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Ordering Service Project

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Scope of Ordering Service Project (ID: 1010)

The proposed Ordering Service is intended to complement existing SOA services and the SAIF Behavioral Framework (BF) for HL7. It will provide a Service Functional Model (SFM) for ordering pharmacy, laboratory, radiology, consult and nutritional services individually or part of an order set. The Ordering Service is intended to support interactive applications utilized by healthcare providers, and service-to-service interactions as might be required by a Clinical Decision Support system. The interface specification will be developed according to the conventions described at, and will be documented in a corresponding HSSP wiki. Pre-existing conceptual work in topics such as Composite Orders, Laboratory Orders, Nutrition, Medication, or FHIR Order and Prescription resources will be leveraged extensively to help document the necessary definitions, descriptions, graphics, and artefacts that are relevant. In keeping with the approach used by the above referenced projects, the Ordering Service will distinguish between the order itself and the item requested. The Service Interface Specification will provide functional, semantic, and conformance profiles. Some usage scenarios: a) A CPOE system that provides extensive drug-drug, drug-allergy, and drug-disease decision support utilizes the interface to place a weight-adjusted Amoxicillin order for a paediatric patient. b) An EMR utilizes the interface to allow a community provider to refer a patient for an orthopaedic consult at the regional medical center. c) A hospitalist orders a low-carbohydrate, diabetic diet for a patient using a dedicated nutrition system. d) A Clinical Decision Support system analyses a patient's clinical data and determines that their annual HgA1c is over due. The system places an unsigned order for the test and then notifies the Primary Care provider that their signature is required. Exclusion: The consequences of an order are not necessarily enacted by the initial recipient, but may only be realized after a complex, multi-step workflow. The semantics and management of orders that can be delegated or transferred is out of scope.

There are two primary work streams for this project:

  • Order Management Interface
  • Order Catalog Interface

Note, and updated PSS is being developed to extend the Catalog interface effort to include the FHIR catalog and formulary work

  • to do - add link to pss

Co-Sponsoring Workgroups

The following work groups are co-sponsors of this effort:

  • Clinical Decision Support
  • Services Oriented Architecture


Ordering Service Interface, Jerry Goodnough

[Order Catalog Interface], Claude Nanjo

Co-Chair, Publishing Facilitator: Lorraine Constable; 780 951 4853;


Link to the current published STU:



IHE Laboratory-Clinical Communication Profile (LCC). Use cases and transaction patterns supporting laboratory order modification and results verification.