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PHER Agenda Archive

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PHER Conference Call Schedule: Sept. 2013 to Jan. 2014

[PHER Call Agenda Page]
[PHER Call Agenda Page 2015]
[PHER Call Agenda Page 2014]
[PHER Call Agenda Page 2013]

2014-12-18 Regular Call Chair: John (for TBD) Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Request to Publish - CDA R2: National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) IG (20 mins)
  • WGM agenda review
2014-12-15 Out of Cycle Call Chair: Rob Scribe: John
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Approve publication request for Cancer Registry IG - Presenter Austin Kriesler

2014-12-11 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Topic 1 (time required in min.) - Presenter
  • Topic 2 (time required in min.) - Presenter
  • Topic 3 (time required in min.) - Presenter
  • Topic 4 (time required in min.) - Presenter

2014-12-04 Regular Call Chair: Rob Scribe: John
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Birth Defects Registry final ballot content (20 min.) - Laura Rappleye
  • WGM Schedule: Birth Defect Ballot recon on Tuesday
  • Cancer Registry ballot recon
  • schedule for Cancer registry vote to approve publication

2014-11-20 Regular Call Chair: John Scribe: Ken
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Cancer Registry ballot reconciliation - Discovered item re:SNOMED CT CodeSystem for the Histology element
  • Cancer Registry ballot reconciliation - Vote to approve reconciliation and request withdrawals of negatives

2014-11-13 Interim Call Chair: Rob Scribe: Erin
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Cancer Registry Ballot Recon -->BLOCK VOTE PLANNED
  • Paris plans
  • PHER participation in Harmonization

2014-11-06 Regular Call Chair: '

**Call Cancelled

2014-10-30 Interim Call Chair: Erin Scribe: Rob
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Cancer Registry Ballot Recon -->BLOCK VOTE PLANNED
  • Birth Defects Registry NIB (revisiting the action done on 10-23?)
2014-10-23 Regular Call Chair:John Scribe:John For Ken
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Birth Defects Registry NIB
  • (this call did not have quorum but the NIB was drafted for approval later)
2014-10-16 Interim Call Chair: Ken Scribe: Erin
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Cancer Registry Ballot Recon -->BLOCK VOTE PLANNED

2014-10-09 Regular Call Chair:John Scribe:Rob
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Cancer Registry Ballot Recon -->BLOCK VOTE PLANNED

2014-10-02 Interim Call Chair:Erin Scribe: John
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • FHIR quarter in San Antonio - FHIR cannot meet with us Thursday Q4 as planned. They are suggesting Monday Q2 or Tuesday Q3 (half - quarter)
  • Cancer Registry Ballot Recon -->BLOCK VOTE PLANNED
  • September WGM task review
  • January WGM task review

2014-09-25 Regular Call Chair: Rob Scribe: Erin
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Cancer Registry Ballot Recon -->BLOCK VOTE PLANNED

2014-09-11 Regular Call Chair: Rob Scribe:
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • WGM agenda review
  • NAMCS IG publication discussion

2014-09-04 Interim Call Chair: Scribe:


2014-08-28 Regular Call Chair: Joginder Scribe: John
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • WGM Agenda Review
  • Proposal for Y/N/ Unk -- ballotcomments_CDAR2_IG_NAMCS_R1_D2_2014MAY
  • Request to Publish - CDA Birth and Fetal Death Reporting IG

2014-08-21 Interim Call Chair: John Scribe: Rob
  • No Interim Meeting Scheduled
2014-08-14 Regular Call Chair: Rob Scribe: Joginder
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Motion: Approve PHFP Ballot Dispositions - May 2014 ballot
  • Ballot Reconciliation - National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey CDA IG

