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*Michelle Williamson - errata document and other topics
*Michelle Williamson - errata document and other topics
*ELR harmonization schedule
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Revision as of 20:05, 21 September 2016

PHER Conference Call Schedule: October 2015 to January 2016

[PHER main page]

PHER Agenda Archive

Future calls: Scroll down to the next call.

2016-10-06 Regular Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review

2016-09-29 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Michelle Williamson - errata document and other topics
  • ELR harmonization schedule
2016-09-22 Regular Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • This call is during the WGM and will probably be cancelled.

The Next Call:

2016-09-15 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • eICR Next Stage
  • WGM Agenda
  • 2017 Interoperability Advisory
  • PSS for Occupational Data for Health Elements
  • PSS for immunization IG (need formal vote to approve)
  • Oasis EM update

Past Calls:

2016-09-08 Regular Call Chair: John Scribe: Joginder
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Comments on the 2017 Interoperability Standards Advisory
  • WGM Schedule
  • Update on Immunization IG PSS
2016-09-01 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Call Cancelled

2016-08-25 Regular Call Chair: Erin Scribe: Laura
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • PSS for Immunization Implementation Guide
  • 2017 Standards Advisory
  • Negation ballot

2016-08-18 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Call Canceled
2016-08-11 Regular Call Chair: Joginder Scribe: Craig
  • Call Canceled
2016-08-04 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • this call is canceled
2016-07-28 Regular Call Chair: Laura Scribe: Erin
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Discuss & resolve comments on the HL7 CDA National Health Care Surveys IG Rel 1.2
  • Request to publish the HL7 CDA National Health Care Surveys IG Rel 1.2
  • CCHD DSTU extension

