 Regular Call Chair: Erin Scribe: Craig
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Motion to approve the Publication Request to extend the DSTU Period for the EHDI DSTU (5 min.)
  • HL7 CDA Electronic Initial Case Report IG Ballot Reconciliation
    • Block Vote: remove comments from the block for discussion
    • Vote on comments remaining in the block
    • Discussion on unreconciled comments
2016-01-21 Interim Call Chair: Craig Scribe: Laura
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Project to identify HL7 value sets to move to SNOMED
  • A CDC project of interest to HL7 PHER members; we need suggestions!
  • HL7 V2.6 Vital Records Death Reporting IG Ballot Reconciliation
2016-01-14 Regular Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • This call is during the WGM and was cancelled
2016-01-07 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • This call is the week before the WGM and was cancelled

This is the template for each call agenda - please leave alone!

yyyy-mm-dd Template - please leave alone Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Topic 1 (time required in min.) - Presenter
  • Topic 1 (5 min.) - Presenter
  • Topic 2 (specific time block) - Presenter
  • Topic 2 (4:15-4:30) - Presenter