2014-08-07 Interim Call Chair:John Scribe:Rob
  • Cancelled
2014-07-31 Regular Call Chair:Rob Scribe:Joginder
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Approve Minutes from previous meetings
    • 6/26/14
    • 7/3/14
    • 7/17/14
    • 7/24/14
  • Search for Public Health Risk Assessment use cases to support FHIR resource development
  • Cancer registry CDA IG approval to go to ballot
  • Consider a request for publicaton: Implementation Guide for the Messaging of Newborn Screening using Pulse Oximetry Devices (CCHD)
  • Discuss unpublished items that have passed ballot
    • CDA Birth IG
    • CDA Death IG
    • CCHD IG (Moot - see previous item)
  • DSTU Extension Request: V2.5.1 Death Reporting IG
  • OASIS TEP/HL7 Mapping ballot withdrawal
2014-07-24 Interim Call Chair:Joginder Scribe:Rob
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Discuss impact of unpublished, but approved items
    • CDA Birth IG
    • CDA Death IG
    • CCHD IG
  • Birth Defect Registry project: discuss OID and LOINC codes
  • C-CDA on FHIR project: PHER to co-sponsor
  • Public Health Risk Assessment Resource
2014-07-17 Regular Call Chair:Joginder Scribe:John
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Minutes approval for 6/26 and 7/3
  • PSS change for Birth Defects project
  • WGM Schedule review, identification of issues
  • Ballot Reconciliaton: OASIS-TEP to HL7 Transformation Specification
  • Aproval of the Reconciliation Package: OASIS-TEP to HL7 Transformation Specification
2014-07-10 Interim Call Chair: Scribe:
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Approval of minutes for 6/26, 7/3?
2014-07-03 Regular Call Chair: John Scribe: Joginder
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Chicago WGM agenda review
  • PSS for the EMS Patient Care Report maintenance project, sponsored by EC: consider interested party or co-sponsorhip
  • PSS for Cancer Registry: add Mark Roche as a Modeling Facilitator and Clinical Genomics as an interested party
  • Approve removing the Birth Defects document from the September ballot, planning work on it in the work group and bringing it to ballot in January 2015
  • HL7/EDXL-TEP Mapping ballot resolution
2014-06-26 Interim Call Chair: Scribe:
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • NIB Review
    • Cancer Registry
    • Birth Defects

2014-06-19 Regular Call Chair: Rob Scribe: Joginder
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Cochair election nominations
  • FHIR Immunization / Medication Administraton issues
  • Motion: Note that we have received a communication from the Clinical Genomics Work Group

indicating their wish to be a co-sponsor on the PSS for a Cancer Registry Implementation Guide for CDA and to approved the appropriate change to the PSS.

  • Proposed Joint meeting with Vocab on Tue Q4 at Sept WGM. re Vital record re NullFlavors and V2 + V3 value sets ( Vocab to host and inviting fhir and Struct docs).
  • HL7/EDXL-TEP Mapping ballot resolution
2014-06-12 Interim Call Chair: Joginder Scribe: John
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • FHIR MedicationAdministration and Immunization resource harmonization
  • HL7/EDXL-TEP Mapping ballot resolution
  • PSS for Birth Defects
2014-06-05 Regular Call Chair: Rob Scribe: John
  • Introductions (4:00 to 5:00)
  • Agenda Review
  • discuss approach to keeping ELR R2 DSTU in synch with 2nd DSTU for LRI/LOI for September Ballot
  • Electronic Health Record-System (EHR-S)Functional Requirements Documentation for Laboratory Interoperability Transactions - EHR-S Functional Profile for Laboratory
  • PSS for Birth Defects vote
  • PSS for Cancer resolution review
  • HL7/EDXL-TEP Mapping ballot resolution
2014-05-29 Interim Call Chair: Scribe:
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
2014-05-22 Regular Call Chair: John Scribe: Joginder
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Vital Records Vocabulary - Null Flavors (20-30 min. request beginning of call to accommodate Vocab participation)
2014-05-15 Interim Call Chair: Rob Scribe: Joginder
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Reaffirm normative public health CMETs
  • Review and approve PSS for CMET harmonization work with PA
  • PSS for FHIR profile based on LRI
2014-05-01 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD

Because of the PHI Conference 4/29-5/1 and the WGM next week, this call is cancelled.

2014-04-24 Regular Call Chair: Joginder Scribe: John
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • WGM agenda review
2014-04-17 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD

No call this week.

2014-04-10 Regular Call Chair: Joginder Scribe: Ken
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Conformance testing (Mario G Hyland, Aegis) (30 min +/-)
  • WGM agenda review
2014-04-03 Interim Call Chair: Rob Scribe: TBD

This call was cancelled.