2016-07-21 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • This call is canceled.
2016-07-14 Regular Call Chair: Craig Scribe: Joginder
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Election of Domain Experts Steering Division Co-chair and TSC Representative
  • Discuss plans for HL7 CDA National Health Care Surveys IG Rel 1.2
2016-07-07 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Review of Harmonization Proposals
2016-06-30 Regular Call Chair: John Scribe: Laura
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • V2.6 Vital Records Death Reporting Publication Request
  • OASIS/TEP to HL7/V2.x Message transformation specification publication details.
  • Heads up: next week we will meet and discuss vocabulary harmonization. Bring your headache powder.
2016-06-23 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • This call was cancelled
2016-06-16 Regular Call Chair: Erin Scribe: Craig
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • TEP publication request
  • NIB for VR Death Report CDA
  • VR Death v2.6 IG race & ethnicity issues
  • Question: Is the eIDR document final?
2016-06-09 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • This call was cancelled.
2016-06-02 Regular Call Chair: Joginder Scribe: Erin
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • Approval of WGM (5/9-12) and conference call (4/21, 4/28, 5/19, 5/26) minutes.
  • Immunization Functional Profile
2016-05-26 Interim Call Chair: Craig Scribe: John
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Immunization Functional Profile - DRAFT Project Scope Statement - HL7 PHER and EHR WGs
  • ELR and LRI Planning (5:00-5:30 - key people are not available until 5:00)
2016-05-19 Regular Call Chair: John Scribe: Laura
  • (4:00-4:05) Introductions
  • (4:05-4:10) Agenda Review
  • (4:10-4:40) Approval of the V2.6 Vital Records Death Reporting IG R1 STU 2 Ballot Reconciliation Spreadsheet
  • and
  • NIB for the HL7 CDA R2 Vital Records Death Reporting Release 1 STU 2
  • (4:40-5:00) PSS for a project to develop a newborn screening profile, sponsored by O&O: motion to add PHER as a co-sponsor.
  • (5:00-5:30) Approval of the publicaton request for the HL7 CDA R2 Implementation Guide: Public Health Case Report, Release 2
2016-04-28 Interim Call Chair: John Scribe: Joginder
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Ballot Recon: Vital Records Death Report V2.6 IG STU
  • PHER and EHR co-chairs meet re: 1) Potential Immunization Functional Profile Project 2) Proposed Collaborative End-to-End Immunization Project
  • WGM Morning slide show
  • Slides for "Outbreaks" topic of the Tutorial "Healthcare Challenges, Technological Advances, and HL7's Response"
  • WGM Agenda and Schedule?
2016-04-21 Regular Call Chair: Joginder Scribe: Laura
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Review and approval of minutes.
  • Birth Defects PSS scope change: Structure Docs co-sponsor vote and on to DESD
  • WGM Montreal - schedule and co-chair assignments (10 min.)
  • Ballot: eICR - Motion to approve the ballot reconciliation spreadsheet, post to the ballot web site, and send email to all negative commenters seeking withdrawl of negative votes.
  • Ballot: VR Death Report - Ballot reconciliation.
2016-04-14 Interim Call Chair: John Scribe: Craig
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • SNOMED CT information request - second chance (5 min.)
  • Collaborative Immunization Project - Gary Dickinson requests meet with PHER co-chairs (5 min.)
  • HL7 CDA V2 Inital PH Case Report R1 Ballot Reonciliaton (30 min.)
    • Final comment reconciliation
    • spreadsheet to be distributed 4/15 for approval 4/21
  • HL7 V2.6 Vital Records Death Reporting IG Ballot Reconciliation
    • Block Vote: Remove comments from the block for discussion
    • Vote on comments remaining in the block
    • Discussion on unreconciled comments
2016-04-07 Regular Call Chair: John for Craig Scribe: Joginder
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Update Birth Defect PSS to Include Inpatient Use Case
  • Request to Publish: OASIS TEP/ADT Transformation Specification
  • HL7 CDA Electronic Initial Case Report IG Ballot Reconciliation
    • Block Vote: remove comments from the block for discussion
    • Vote on comments remaining in the block
    • Discussion on unreconciled comments
2016-03-31 Interim Call Chair: John Scribe: Erin
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Tables CVX and MVX: confirm the NIP as the source of truth and pick a repository OID.
  • Procedural matter for eICR ballot recon.
  • HL7 V2.6 Vital Records Death Reporting IG Ballot Reconciliation
2016-03-24 Regular Call Chair: Erin Scribe: Craig
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Cancer Registry DSTU dot release
  • HL7 CDA Electronic Initial Case Report IG Ballot Reconciliation
    • Block Vote: remove comments from the block for discussion
    • Vote on comments remaining in the block
    • Discussion on unreconciled comments
2016-03-17 Interim Call Chair: John Scribe: Laura
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Announcement: Publication of HL7 CDA® R2 Implementation Guide: Ambulatory Healthcare Provider Reporting to Birth Defect Registries, Release 1 - US Realm
  • Review and approval of minutes, 02/25, 03/03, and 03/10
  • HL7 V2.6 Vital Records Death Reporting IG Ballot Reconciliation
2016-03-10 Regular Call Chair: Laura Scribe: Erin
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • HL7 CDA Electronic Initial Case Report IG Ballot Reconciliation
    • Block Vote: remove comments from the block for discussion
    • Vote on comments remaining in the block
    • Discussion on unreconciled comments
2016-03-03 Interim Call Chair: John Scribe: Erin
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Proposal affecting the CVX and MVX Immunizaton value sets.
2016-02-25 Regular Call Chair: Joginder Scribe: Laura
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Minutes
  • Harmonization Proposal
  • Collaborative Immunization Project info (10 min.) Mario Hyland / Gary Dickinson
  • HL7 CDA Electronic Initial Case Report IG Ballot Reconciliation
    • Block Vote: remove comments from the block for discussion
    • Vote on comments remaining in the block
    • Discussion on unreconciled comments
2016-02-18 Interim Call Chair: John Scribe: Craig
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Approve last week minutes
  • Birth Defect CCDA R2 Request for Publication
  • Notice of Intent to Ballot (NIB) deadline 2/21/2016
  • Messaging Standard V2.9 - does PHER have any needs?
  • HL7 V2.6 Vital Records Death Reporting IG Ballot Reconciliation
2016-02-11 Regular Call Chair: Craig Scribe: Joginder
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Review and approve minutes
  • Collaborative Immunization Project info (10 min.) Mario Hyland
  • Birth Defect CCDA R2 Request for Publication
  • Public Health EHR Vendor Collaboration Initiative Webinar- 02/16/2016
  • 2017 Interoperability Standards Advisory input to PAC
  • HL7 CDA Electronic Initial Case Report IG Ballot Reconciliation
    • Block Vote: remove comments from the block for discussion
    • Vote on comments remaining in the block
    • Discussion on unreconciled comments
2016-02-04 Interim Call Chair: John Scribe: Erin
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Review and approval of minutes.
  • HL7 V2.6 Vital Records Death Reporting IG Ballot Reconciliation
2016-01-28 Regular Call Chair: Erin Scribe: Craig
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Motion to approve the Publication Request to extend the DSTU Period for the EHDI DSTU (5 min.)
  • HL7 CDA Electronic Initial Case Report IG Ballot Reconciliation
    • Block Vote: remove comments from the block for discussion
    • Vote on comments remaining in the block
    • Discussion on unreconciled comments
2016-01-21 Interim Call Chair: Craig Scribe: Laura
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Project to identify HL7 value sets to move to SNOMED
  • A CDC project of interest to HL7 PHER members; we need suggestions!
  • HL7 V2.6 Vital Records Death Reporting IG Ballot Reconciliation
2015-01-14 Regular Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • This call is during the WGM and was cancelled
2016-01-07 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • This call is the week before the WGM and was cancelled
2015-12-31 Regular Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • New Year's Eve; the call was cancelled
2015-12-24 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Christmas Eve; the call was cancelled
2015-12-17 Regular Call Chair: John Scribe: Erin
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • PSS: Development and Maintenance of Vital Records Death Reporting FHIR Resources and Profiles
  • WGM Agenda: find time to work on Project Insight list
  • Review of PHER call and WGM minutes
2015-12-10 Interim Call Chair: John Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • PHCR Ballot - discussion and Q&A on the PHCR R2 ballot
  • Update on the Occupation Data PSS from CDC/NIOSH
2015-12-03 Regular Call Chair: Craig Scribe: Joginder
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Proposed Review of Minutes
  • Balloting procedures for the upcoming ballots
  • Ballot reconciliation procedures
2015-11-26 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • The U.S. Thanksgiving Holiday; the call will be cancelled
2015-11-19 Regular Call Chair: John for Laura Scribe: Craig
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • PSS for FHIR Immunization Resource maintenance (10 min: Joginder Madra, Craig Newman)
  • FHIR - Death Notification (5 min: Michelle Williamson)
  • Feedback from CGIT about pre-adoption (2 Min: John Roberts)
  • Public Health Case Report - project update
  • PHCR - work on content: last call before final ballot content deadline
    • Formatting, terminology, and understandability edits (Nancy Barrett)
    • Context Use Case diagram (section 2.5, EHC)
    • Valdiate and document the encounter cardinality discussion, Initial means 1..1, etc.(EHC)
    • Relationship between encounter and trigger(s) and document replacment/merge workflow (section 4.1, EHC, Amit Popat)
  • Approve final content or agree on process / editing assignments or called meeting to meet deadline (Nov. 29)