2014-03-27 Regular Call Chair: John Scribe: Rob
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • PSS for a CDA IG for Ambulatory Healthcare Provider Reporting to Birth Defect Registries (Laura Rappleye)
  • Recent news about the Meaningful Use Stage 3 rules, and other MU topics (open discussion)
2014-03-20 Interim Call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • PH Functional Profile time schedule at WGM (15 min.)
  • NAMCS IG publishing issues (30 min.)
  • Approval of ballot content for the OASIS/TEP to HL7/V2.7.1 ADT Transformation Specification
2014-03-13 Regular Call Chair: Ken Scribe: Rob
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • NAMCS ballot recon
  • ELR errata - review of ELR v2.1 -consideration for submission to publishing
  • Voluntary 2015 NPRM Comments
2014-3-6 Interim Call Chair: Rob Scribe: John
  • this call will begin one hour early
  • to take up DHCS (NAMCS) ballot recon
  • DHCS ballot recon 3:00 - 4:00
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Cancer PSS response
  • NAMCS ballot recon
  • ELR errata
2014-2-27 Regular call Chair: Joginder Scribe: John
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Motion: Hold an interim call for DHCS (NAMCS) ballot recon the hour before next week's call, 3-4 ET; either John or Joginder will chair.
  • Motion: The PHER WG has reviewed the current proposals for harmonization posted on the harmonization Web page at PHER has no amendments or objections to offer.
  • DHCS (NAMCS) ballot recon
  • ELR errata
2014-2-20 Interim call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Review FAQs/KBs for Expanding the HL7 Help Desk
  • NAMCS ballot recon
  • ELR errata
2014-2-13 Regular call Chair: Rob Scribe: Ken
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Immunization Conformance testing review
  • ELR (including question from Ken McCaslin re: R1/R2 relationship)
  • Update on PSS for Cancer reporting
  • NIB Cancer reporting--CDA
  • Vocabulary facilitator for PHER
2014-2-6 Interim call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Review minutes and approve
    • WGM minutes
    • 01/31/2014
  • ELR
2014-1-30 Regular call Chair: John Scribe: Joginder
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • PSS for Cancer Registry CDA document
  • Notice of Intent to Ballot the Public Health Functional Profile
2014-1-23 Interim call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • The WGM is meeting on this date;
  • this call was cancelled.
2014-1-16 Regular call Chair: Rob Scribe: Ken
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • HL7 Immunization Conformance Testing Pilot
  • WGM Agenda review
2014-1-9 Interim call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
2014-1-2 Regular call Chair: John Scribe: Joginder
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • WGM Agenda
  • Appointing a co-chair for the WGM

Archive for 2013

2013-12-26 Interim call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Christmas Day is 12-25;
  • this call was cancelled.
2013-12-19 Regular call Chair: John Scribe: Joginder
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
2013-12-12 Interim call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • HQMF project co-sponsorship and a PSS to review
2013-12-5 Regular call Chair: Joginder Scribe: John
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • OASIS update (John)
  • HL7 Implementation Guide for CDAR Release 2: National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS), Release 1 (Michelle Williamson/Sarah Gaunt)
2013-11-28 Interim call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • The US Thanksgiving Holiday is 11-28;
  • this call is cancelled.
2013-11-21 Regular call Chair: Rob Scribe: John(for Ken)
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • FHIR ballot recon
  • ELR OID request
2013-11-14 Interim call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • (this call was not held)
2013-11-7 Regular call Chair: John Scribe: Joginder
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Reopen the Ballot for ELR-R2 and reopen a ballot item and move to change disposition
  • Review the publication along with its punch list. And proffer a publication request for vote if its not too premature.
2013-10-31 Interim call Chair: TBD Scribe: TBD
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • HAI NIB request from Structured Docs - Austin
  • FHIR Immunization Resource Ballot Recon
  • ELR publication request discussion
2013-10-24 Regular call Chair: John(for Ken) Scribe: Rob
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Minute review and approval: WGM and a bunch of call minutes (5 min.)
  • Future of CDA R3 (15 min.)
  • NCVHS hearings on PH Data Standards, Nov. 12th., PHER will be represented, Live broadcast available
  • FHIR: (30 min.)
    • Discuss PH issues that FHIR needs to be aware of
    • Relationship of FHIR Immunization resource and medication administered resource (John Hatem)
    • Discuss FHIR immunization ballot recon plans
  • ELR ballot recon (30 min.)
2013-10-17 Interim call Chair: Scribe:
  • (this call was not held)
2013-10-10 Regular call Chair: Joginder Scribe: John
  • Introductions (4:00-4:05)
  • Agenda Review (5 min.)
  • Update: OASIS/TEP to HL7v2 or CDA Transformation Specification project (5 min.) - Timothy Grapes
  • Review Current Ballot Cycle Information Planning Page (CBC) due 10/6 - ?
  • Health Concern PSS from Elaine Ayres 9/27 due 10/5 - ?
  • FHIR Immunization Resource: align immunization with medication administration (? min.) - Rob