2015-11-12 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Pub Request to extend ELR R2
  • Public Health Case Report - project update
  • PHCR - Review Introduction
  • PSS for a project for development and stewardship all PHER FHIR resources
2015-11-05 Regular Call Chair: Erin Scribe: Laura
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Death Reporting: Death Reporting V2.5.1 IG - approval of initial content
  • Motion to add CQI as an interested party in the PHCR project
  • Public Health Case Report - approval of initial content
  • VR Death Reporting issues
2015-10-29 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Death Reporting: developing the V2.5.1 IG
  • Motion to extend the DSTU for ELR-R2
  • Public Health Case Report
2015-10-22 Regular Call Chair: Joginder Scribe: Erin
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Complete the Notices of Intent to Ballot (NIBs) due 10/23
  • Public Health Case Report Update project - Status update,
  • Refine use cases
2015-10-15 Interim Call Chair: John Scribe: Joginder
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Public Health Case Report Update project - Status update, refine the project schedule
  • This is the first call of the new cycle, ending in January 2016 in Orlando.
  • (PHER voted to continue the same conference call schedule.)
2015-10-08 Regular Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • This call was not be held, scheduled during the WGM
2015-10-01 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • This call was cancelled; the WGM is the next week.
2015-09-24 Regular Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Minutes
  • WGM Schedule
    • MQ3 - EHR hosts many; project updates; PHER not included but we should send a rep and schedule a report back
    • Tuesday Q3 - O&O harmonization update and Birth Defects IG update - ok?
  • Co-Chair elections
  • Public Health Case Report Update project - Status Update
2015-09-17 Interim Call Chair: John Scribe: Laura
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • PHCR Update project - update
  • WGM Schedule - review
  • WGM Morning Slideshow
2015-09-10 Regular Call Chair: John Scribe: Joginder
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Public Health Case Report Update - update
2015-09-03 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • In keeping with our practice, this interim call was cancelled because there was no significant agenda.
2015-08-27 Regular Call Chair: John Scribe: Erin
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • WHO Ebola Epidemiology project
  • WGM schedule review
2015-08-20 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Review and approval of minutes begining with 05-28-2015
  • PSS for Occupational Data for Health Elements
  • Approval of ballot content for OASIS/TEP to HL7/ADT transformation specs
  • Vote on an Interim Co-Chair for the PHER Work Group, who will stand for a two-year term in October
2015-08-13 Regular Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • FHIR DSTU 2 Countdown (10 min.)
  • Birth Defects Amalgamated Spreadsheet Final Vote
  • OASIS/TEP to HL7/ADT Transformaton Specifications
2015-08-06 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Birth Defects IG reconcilation
2015-07-30 Regular Call Chair: John Scribe: Joginder
  • This call has been cancelled.
2015-07-23 Interim Call Chair: Joginder Scribe: Erin
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • HL7/TEP mapping: Medication administered mapping to RAS Message
2015-07-16 Regular Call Chair: Erin Scribe: John
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Notice of Intent to Ballot (NIB: deadline July 19)
  • Review Care Plan resource and assess goodness of fit w/r/t the Immunization Recommendation resource
2015-07-09 Interim Call Chair: John Scribe: Joginder
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Notice of Intent to Ballot (NIB: deadline July 19)
  • Public Health Case Report project - update
  • Harmonization and need for PHER to attend
  • FHIR Immunizaton ballot recon
2015-07-02 Regular Call Chair: Joginder Scribe: Erin
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • HL7 Board of Directors and Officer elections -

Individual and representatives of organizational members are encouraged to vote!

  • HL7 Domain Experts Steering Division election -

A PHER Co-Chair (John) is running for reelection, which is also ex officio membership in the TSC.

  • FHIR Immunizaton resource/profile ballot recon
2015-06-25 Interim Call Chair: Erin Scribe: John
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Public Health Case Report Update project
2015-06-18 Regular Call Chair: John Scribe: Joginder
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Update on three(!) OASIS projects: TEP/ADT Transformation (PHER/EC), Endorsement of HAVE (PA/EC), Clincial Discharge Summary to EMS (EC) - John Roberts, 2 mins.
  • New PSS for V2.5.1 Vital Records Death Reporting IG - Michelle Williamson, 20 mins.
  • Public Health Case Report Update project; work on the Project SCope Statement John Loonsk, 20mins
  • FHIR Immunization ballot reconm - remainder of the call
2015-06-11 Interim Call Chair: Joginder Scribe: Erin
2015-06-04 Regular Call Chair: John Roberts Scribe: Erin Holt
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Update on three(!) OASIS projects: TEP/ADT Transformation (PHER/EC), Endorsement of HAVE (PA/EC), Clincial DiScharge Summary to EMS (EC)
  • Public Health Case Report Update project
2015-05-28 Interim Call Chair: John Scribe: Erin
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • SD PSS C-CDA R2.1
  • PSS for the Public Health Case Report Update project (request discussion in the first 30 min. of the call)
  • Review the room request for the October WGM in Atlanta
  • Co-Chair election report and new co-chair vacancy.
  • Minutes from April 2, 9, 16, 23, 2015 and the WGM Minutes, May 11-14, 2015.
2015-05-21 Regular Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • This call was cancelled because it is so soon after the WGM.
2015-05-14 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • This call was cancelled because it is during the WGM.
2015-05-07 Regular Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • This call was cancelled because the WGM is the week following.
2015-04-30 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Having no agenda, this call was cancelled
2015-04-23 Regular Call Chair: John for Rob Scribe: Joginder
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Review/Approve Unballoted DSTU Update Resolutions for CDA National Health Care Surveys R1.1
  • Review/Approve Unballoted DSTU Update Resolutions for Cancer Registry R1.1
  • Comments on the Meaningful Use Stage 3 NPRM
  • Work Group Health and PBS (project) metrics if time
2015-04-16 Interim Call Chair: John Scribe: Erin
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Project Scope Statement (PSS) for Public Health Case Report Update project
  • Comments on the Meaningful Use Stage 3 NPRM
  • Work Group Health and PBS (project) metrics
  • Announcement: An update has been made to the HL7 Implementation Guide for CDA Release 2: National Health Care Surveys Release 1, DSTU US Realm. This update is available to HL7 members here for review and comments: (web address omitted)

This updated version is available for commenting prior to reconciliation and publication as a DOT release. As a DSTU update, this new version will not go through the usual HL7 balloting process but will use the DSTU Update process with industry review on the HL7 wiki.

  • Ditto Cancer Registry
2015-04-09 Regular Call Chair: John Scribe: Erin
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Input to HL7 comment on MU Stage 3 NPRMs
  • Project Scope Statement (PSS) for Mobile Framework for Healthcare Adoption of Short-Message Technologies (mFHAST)
  • Discuss plans for HL7 CDA R2: National Health Care Surveys DSTU Update Process
  • Discuss plans for HL7 CDA R2: Cancer Registry
2015-04-02 Interim Call Chair: Joginder Scribe: John
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Ballot Recon: Birth defects IG
  • PSS for new project: Public Health Case report
  • Approval of PHER meeting and call minutes
2015-03-26 Regular Call Chair: Joginder Scribe: Rob
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Cancer Registry DSTU Update ("dot release")
  • Project Scope Statement (PSS) for Public Health Case Report Update project
2015-03-19 Interim Call Chair: John Scribe: Erin
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Ballot Recon:Birth defects IG
  • PSS for new project: Public Health Case report
  • Updated PSS for HL7 CDA IG National Health Care Surveys
  • minute approval

2015-03-12 Regular Call Chair: Erin Scribe: Rob
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Ballot Recon: Birth Defects IG
  • Argonaut CCDA-FHIR mapping of Immunization Section and Observation
  • PSS for new project: Public Health Case Report Update

2015-03-05 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Call Cancelled
2015-02-26 Regular Call Chair: John Scribe: Erin
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
2015-02-19 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • birth defect ballot recon
  • PSS for mFHAST project Mobile Health is asking PHER to cosponsor

2015-02-12 Regular Call Chair: Joginder Scribe: Rob
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • PSS for mFHAST project Mobile Health is asking PHER to cosponsor
2015-02-05 Interim Call Chair: Rob Scribe: John
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • birth defect ballot recon

2015-01-29 Regular Call Chair: John Scribe: Erin
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Argonaut discussion (10 minutes)
  • Future steps for Public Health case reporting and implications for HL7/PHER (John Loonsk) -- 45 minutes
  • Ballot reconciliation - Birth defects IG (30 minutes)

2015-01-22 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • (note that this is during the WGM and will be cancelled!)

2015-01-15 Regular Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • (Note that is is the week before the WGM)

2015-01-08 Interim Call Chair: Rob Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • WGM agenda review

This is the template for each call agenda - please leave alone!

yyyy-mm-dd Template - please leave alone Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Topic 1 (time required in min.) - Presenter
  • Topic 1 (5 min.) - Presenter
  • Topic 2 (specific time block) - Presenter
  • Topic 2 (4:15-4:30) - Presenter